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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Quote: Quote: It's so hard to keep hoping. This team just dashes every shred of optimism. Gross. Barf. Yuck. The Falcolns are worse than us. They have been here since the 60's and never had back to back winning seasons. What the Falcons have that the Hawks don't is an owner who's willing to pay cash and go for players that he knows will help his team succeed. To insure that his players are kept in a good environment during training camp, Arthur Blank used his own money, coming out of his own pocket, to build those buildings in Flowery Branch (the headquarters of Atlanta Falcons football). It's always being envied by other players in the league. Some teams like Kansas City just give the players a creaky bed to sleep on and a couple pillows, and that's that for them. The Falcons, on the other hand, have been provided spas, massage rooms, etc. by Arthur Blank himself. I can't remember one instance where the ASG pulled money out of their own wallet to help this team succeed, and I don't think I'll ever see that happen to be honest. It's just really disappointing and sad to be a big fan of a team that had/has so much young talent and potential, a team that was almost 'there' and just needed one more push, but the owners just didn't want to help them out as much.
  2. Quote: That icon means that it's a "Hot Topic (No New)". Look at the bottom of the page where it shows you what those icons mean. I know what the color means of each folder. I'm speaking of the white thing on the lower right corner of the folder. Do you see it? That means you've posted in that topic already. Red folders mean hot topic, I realize that. lol :P
  3. I was at the New York game against Atlanta in April, and I must say, they still get the house quite packed even when there's not much of a chance for them to win. It's hard to say other fan bases are more loyal than other fan bases. Because in order to do that, you'd have to factor out all of the bandwagon fans (because they're really untrue fans), but when you think about it, if a team is successful (Celtics, Lakers, etc.) they will attract those unwanted, unloyal fans.
  4. Quote: I don't mind the vBulletin system, but I definitely don't think it's as professional or "clean" looking as the Invision system is. As I have found out over the past 24 hours is that the Invision system is also A LOT easier to change the look as it took me less than a day to make it look a lot like our site. The only thing that I like about vBulletin that Invision doesn't seem to have is an indication that you have posted in a thread. Thanks for the kudos! Invision Boards have that feature as well. I circled the indication.
  5. Quote: Quote: The Braves don't normally make big money blunders like this. If anything, they're a model for good management of money. So yeah, seeing Mike Hampton languish in his fragility angers me to no end. That is the biggest waste of money in Braves History. I don't think it would be a blunder if he lived up to potential. However, thats history. Maybe the Sox will trade Hampton/Texieria for Beckett??? LOL. We can only dream. That will not happen in a million years.
  6. Quote: I think the oline's going to be much improved this season.. those two first round talent LT and G they drafted is going to fill some holes up front. The receivers also improved with Robinson and the new kid. Vick would have his best years with these offensive weapons. I don't doubt that our offensive line will be better than it was last year because last year, Atlanta suffered many injuries in their OL lineup. More importantly, both of our left tackles were injured. We never gave Datish time to develop because we simply couldn't because of the injury he gave us. Forney had his usual toe problems. I could go on and on... I can't say that if you compare our offensive linemen from last year's, we're a lot better. We're sure a lot younger, but what will be important throughout the season is 1) Will these young offensive linemen develop? and 2) Will they stay healthy enough to do so. I'm a little skeptical of Baker. I ranked him as the most overrated left tackle in my book, so I'm not going to say I'm really comfortable with him being our starting left tackle. Besides, it's not like we will just let him start. He's going to be competing with Ojinakka for sure. But you said, ".. those two first round talent LT and G they drafted..." I don't believe we drafted a guard.
  7. Rotoworld writes: "Childress is still in Athens and won’t leave without making a decision on his immediate future," Smith writes. And three of the sources Smith has spoken to have stated that Childress is "gone." The Hawks could have locked him up long-term last year, but chose to play the waiting game, and appear to have lost. This will be a PR nightmare in Atlanta, and now hangs a further cloud over the future of Josh Smith, another restricted free agent, and the Hawks. Apparently, Billy Knight wasn't the biggest problem in Atlanta, and the owners seem to be dead set on keeping their spot as the laughing stock of the NBA. Jul. 23 - 2:20 am et" I couldn't agree more.
