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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Damnit, man. This ain't working at all for me!
  2. Doesn't work for me. Is it still on?
  3. First game for a while for some of these players. Acie Law was certainly disappointing. I was getting excited about hearing all this hype about him putting in the work in the offseason, but let's give him a couple more games to prove himself before we start considering him a failure in the summer league. He was disappointing, but look for him to bounce back. The same goes for most of the players actually. It's just one game. I want to see them play a couple more. I'm surprised to see that Jeremy Richardson isn't on your list of 'Positives'. He led the team in scoring, and he showed many of us that he certainly should of gotten more burn last year.
  4. Jeremy Richardson, from how he's been playing recently, looks like he can turn into a solid scoring backup for us next year. I thought he deserved a bit of more playing time last year, but who didn't? I'm looking forward to seeing Richardson in a Hawks uniform for the second straight year. Hopefully he'll step into what's looking to be Salim's shoes and become a consistent scorer coming off the bench for us.
  5. I chose all of them except Solomon Jones and Zaza Pachulia. Al Horford, Acie Law, Josh Childress, Josh Smith, Marvin Williams.... all of those players have shown great improvements already, and I've got a strong feeling that Al Horford and Josh Smith will reach their peak faster than any of those other players listed. However, I do believe some players will take longer to develop. Marvin is almost there (he's almost peaked, but he's still gradually improving in my eyes and stats-wise regardless of what the haters say). Acie Law is a bit too raw, but he will, in time, reach his peak. Chillz, IMO, is the same with Marvin. He's almost there. He's got the experience, but he's still got some ways to improve. This question just goes to show you that we have many solid young players who can potentially become all-stars (Horford, Smith and maybe Marvin).
  6. Quote: LOL I have already transferred your 2k8 threads to this forum. I have transferred everything back to around November of last year but it's going to take another 6-8 hours to transfer the rest of the posts because I have to do them one at a time. Hehe, didn't notice that. Thanks!
  7. Will there be a way that you can transfer old topics into this new Lounge? My Xbox is still broken, but I'd like to keep on posting in my NBA 2k8 Association Thread once I get it back to complete a couple seasons. If you can't, that's ok, I'll just think of something to do when I get there.
  8. Quote: Quote: This time, Microsoft didn't send a box. Instead, they're sending an email in which I have to print out the label and place it on my box (which I have to buy myself). Wow, they're getting even cheaper. GREAT customer service. Just to let you know the failure rate for the 360 has been reported to be between 5% (MS's FALSE #'s) to 30% (retail store's guesses). The actual number is around 17% which, in MS's defense, is average for any consumer electronic. In contrast though the PS3's failure rate is 3% (as is the Wii). So while the PS may not be "bullet proof", it is 5 times less likely to fail than the Xbox. As of right now the Xbox has a better selection of excellent games but if you've talked to anyone who's played the new Metal Gear Solid they'll tell you that's one of the best (IMO THE best) visual experience that's ever been put out on a gaming system. There are scenes in that game that's impossible to tell if it's actual video or simply a video game. When's the last time you've ever had to wonder that? Me? Never. You can keep giving MS your money if you want to but I'm keeping mine for now. Maybe the next gen they'll put out a better product. Next time I'll wait a while and see what the issues will be. If they learn from the 360's mistake, I'll spend the $$$ (because when it runs it's an amazing machine). However, if they continue to blatently rip-off their customers I'll stick with Sony. I should of done that before asking for it on Christmas.
  9. Quote: Quote: I haven't played baseball in one year, but I really miss the sport, and I see some of the players I've played with in the past make it real big in some of these high school teams and legion teams. I'm just wondering what kind of workouts you guys know that can get me back in top shape for baseball season this fall. When I played, I was average and very streaky, but I think it was mainly confidence. I usually got startled and intimidated by hard ground balls, but that's because I was making an adjustment in third base which is where the ball comes at you a lot faster, and it comes at you at a weird angle. I wasn't fast, and I wasn't that strong, but when I made contact with the ball, I usually got a solid hit. I think I really need to improve on arm accuracy, consistency with ground balls and especially pop ups, strength in swings, and speed on the bases. Any help? These are the kind of posts I hate. Here you go Dolfan posts like these are the ones that gotta stop. Why...
  10. Just to throw this in there: I'm 15 turnin' 16 on the 28th. I'm looking to play organized baseball, and see if I can make my school's team next spring, but that's not really my ultimate goal. The only thing that's important to me is playing baseball and playing to the best of my abilities.
