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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. mattlanta


    It'd help us to help you make a decision if you could tell us what you usually use your computer for. Diesel makes excellent points, I can't argue with them. However, if you're only looking to do basic web design, browse the internet, check your email, and those basic things, you'd be wasting some serious cash by spending it on a Mac. However, it is your money, and I'm not trying to make you do something that you don't want to so it's ultimately up to you, and I hope you understand that. I'm just trying to help you out so you don't end up wasting your money and regretting your decision... but if you really want to buy a Mac, then do it, man. If that's what you want, then that's what you want.
  2. The game's not over yet. Bases are loaded with no outs, and Ryan Howard is batting.
  3. http://www.ajc.com/hawks/content/sports/ha...evue_squad.html :Batting Eyelashes:
  4. Yeah, hopefully Hampton stays healthy for a couple more games until Glavine comes back. Our pitching rotation can be Hudson, Jurrjens, Hampton, Reyes, Campillo. I hate to say it, but Hampton's not the must durable player in the MLB, so hopefully, like I said, he can hold his ground until we get some more players back.
  5. mattlanta


    I do believe it. It's not a theory, it's a fact. Dells make fine laptops. Once I head on over to college, I'm sure I'll be looking at Dell notebooks the most especially because they provide quality student discount on all their products. Good luck with your decision.
  6. mattlanta


    You still haven't answered my question before. ;) Can you articulate specifically what you don't like about Windows?
  7. I wouldn't wanna touch Bynum right now. That looks to be a serious knee injury, and I don't know how well big men like Bynum can recover from injuries like that. I'd wanna see Bynum fully healthy for at least half the season before trading for him.
  8. mattlanta


    It's pointless to speak to you about this. You've closed your mind to every one else's opinion, and you've already made your decision that you're going to spend your money on a Mac. Oh well, it's not my money you're wasting. Good luck with your new Mac. ;)
  9. mattlanta


    I'm using an HP Pavilion a6130n Desktop along with Vista. And I said serious graphic design not web design. And when I mean, serious, I mean it. It sounds like you web design as a hobby. If you're planning on making serious money from your web design 'business', then I can see why you'd want to spend money on a Mac.
  10. mattlanta


    I haven't run into anything that I use that is incompatible with Vista. You have to realize when Vista first came out, obviously there would be errors and bugs, but now they have refined it a bit more, and the updates help make Vista more compatible with more programs. Macs are more expensive and provide no clear added benefit over the cheaper solution- Windows. Therefore, Windows is the solution.
  11. I really don't know why we released him in the first place. Petrino and McKay had other plans I guess. If we hadn't released him, I guess Trey Lewis wouldn't have developed into the DT he is right now because he would of never played as much.
  12. mattlanta