  8. Brace yourself … By Sekou K Smith | Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 01:55 AM The Atlanta Journal-Constitution THE MATRIX - If you thought the tango Josh Childress danced with Olympiakos was simply a negotiating ploy, you were wrong. And I mean 100 percent wrong. This is no joke people. Childress is still in Athens and won’t leave without making a decision on his immediate future. At least three of the (ridiculous amount of) people I spoke with about his situation throughout the day and night Tuesday are convinced that he is “gone.” There has been no official word, of course, but that could come as early as this morning (stay tuned to ajc.com for the updates). What looked like a crazy stunt three days ago has turned into a bona fide nightmare for the Hawks, who simply couldn’t win in this situation (if they increased their offer to Childress they’d lose all credibility in future negotiations but if they lose him, they lose all credibility with the public). No one is pretending that free agency is anything other than a bare-knuckle brawl for cash between the team and the players and their agents. Losing Childress this way, if it does indeed happen, is a third round TKO for the Hawks, who had their chances to lock Childress up long-term with a legitimate contract extension and never did. What constitutes legitimate, however, is where everyone seems to have shifting opinions. It might not matter by lunchtime, though, because Childress might be a member of a different team by then. How this situation melted down to this point is stunning when you consider that Hawks general manager Rick Sund and his assistant GMs went to Washington to sit down with Childress’ agents two days after the start of the free agency period, in an effort to make a face-to-face pitch early on in the process. TRUE OR FALSE?: Speaking of offers, our good friends at ESPN.com weighed in with another round of intel on the situation regarding both Josh Smith and Childress and where negotiations stands between the respective camps. They reported that Josh Smith has been extended a six-year, $60 million offer from the Hawks. But spies in both camps confirm that this is absolutely, 100 percent NOT true. In fact, Smith has never been formally offered a cent over $9 million from the Hawks. They’ve only had discussions about where things might go but there’s never been a formal offer at that rate. As we reported earlier, the Hawks did extend an offer to Childress with a starting salary in excess of the NBA’s $5.5 million mid-level exception. But that was only after yanking a more lucrative offer off the table, according to one of my best spies, when Childress didn’t immediately accept the initial offer. “Come on, man. Do you really think these guys would still be hanging out there if they were dealing like this all along?” one of my spies told me late Tuesday night. “The spinning that’s going on right now is nothing short of despicable. They haven’t done right by those kids [Childress and Smith] and they have every right to want more for themselves.” WORD TO THE WISE: I’m stepping out of bounds here a bit, but this is something I have to share. I’ve been in my hometown (Grand Rapids, Mich.) since yesterday for the funeral of my aunt who died of cancer last week. I’ve seen aunts, uncles, cousins and other relatives, both distant and near, that I either haven’t seen in years or didn’t even realize were a part of the family. Having dismissed family reunions and other events like that for years because they conflicted with whatever I thought was more important at the time, I’m suggesting you reconsider in the future if you’re guilty of the same. I know I will. Don’t let the only quality time you spend with family and friends consist of funerals and weddings. Sorry for the sermon, but I had to get that off my chest. http://www.ajc.com/blogs/content/shared-bl...fid=blogs_hawks
  9. Also, my name went back to 'Libid21' in the new forum. I know you can change usernames now with IPB, so tha shouldn't be a problem, I'm just letting you know, that those who have changed their display names in the past probably lose their new name in the new forum.
  10. Thanks for showing the link, Dolfan. I really like it, man. You did a really good job keeping it relatively the same in terms of looks with the current forum.
  11. Wait, we made the forum switch already? Sorry if I'm slow, but nothing looks changed on my PC unless I'm doing something wrong.
  12. Quote: I have had to Jerry rig this a bit by installing Simple Machines Forums in addition to the Invision Power Board and then converting this ancient database to the SMF version and then converting that to the IPB version. The conversion process takes about an hour so once I have the forums customized and everything I will shut down these forums and re-convert all of the posts so that everything will be current. All user info including posts, post count, etc. will remain Thanks to everyone for providing their feedback. That's great news, Dolfan. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
  13. Hey Dolfan, when you make the decision of which forum to make the transition to or if we start over, how soon can we expect the new boards to open up?
  14. The Falcons can go either way (really bad or just bad), but I don't think we'll be having a winning season this year. We can range from winning just three games or up to even seven games. Keep in mind, guys, that there's a streak in the NFC South for a couple of years now that the last team in the division the year before ends up being first the year after. To be honest with you, I don't really care how many wins we have. The most important thing for me is to develop our young players and keep doing just that. Don't forget we're rebuilding, and we can't expect to be good in just one or two years.