  11. I haven't played baseball in one year, but I really miss the sport, and I see some of the players I've played with in the past make it real big in some of these high school teams and legion teams. I'm just wondering what kind of workouts you guys know that can get me back in top shape for baseball season this fall. When I played, I was average and very streaky, but I think it was mainly confidence. I usually got startled and intimidated by hard ground balls, but that's because I was making an adjustment in third base which is where the ball comes at you a lot faster, and it comes at you at a weird angle. I wasn't fast, and I wasn't that strong, but when I made contact with the ball, I usually got a solid hit. I think I really need to improve on arm accuracy, consistency with ground balls and especially pop ups, strength in swings, and speed on the bases. Any help?
  12. This time, Microsoft didn't send a box. Instead, they're sending an email in which I have to print out the label and place it on my box (which I have to buy myself).
  13. Quote: I am no talking about intercoolers. I am talking about the one that goes on the base of the system and has a compartment for a game. Can you possibly find one on Amazon for me?
  14. You're talking about intercoolers? They make your Xbox 360 worse. Why do you think Microsoft didn't make one under their name to make more profit out of it? Look it up, it only makes your 360 worse.
  15. My Xbox 360 broke again (this is my second one, they sent in a new unit after my first one started having disc read error messages the first day I got it on Christmas). It keeps overheating for some reason (it's in a very spacey place) cause the left quadrants are red. I put a yellow sticky note on it that says 'R.I.P.' so no one will play it... sigh. I hate Microsoft. I'm definitely not going to buy their next next-gen console in the future.
  16. You're beating a dead horse here. The topic about Kaman coming to Atlanta has been talked about countless times already. Think of the games we've won against Boston. Do you think we could of won without Josh Smith? Personally, I don't think we would have, and that just goes to show you how strong of an influence Smith has on this team and its performance.
  17. Spurs (7-3) @ Hawks (3-5) - W 114 - 104 STATS - Pts - Rebs - Asts - Stls - Blks Childress - 20 - 3 - 4 - 3 - 1 Bibby - 19 - 1 - 6 - 2 - 1 Johnson - 18 - 1 - 6 - 0 - 0 Smith - 17 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 8 Williams - 14 - 5 - 6 - 1 - 0 Horford - 14 - 11 - 3 - 0 - 1 Pachulia - 8 - 4 - 1 - 0 - 1 Claxton - 2 - 0 - 6 - 0 - 0 Stoudamire - 2 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 Law - 0 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 West - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 Jones - DNP (Coach's Decision) Next Game @ Heat (6-4)
  18. I was thinking of buying this game, because I'm not satisfied with the MLB 08: The Show's controls at all. I don't like how the base running is so complex and hard to control individual runners. I had bases loaded no outs, popped out in the outfield, and I tried advancing the third base runner, and instead I got every one advancing so I got triple played. It's very hard to get the batting system too. I just don't think there are any good baseball games out anymore. The last really good baseball game (in my opinion anyways) was MVP Baseball 05 by EA Sports.
  19. Hawks (2-5) @ Bucks (3-4) - W 106 - 94 STATS - Pts - Rebs - Asts - Stls - Blks Bibby - 21 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 0 Childress - 19 - 7 - 1 - 1 - 0 Smith - 17 - 6 - 4 - 5 - 4 Johnson - 15 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 0 Williams - 12 - 7 - 1 - 0 - 0 Horford - 12 - 7 - 1 - 1 - 0 Claxton - 6 - 2 - 5 - 2 - 0 Pachulia - 4 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 2 Jones - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 West - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 Stoudamire - 0 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0 Law - 0 - 1 - 1 - 0 - 0 Next Game @ Spurs (7-3)
  20. mattlanta

    Smoove a SF?

    It's possible. Smith is young enough and is in an early enough stage in his career where if he works on it, he can get that jump shot to be more consistent. I was one of the few people who thought it wouldn't be possible, then someone on here, I think Diesel, pointed that out, and it's a very good point.
  21. This kid's a troll, and he's been making the stupidest topics ever lately. He doesn't understand anything. Please bare with him.
  22. Quote: http://proxy.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3479059 Hooray!
  23. Match it - no questions asked except who do we sign now?
  24. Quote: No, he's going. And I still think there's a good chance Brand still goes. But he's most definitely going to have to leave $ on the table to do so. Isn't that why Brand left so he can take a contract for lesser money?
  25. So Baron is not going to Clippers now?
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