    Unless you're using your computer for heavy duty video editing or serious graphic design, a Mac isn't really warranted IMO. They're overpriced machines. You can build a custom PC much more powerful than any Mac for a fraction of the price. I'm using Vista right now, and I love it. Just as long as your computer can handle it (I have 3GB of Dualcore RAM, 350+GB of HD Space, and built-in graphics card), it will do fine. Can you articulate specifically what you don't like about Windows? This isn't meant to get into a "which is better" thread... But if Windows is getting boring, then that means it's doing its job- it's staying out of your way. A computer is a means- not an end. I don't know about you, but with a Mac or even with Vista, I sat and looked at it for five minutes, said it was pretty, then got over it and moved on. And if you're into gaming, Macs are pretty much terrible for it.
  13. Eh, not sure what's up with that. When I click it, nothing happens. But just click on 'Hawksquawk' right under it to get directed to the Board Index, which is what you wanted to do, right?
  14. Yeah, these forums are different than UBB's forums. As you guys can see from DJlaysitup, it'll take some getting used to if you were so accustomed to the previous forum's system. :P No worries, DJlaysitup, I think I know what you're doing wrong. You got used to the old forums feature of being able to click 'Post Reply' and replying TO the poster but not directly quoting him. You see, I don't believe there is a feature of that nature in IPB. If you don't want to directly quote him, just click 'ADD REPLY' on the bottom of the page or simply use the quick reply feature. I guess if you need practice, Dolfan wouldn't mind you using the 'Test Forum' to experiment and whatnot. Hit me up if you got any questions.
  15. Guys, don't forget to check this topic out. I tried listing the biggest features on the new version of IPB in the topic. If you want to know how to use these new features, then just ask. ;)
  16. The quick reply feature is now working. Thanks, Dolfan.
  17. To directly quote someone's post, click the 'Reply' button. I never really got how to use IPB's 'Quote' feature. I just know that if you click "Reply" on someone's message, it directly quotes it for you and then you can type your response then.
  18. I'm just wondering whether or not you guys subscribe to any magazines. It can be about anything. Basketball, bodybuilding, gaming, and other stuff (Playboy, FHM). I'm letting all my subscriptions run out, and by this fall, I'm looking to make a new 'lineup' of magazines. Right now, my 'lineup' of magazine subscriptions are: Sport Illustrated - I think they really lost their best writer in Rick Reilly. I'd usually go to the last page of the magazine (Life of Reilly) first before I'd read anything else. His replacements don't even come close with the type of writing that Reilly brought to Sport Illustrated. What's worse is, he left Sports Illustrated to become a journalist/writer over at the next magazine I subscribe to. I don't plan on renewing my subscription with SI. They've gone downhill, and I think there are better options out there. ESPN - Their magazine writers aren't as good as SI's, but they do have some things going for them. For one, if you subscribe to ESPN Insider online, you can get a free subscription of ESPN The Magazine which IMO is the best deal out there. Without ESPN Insider, I would never even think of reading ESPN.com, but now I read it every time I use the computer, and I even had it as my homepage at one point or the other. I plan on renewing this subscription because Rick Reilly now writes for the magazine (every two weeks), and I get to have access to the Insider. Electronic Gaming Monthly - I got this for free. I signed up for free membership through the CheapAssGamer Forums, and they sent me other free stuff that I didn't want (weekly business newspapers and all that junk). I guess free is free, and I can't complain. I subscribed to this magazine when I just got my 360 for Christmas. So around New Year's, I started looking into getting more games, so I decided to subscribe to this. It ain't bad, but when I get it in the mail, I usually just leave it in the bathroom to read for when, you know. I'm looking into subscribing to these magazines, tell me what you think about some of them. Again, I'm only looking to subscribe to them, doesn't mean I have already subscribed. I want to know your opinions first before I do indeed subscribe: -ESPN (No doubt I will be renewing my brother's subscription or even starting my own if need be. I explained why above.) -Sporting News (Heard they were really strict to what they talked about. More sports articles than anything else like what SI has in their 'Players' feature and other tidbits. I have no clue though, and I always forget to look this magazine up when I visit somewhere like CVS). -SLAM (How are their writers?) -Iron Man (Bodybuilding Magazine. Got a free one in the mail, and to be honest, it had a lot of good articles about bodybuilding, nutrition, etc.) -FHM/Playboy (Yes, I'm thinking about it. I don't think my parents would mind, but I'd just have to hide it from my dad who I'm worried might steal it if I were to subscribe to them). That's just about it. If all goes according to plan, my brother will renew his subscription himself, so I wouldn't have to use my own money to subscribe to the ESPN magazines meaning I can choose three more magazines to subscribe to. I was thinking Sporting News, SLAM, and FHM/Playboy.
  19. You can find the list of the current staff members in here. To be honest, I personally don't see how someone's post count shows whether or not they are deserving to be a staff member on any forums. I say first we should let Dolfan and chillz get accustomed to the new board's features before we start talking about adding staff members. But I'm not the one who calls the shots around here. IMO, I think Dolfan and chillz are the only admins that this forum needs.
  20. Grady Jackson would be a solid pick up for the Falcons. If we do pick him up though, it will signal that we are more worried about Trey Lewis' knee problem than we had previously proclaimed. Grady Jackson is a very good run stuffer, but I also believe he is an underrated pass rusher. Our secondary looks shaky, but don't forget we are running a Cover 2 system, so it won't really matter whether or not all of our cornerbacks can be shutdown defenders on the man to man.
  21. At the top right of the topic, there is an button that says 'Options'. Click it, and there's a link that says 'Track Topic', and when you click that, you choose how you'd like to subscribe to the topic itself.
  22. Did some diggin' around, and I found out that the 'View New Posts' feature works when you change the layout to 'IPB Classic Blue'.
  23. IPB is a huge improvement from UBB in my opinion. If some of you guys haven't used this before, then I'll try to help show you guys the many new features of this forum (and compared to UBB). If you have anything new to add, then feel free to post it in this topic, and I'll put it in the list. Blogs Indicators that show you what topics you've posted in. Image Galleries Unique User Profiles (You can add friends, comment on other peoples' pages, rate members, etc.) Custom User Titles Forum Tally on your total time spent in the forums. (Compared to UBB) Much precise/detailed search engine. If you need help accessing some of these features, feel free to contact Dolfan, chillzatl, or even me, and I'll try to help you out. For example, to change your user title yourself, go to 'My Controls' and click "Edit Profile", and it should be on top where you can just enter in what you want your usertitle to be. I'll also update the list when I run into more things. I'm pretty sure more things will pop up. Hopefully we can see features like Quick Reply, and then hopefully the staff can figure out how to fix the indicator of how many new posts there are in the forum since your last visit. Cheers, and happy posting!
  24. Not sure if you're working on it or anything at the time of this post, but right now, the new posts thing just disappeared. :huh:
  25. I'm liking the new forum look, Dolfan. The features that I've always craved for these forums to have are now here. Indicators that you've posted in a certain topic, new posts, etc. :D I'm not really feelin' the "Time Spent on Forum". Kinda freaks me out, but that's just me. Other than that, you did a good job making this look almost exactly like the previous forum. Kudos, Dolfan. Edit: (I LOVE how I can edit my posts whenever now. That was a pain in the previous forums) Is it possible to have the quick reply feature on these forums? Also, there seems to be a problem? with the 'New Posts' feature on top of the page. I posted a reply to this topic and it recorded it as a new post. However, it keeps showing up as a new post. When I visit the topic and read the post, shouldn't it be recorded as an 'old' post and not show up as '1 New Posts' on top of the forum page? Thanks.
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