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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Eh, he wasn't that bad, was he? Didn't he play well in that league in summer for another country? I wouldn't mind having him back, but I doubt he'd want to come back here.
  2. Quote: Yep . . . . if you weren't here we'd have to put up with some second rate board. Real stand up guy. Dolfan's one of the only admins that I've met that can deal with my annoying username change requests.
  3. For some weird reason, after reading Class of 2004, I voted for them without even looking at the other years... 2003 would beat all of those teams in a basketball game, for sure. However, with Dwight Howard and Josh Smith's rare combination of athleticism and skill, I think they'd win if there was ever one of those NFL Skill Challenges except instead it was NBA.
  4. Quote: You're saying change that quote looking icon to the Hawks head? Like what we are using the Hawksquawk logo? Well I'm not sure what the Hawksquawk logo is. Is it the one in the bottom of the forum? I was thinking maybe using some sort of Hawks logo (I wasn't trying to be precise) and make it so that if it's showing, there's new posts, and lower the opacity for the forum to show 'no new posts'. Kinda like what we do here with the red 'mail' icon. If it's too much of a problem, or if you don't get what I'm saying then forget about it. I like the way the new forum looks already. It might mess up if you change something about it. That's how I was always like when I used to make sigs. I'd never be satisfied enough with the final outcome and I'd keep changing things around and before I know it, the sig gets worse than it was before. lol
  5. Yep. Hopefully Claxton stays healthy throughout the majority of the season. Here's to Claxton's health throughout the year!
  6. Over at RealGM: Quote: you will enjoy his ability to find his way to the basket for the easy 2 and to play well above the rim...good energy guy, big heart, strong worker and humble... Quote: I'm sad to see him go. He's a professional that brought it every night. Mo has a knack of finding a hole in the defense underneath/near the rim, seemingly at least once a night, for an easy dunk. He's a good to solid defender and can knock down the outside shot. That said, he's an average player in the league.
  7. Wow, that video just gets me pumped up. Let's get Smith signed, Sund!
  8. I'd rather keep Marvin Williams. He's a much better defender than J.R. Smith, although Smith has made some improvements in his defense. J.R. Smith is a much better offensive player than Marvin as of right now. He can shoot threes, create his own shot, and finish strong near the rim - some things Marvin has been known to struggle in in his career.
  9. Quote: That may be something that I can add, I'm still going through mods that I can do. I'm thinking about shutting down the Squawk this evening to make the switch so by late tonight we should all be on the new site. That's good to hear. Just wondering though, are you done with all the editing of the forum design itself? Not that I'm trying to be picky, I'm just wondering if we will (Because I think we can change it to that secondary Hawks logo) change this icon in the forum...
  10. Quote: All I can say is SWEET ! We get a good role player a bargain price !!!! Money left over to target a big. I'm liking it ! That was my favorite part of this signing too.
  11. There goes the option of us getting J.R. Smith. Oh well. To me, I don't think Maurice Evans can play the role of a sixth man as well as Childress did, but we'll have to do with what we have now. Mo Evans is a solid bench player. Now, it's important that we sign a big (Kwame Brown?) and more importantly resign Josh Smith. Bibby - Law - Claxton Johnson - Evans Marvin - Richardson/Jackson Smith - Jones Horford - Brown - Pachulia
  12. Hmm... I actually like it better than the home page we have now. It looks a lot cleaner. However, something I will miss though is the feature where it shows the 'Hottest Topics'.
  13. Quote: He absolutely needs to be moved. As does Ohman. I'd hope to get an emerging OF or 1B, along with a pitching prospect for Teixeira. Picking up an additional prospect for Ohman (whether he's packaged with Tex or dealt separately) would be ideal. Earlier this month, there were trade rumors of Teixeira being dealt to Los Angeles (Angels) for Adenhart and Kotchman. I would of loved to see that happen, but now, we'd be lucky to get just one of them in return. I agree with you though. I'd like to see us trade Teix for an OF/1B and a young arm if possible.
  14. http://basketball.realgm.com/src_wiretap_a...play_in_europe/ Quote: Sasha Vujacic may leave the Lakers for Europe in the next few days if he doesn't receive an offer that he feels is fair, the L.A. Times is reporting. Since Josh Childress turned his back on the Atlanta Hawks to accept an offer in Greece, it seems that more and more players are exploring the Europe option, where they can get more money. The Rockets' Carl Landry recently threatened the Europe route as well. Vujacic is seeking a multiyear deal from the Lakers averaging about $5 million a year. As a restricted free agent, the Lakers have the right to match any offer sheet that Vujacic signs with another team. Teams were hesitant to make Vujacic an offer because they anticipate the Lakers would match it, the source said. The Lakers, according to GM Mitch Kupchak, do want Vujacic back in a Laker uniform next season. "We are very aware of the global market as it has changed over the years. It was our desire to bring Sasha and Ronny back. It continues to be our desire to bring Sasha back," Kupchak said Thursday after hearing of Vujacic's ultimatum. "However, with the ever-changing marketplace that Europe has become, a player, in order to cover his bases, can negotiate with his NBA team and, at the same time, have a plan that allows him to have the possibility of going overseas."
  15. Just wanted to throw this out there. http://www.denverpost.com/nuggets/ci_9973398
  16. Will the home page look slightly different when we change? Just wondering.
  17. Quote: How'd you get to talk to Childress? He met him on an AIM chatroom.
  18. What do you guys think we should do with Teixeira and who should we trade him for (if you think we should trade him)?
  19. Do they really have to show the final score of the last playoffs game at the upper right corner?
  20. Quote: I picked the Packers. Not only do they show up in freezing and snowy weather, some are shirtless. They've made their stadium one of the hardest in NFL history for away teams. On top of that, don't they own the team, too ? If their fans does indeed own the team, don't you think Favre would be back as the starting quarterback by now? The majority of their fanbase wants him back.
  21. I like the idea as well. I actually met him in real life before (he played basketball in the league that my high school plays in) and sometimes, when he played for Boston, he'd drive down to Connecticut to watch some of the high school games there. However, he's had a solid year in Minnesota, so I don't know if we will be able to get him without giving up a young player.
  22. Can someone please evaluate and tell me what these mean ? I'm kinda weezy at the head right now.....
  23. Uhh.... I don't think anyone... watches... this... So I don't think anyone would know anything about em lol. EDIT: Ah, I just noticed where you lived. Good luck to Chillz and that team, man. Enjoy watching him.
  24. Sure, it's just one player, but I think Childress has been heavily undervalued here in Atlanta. No one realizes how important a sixth man is. He was one of our only players who played well in the trenches and working for putbacks- grabbing rebounds, going hard to the basket, low post scoring, etc. I hope we can find someone that can fill in the gap that he's made because right now, we're just a team full of holes especially in the bench... and we haven't even resigned Josh Smith yet.
  25. As of the current forum, does anyone know what the font is in private messages? It's different than the font used in posts, I know that. I know it's probably around an 8-10 pt. I'm just wondering if Dolfan or Chillz knows what the font is for that. Thanks.
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