  15. Quote: The old Falcons message board was invision,and there always used to be problems and it used to crash alot,either should be fine though The old Falcons message board was Invision. You're right. But it only had problems because of the server crashing. It wasn't really the forum software's fault. I believe someone pointed out that they didn't pay more money to buy more server space or something. And all forums will usually crash when they are flooded with activity. You can use TuckerMax's forum for example which crashes all the time, but they use vBulletin too. And the old AFMB boards were much better than what they had now. If they had just allowed images to be posted in sigs, I bet you many of those who quit that forum (including me) would still be posting there. Now, the staff just ignores every thing you ask and it's like there's no knowledgeable posters. Those are completely opposite of what Hawksquawk has.
  16. I'm more accustomed to vBulletin. Out of the four forums I go to, three of them are vBulletin. The only forum I don't go to that not vBulletin is obviously Hawksquawk. I really like vBulletin because it's customizable if you want to add 'extras' in, but if you still wanted it to be simple, you can do just that. Invision Boards have been falling on my list for some reason, I guess I just don't like its new look. I'll be a Hawksquawk supporter regardless of what forum system we go to or whether we have to start over or not. But at least with vBulletin, we can change usernames. :P If we were to switch to vBulletin, I'd like to keep this layout if possible. I've noticed that this forum software is somewhat limited to some things that major boards have like username changes and stuff like that. It's nothing big, but it'd be better if the admin can have the option of doing that. If we could stay on this forum software though, I wouldn't be mad at all.
  17. ASG didn't let the wrong guy go. He walked out on this team, and it's really mostly the ownership and fans' fault. The ownership for not firing Woodson when he asked them to (twice) and the fans for basically running him out of town. Most of these fans wanted BK to be gone just for drafting Marvin Williams.
  18. Quote: just check out yahoo sports Hawks page. http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/photo;_ylt=Ar8...awks&prov=getty After a while, they take their pictures down. They only have pics of the summer league up now.
  19. This is starting to get out of hand. How are we supposed to fix this? What are the chances of Chillz staying in Atlanta? Panic?!
  20. Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone has any really good pictures of the Atlanta Hawks. It can be high quality or not, but I'm just looking on saving more pics of the Hawks players on my computer. I've saved some from Google already, but I don't think this is a bad idea to post your favorite pictures of Hawks players and such. If it's high quality enough, I might try to make a render out of it for all you Photoshop users in here.
  21. It's working for me in Internet Explorer! I don't have time to watch it now, I have to get some sleep, but will this game still be up by tomorrow night? What about the first game? Is that archived too? Thanks.
  22. Quote: Quote: Damnit, man. This ain't working at all for me! I have no idea,it must be your computer.I'm no computer whizz but u may have to try a new internet browser or something.Is the link not working or the video just won't buffer? The video just won't buffer. It's just pitch black, and it doesn't even saying it's loading or buffering or anything like that...
  23. I don't mind them being in the Hawks forum at all,but I have a different set of 'expectations' for the Hawks forum, and usually I'd expect anything about the Hawks to be in there.
  24. Quote: Thanks Swish I appreciate it. I'm just trying to help out as much as I can. This is Chillz and the fans of the Hawks site and I'm as thankful for it as anyone. Hey, how come you didn't reply to my topic like this a while back when I made it? http://www.hawksquawk.net/forums/showflat....;o=&fpart=1 Lol j/k. Swish, you have a point. But don't forget the other members of the staff and the other Hawksquawk Supporters who have donated their money for this website. Hawksquawk has a lot to thank to Dolfan (I'm not trying to take anything away from you, Dolf) but people like chillz have put in time and effort to keep this forum as good as it is.
  25. LOL ... it takes time, man. I haven't been here for a while (about one and a half years with my first username to be jzrith) and Diesel's been on a roll ever since I could remember. He makes all his posts worthwhile to read, so it's not like he's posting a bunch of worthless stuff. But yeah, this forum is really the best of the best. You'd be hard pressed to find a forum as active with as many knowledgeable posters out there. Sometimes, I wish I'd just find at least one Falcons or even Braves forum like Hawksquawk, but nope. None.
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