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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. mattlanta


    I suggest you just make your own power rankings and post it in your own Hawksquawk blog. ;)
  2. Well in that case, I'd appreciate it if whoever runs those annual leagues contact me so we can get an official league started. I'm looking forward to the fantasy football season, but I plan on only getting into three or four teams instead of the eight that I was in last year.
  3. I have a league set up in Yahoo Fantasy. Me and a couple of friends set it up each year. We've been doing it for the past three or four years now. I'm asking any one here if they plan on joining and staying active. http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/301682 Tell me if you're interested in joining, and I'll send you the password. EDIT: Unless you guys think we should make a separate league for Hawksquawk altogether? Not sure how many people would be interested in that though. I only want 10-14 teams in the league...
  4. Ryan Gomes used to play in my high school's basketball league, and when he was living in Boston, he'd come down to watch some of the basketball games here in Connecticut. I talked to him once or twice, but I was too shy to ever ask him for an autograph. Now that he's a riser in the NBA, I wish I would of just asked him to sign a piece of paper at least.
  5. Yeah, he's one of those actors that just make the movie a little better just by being in it. He's one of my favorite actors, so I hope he comes out of this okay. Here's a link to the story... http://www.wmctv.com/global/story.asp?s=8783679 Haha.
  6. Wrong. Playstation 3 has a much better graphics generator.
  7. mattlanta

    2008 Bench

    That's a good question, Dies. However, I highly doubt we'll trade Solo. We've put a lot of work into him already, and we've watched him slowly develop. Hopefully he'll develop more to become a solid back up at the PF or even Center position. He showed a lot of what he can do in the playoffs, and I think that will mean something to the front office.
  8. mattlanta

    2008 Bench

    I wouldn't be so sure... Smith hasn't resigned yet, and with the front office that we have, I'll have my worries.
  9. I agree with the others here. Although it's just 'negative hype', you still shouldn't speculate upon any team in the NBA until the offseason is finished. I have a feeling that many writers and journalists are thinking about us negatively because of our front office though. I can't say I really blame them seeing that we've proven to be quite 'cheap' this offseason struggling to even offer a contract to one of our key players last season and certainly struggling to resign one of the youngest up-and-comers in the NBA. What do you mean...?
  10. The difference with Favre is that he's been seriously thinking of retiring four about three or four years now, and there is someone who has been waiting to step up into his role. Aaron Rodgers was promised probably two or three times now that he would start the next year because the Packers organization has been taking it for granted that Favre would retire officially after that season. It's quite annoying because A) Favre 'retires' and then comes back the same offseason and B) He is practically ruining someone's career. There was a difference between Michael Jordan and Brett Favre's retirement. Michael Jordan retired and came back a few years later. Brett Favre retired and came back the next season.
  11. http://www.profootballtalk.com/2008/08/02/...take-the-money/
  12. mattlanta


    There's not a big difference in hip hop or rap. I just chose rap instead of hip hop for whatever reason though. I like them the same.
  13. I don't see it happening either, but I can see us losing some star players. Like Childress mentioned in his interview in PTI, he sees the future of NBA stars in Greece. I don't blame him for thinking that because they can offer so much more money than we can ever offer them here.
  14. I'll name some you didn't mention. I really like Denzel Washington and how he acts, so I agree with you on that one. Love Him/Her 1. Will Ferrell 2. Samuel L. Jackson 3. Adam Sandler 4. Forest Whitaker Hate Him/Her 1. Jessica Alba 2. Tom Cruise 3. ???
  15. I don't know why anyone would want to trade him. I highly doubt we'll get equal value for Smith in a sign-and-trade. If we can do so, then I'd be glad, but the chances are low... but I still would rather resign him.
  16. We're not goign to be spending any more money in short stop. We already have Lillibridge in the minor leagues which the Braves know deserves to be playing in the majors. He's got a lot of potential. I'd actually rather have Yunel traded and him to stay in the majors, but that's just me factoring in the fact that he's much younger than Yunel. And I believe Yunel's already reached his peak.
  17. Good job with this one. I like it. It's not the kind of wallpaper that I'd use though. I'm more of those simple wallpaper users. And just to point it out- you spelled Phillips Arena wrong. ;) (And why did you have to put a picture of him with a towel over his head? Looks disappointed if you ask me... unless you meant for there to be pun because ASG wouldn't resign him :P)
  18. I could of sworn that I've read a topic about Marvin shooting threes about two or three times now. Maybe it's just me or I've read it somewhere else. I can't find the other topic though (also, on a side note, Dolfan- that's what vBulletin has that IPB doesn't... a reliable search engine) Anyways, Marvin Williams still has a ways to go to improve his three point shot. I don't see why he can't, but he's got to be willing to work on it. Also, a stat that I remember reading about from one of the topics that I mentioned before about this same topic: he only shot eleven times outside the perimeter last season, and he only made one of them.
  19. We have a protected draft pick. If the money is there and we have something to fit the bill, we better not waste it, but you're right. I think Hudson being out for most of next year is going to play a major part in some off-season deals.
  20. I'm not sure having Manny on your team would make you happy as a general manager seeing Manny's personality is a bit unpredictable. :P I also hate that Boston got a pretty decent left fielder for Manny, but don't be mistaken. Bay is not Manny, and I don't think the Red Sox are exactly a better team with Bay instead of Manny. I think Manny Ramirez was very important to that Red Sox lineup, but who knows... I might just be acting a little jealous because the Braves couldn't land Bay. :cant believe:
  21. If what you're saying is true about Brewers doing a lot to keep Sheets, then you can expect Sabathia to be the most highly wanted pitcher in free agency - bar none. Which most likely makes him virtually untouchable seeing that the Yankees will be looking for another star pitcher to add to their rotation after Mussina's contract runs up. They were thinking about trading for C.C. before the trade deadline, and they couldn't get themselves to do it. They're not going to let go of another star pitcher like they did with Johan. Don't think they won't spend any of that money that is freed up seeing that Mussina and Giambi's humongous contract runs up after this season. That's why I said it's more realistic to think Derek Lowe, Bronson Arroyo, Oliver Perez, etc. They're not exactly ace quality- but they are pretty solid pitchers.
  22. Don't take it the wrong way.. I'm just saying that you usually don't add anything to the topic when people discuss things. For example, if a group of people were discussing birthday cakes, you'd be the kind of person that would just post 'I like birthday cakes.' and be done with it. I'm not criticizing you, I'm just explaining my vote. If that's the way you post in forums, then so be it. I won't stop you.
  23. Best quality member is Diesel. He's helped me with some things before, and he's really helped the topics flow in this forum. Regardless of how much he hates Marvin, I still voted him for my favorite poster. Dolfan's without a doubt the most helpful member on this forum. And due to the lack of substance in most of his posts, I find Swish the most annoying member- no offense.
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