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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Horford, to me, is more of a 'prototypical' power forward. Josh Smith, on the other hand, is like a hybrid small forward/power forward. I'd go with what coachx says. In the long run, I'd really rather have Horford because he's a proven winner, and he brings his A game every day... that's just something I really like about him.
  2. We have plenty of young prospects IMO. Jurrjens, Reyes, Hanson, Campillo if you count him as a prospect, Morton, etc. They just need more time to develop, and we're not just going to throw all of them into the rotation next year which is why we need to bring in some solid pitchers. My guess for the rotation is... Free Agent, Jurrjens, Reyes, Morton, Hanson. If Jair can continue to improve and adjust to ML hitters like he has this year there's no reason as to why we couldn't slot him as an ace in the future. I think Jo-Jo and Charlie have good stuff and could eventually be very strong middle of the rotation guys.
  3. I'd love to have either Sabathia or Sheets, but let's get realistic with ourselves. I'm not sure we're the kind of organization that go after the big fish with all our money. I have a feeling we'll go after a couple solid pitchers and end up with two, maybe three, solid pitchers. Derek Lowe is a realistic option, and so is Arroyo and Oliver Perez. Young names just to name a few (30 and under) : Oliver Perez (27) Jon Garland (29) Ben Sheets (30) Mark Prior (27) C.C. Sabathia (28) John Lackey (30) - $9MM club option for '09 with a $0.5MM buyout
  4. I just heard that Hudson will try to tough it out this season. I have NO IDEA why he would do that... it's not like we're in the position to contend for a title.
  5. An argument with who? For a second, I thought this was a joke thread seeing who the other person was other than Johnson. There's no reason why anyone would rather have AI instead of Joe Johnson - simple as that.
  6. That's unneeded. Every one knows how bad the ASG are. There's nothing anyone can do about it.
  7. I'll quote from DOB's blog: The story will be out soon. I'll post it when it releases. This means good bye to Huddy for the rest of the year and for a good part of next year too. Here's to hoping that we sign a pretty decent pitcher or two in the offseason with the money that we have and still try and rebuild while competing. There are pitchers like C.C. Sabathia and Sheets going to FA, but I doubt out F/O will pay the big bucks for just one major player. More likely they will spread the money out to get a couple solid starting pitchers.
  8. I'm pretty sure they have that in all the magazines out there. Hehe, thanks for the review though. Now I'm definitely subscribing to the SLAM magazines.
  9. Haha, in that video Childress and all the other teammates are like, "oookk....?"
  10. That's weird. Talk to Dolfan about it... Maybe you're just lagging when you post and you accidnetally click paste or something? I have no clue. That's very strange.
  11. Get the NBA package. I live in Connecticut, so I only see the Boston games here, but I just listened online last season. They have our own broadcasters as well.
  12. I believe he was meant to become our second cornerback, not nickel. And Chevis Jackson will be capable of starting for us. We're playing a Cover 2, so our cornerbacks will get plenty of help from the rest of the defense. Don't panic. I'd like to see what Irons, Grimes, Harris, and Fontenot bring to the table to fight for that nickelback position.
  13. No, the Red Sox weren't offering Youkilis. We were offering Teixeira for Youkilis and Hansen/minor league pitcher. Obviously it was declined because Youkilis for Teixeira itself was an 'overkill' trade.
  14. The pitching prospect that was included in this trade was Steven Marek. They say he's a hard throwing reliever, but this is the first year he's spent in the bullpen in the minors. He's struck out 57 batters in 46.2 innings at Double-A this year.
  15. mattlanta


    It's a good pick, but like I said, you can't really go wrong with an upgrade from your old computer (From what I understand, you have a pretty bad PC right now), and you don't do any extreme graphic/web design or video editting, so it's a pick that makes sense. Just wondering, why couldn't you just keep this post inside your 'Apple/pc' topic?
  16. Ehh... I think the signing will happen sooner or later. Sekou claims many sources around the league have confirmed that he's signed a three year - $7.5 million contract.
  17. I'm more worried about the problems Melo will cause to us on defense...
  18. We've only been on these forums for a couple days now. Let people discover the 'art' of blogging. There's no risk in having them on right now IMO. Personally, I read the blogs posted here every day.
  19. You can search within a specific thread. In order to do so, go to the topic itself and on the bottom left somewhere above the user list, there should be a text box where it says "Enter Keywords", and that searches the topic for you. As for searching within the forums itself, you can do so by clicking "Search" on the top right page, and it should take you to the search engine. Click the forum or sub-forum you'd like to search in, and enter what you're looking for above it, and it should come out with the results. I don't believe you can search more than one forum at the same time though, you'll have to search in them one by one.
  20. I can't find it on the board. I will only believe something once I see that it is official. The only thing I ever read about the signing of Morris was in Sekou's blog where he says that his "spies" have confirmed that Morris will have a spot on the roster by season's start, I usually believe Sekou, but it's getting a little crazy in Atlanta, so we'll have to see what happens.
  21. To be honest, you completely lost my respect for being a Hawks fan. Regardless of whether or not we are down this year, we are definitely not out. However, you talk like the Hawks organization will just disappear. I hate bandwagon fans like you. I absolutely HATE your kind. Abandon a team because they look to be going downhill, and then at the same time support a team that looks like they're on their way up.
  22. This is a joke thread, right? Personally, I've been a Hawks fan ever since I landed in America (11-12 years ago). As a kid growing up in the Bronx, I was tempted to become a Knicks fan. However, a couple years ago I tried switching my loyalty and tried acting like a fan of another team, but I only realized that I was only pretending to be a fan, and I knew that, at heart, I'd always be a Hawks fan. Sure I was young, I started playing basketball only when I was around 8, so I didn't get the rules and the schematics, but I realiezd the basic things when I was around 4-7. I didn't know any of the Hawks players, and I barely understood what the broadcasters were saying, but along those years I started learning. I've been a MUCH more knowledgeable fan when I picked up NBA 2k5 around 2004, and I only started learning even more around the time that I bought NBA 2k7 (in December 2006) and started reading and asking questions in Hawksquawk (Hawksquawk raised my basketball IQ a little and helped me understood the game a little more). Maybe when Connecticut gets a team, I'll support them... but I know I'll never be able to support another team like I do for this team right now regardless of how bad our owners are treating our players and regardless of how little the owners care about the fans. Call me crazy, but I guess I'm a die-hard Hawks fan just like I am a die-hard Falcons fan, Braves fan, and UConn Huskies fan. Hopefully the Hawks stay in Atlanta forever (most likely thanks to you Atlantians who show Hawks spirit and come out to the games) so I wouldn't have to get stuck in a dilemma of whether or not I'll support them if they're in another city.
  23. That will only be possible (note, I didn't say it will happen, but only possible) if he is given the same, or close to it, amount of playing time with Woodson which I highly doubt unless Bibby is injured. Just as long as Acie stays healthy, I think he will be able to slowly develop into a solid starting point guard for us. He should be ready (if he isn't injured) to take over the starter role after the first half of the season is finished.
  24. mattlanta


    There is one thing I hate about HP computers (both desktops and laptops). They pre-install the most useless junk on your machine, it's crazy. Most of them I'd never even use. Apple, on the other hand, don't stuff their machines with useless pre-installed programs like HP does. Also, beware of HP laptops. They have the "Vongo Issue" where you'll have to do a bit of work to fix. It's when a program called Vongo always says it's loading on your laptop at start up and heavily lags you. Anyways, tell us what your final decision is when it comes that time.
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