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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Very nice video, I'm assuming you made it, so I thank you. Please tell me when I can expect the download link to be up so that I may get this thing on my iPod ASAP! Great pump up video before I play 2k8 or something.
  2. mattlanta


    Kinda random, but... In the regular season with Bibby, what were the most frequently used lineups by the Atlanta Hawks? And does anyone know who was the first to sub in for who? It doesn't really matter, but I just updated my roster on NBA 2k8, and I try to make it as realistic as possible, so I try to get the lineups the way they are done in real life. I know Chillz is the first one to sub in and most of the time for Marv, but then who else after that? Thanks.
  3. This is kinda hard to get for you... especially if you want them big. Where do you need this again?
  4. The moment I hear of Woodson's resigning, I will immediately report to my computer and listen to some My Chemical Romance...
  5. Josh Smith isn't what one would consider underrated nowadays. He's definitely shown off what he can do now and in the future in the playoffs, but like Dolfan said, Josh Smith still has those flaws in his game where they would simply go away if he just sticks to what he's good at.
  6. Quote: This is the year when you get a coach and we are in a perfect situation right now. 1. Woodys contract is up. 2. We underachieved this past year. 3. There is some really nice coaches available. 4. We have a nice team of solid young players. If we extend Woody even for 1 year than we are making a big mistake. I doubt that there will be any good coaches left for next year. So we will probably end up with Lon kruger, Stotts type of coach again. We already lost out on D'antoni, Carslile and Skiles. I would be pissed if we also lose out on Avery and Flip. Great post.
  7. You think Chicago would really do that trade?
  8. That fight was pretty good. Kimbo is a bit overrated or media-hyped though. I'm amazed by how quick and powerful his strikes are. He busted Mr.Cauliflower Ears with just a couple blows to the ear. There's no doubt about it that if Kimbo went to UFC, he would get his ass kicked.
  9. I always go with HP, but they always seem to break on me... but then again, my whole family uses them, so I don't know how it's being 'treated' among the other members of my family. It's also very strong on ink for some reason, but that might just be me also.
  10. 15 is a bit too long for me. I've seen a lot, and I'm a big fan of the horror movies, but most of the horror movies these days are, what I consider, suspense instead of horror. I'll give you a small list of my favorites, but most of these don't go in any particular order: -The Ring -The Grudge -The Blairwitch Project (I didn't know this was fake at the time I watched it, so I thought it was so creepy.) -The Exorcist -The Exorcism of Emily Rose -The Others
  11. Wow, that sounds terrible, man. I will keep your family and especially your niece in my prayers. I don't know much about cervical cancer either, so I'm sorry that I can't help you find information on that. However, my grandfather died of lung cancer (he smoked a lot) and my grandmother was treated for breast cancer a couple of years ago. Both of them were on my dad's side, so I guess I know what it's like to have a loved one go through this.
  12. Quote: Is choosing between these three players: Joe johnson Josh Smith(if we resign) Al horford Which 2 out of these three would you be willing to pay max for That's a tough one. I'd say Horford. Close behind is Joe Johnson. Not so close behind the two would be Josh Smith...
  13. Quote: Quote: The team has earned more wins each year he has been coach, and made the playoffs for the first time in nearly a decade under him........... Maybe he does deserve one more year. lol with a bunch of top 10 picks getting older it's so hard to imporove on 13,26 and 30 wins.RRRRRRIGHT,the guy is trash and needs to be raplaced. It's not completely Woodson's fault that he couldn't get Chris Paul when he wanted to. I mean... BK has some part of that blame to share.
  14. Well for some people, Grand Theft Auto can never get boring for them. If you liked the other GTAs, there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to fall in love with this one.
  15. There's no curse. Like Theeyo said, Chris Paul was on this year's cover of NBA 2k8, and he had an MVP-worthy season. I also believe Shaq was on the cover two seasons in a row, and he won a championship in one of them. As for the cover, it certainly does look like Chris Bosh. I don't think Josh Smith dunks with a posture like that. I'm pretty sure Josh Smith gets more elevation...
  16. Quote: The big guys are always the most easy to beat. Those light quick f*ckers sometimes beat me. Counter punches is big. I can't decide if I want to get Grand Theft Auto or not. Is it really any better than the other ones? I don't want to buy the game if it's just like or worse than the other versions which I have played to death. Most of the time I played WWE Smackdown and NBA2k6 before my system died. Also, I'm one of the few that likes Perfect Dark and I played it often. Here, I hope this helps you make your decision on whether or not you should buy GTA IV. Here's the initial review from a site that I really admire/respect for what they've done. Their writers don't get paid, but they still make the best reviews out there - but keep in mind that at the end of the day, this is just another man's opinion, and you can find many other opinions out there. However, I think the reviews in Saving Progress are written by the top writers out there. Here's their review. http://savingprogress.com/grand-theft-auto-iv/ And here's their article where they call it 28 Days Later where they review the game over again kind of. They talk about it after the hype/excitement has washed off a little. I HIGHLY recommend you read this as well. http://savingprogress.com/28-days-later-grand-theft-auto-iv/
  17. Quote: I'm pretty good on Fight Night. I can beat the computer with the weakest created fighter and the computer on the hardest level. However, I'm horrible against human players. Mainly button mashers. It never fails. I always get my @ss kicked by button mashers. Yeah, same here. My uncle never played the game before, and I played him three times and only one once. I'm a very good counter puncher, and I like playing with boxers like Manny Pacquiao (because I'm Pinoy). I like to fight realistically against the computers, and I don't throw haymakers all the time with Manny. I play strategically and go for the boxer's weakspots in where I may see them. lol Anyways, not that I'd think you'd care much or anything, but I'd just like to post my 360 game collection. Tell me what you think of it. I've had my 360 since Christmas (I got the first one with a defect though so I had ship it back to them around February.) I'll put it in the order that I got it. -Marvel Alliance/Forza Motosport 2 (Got them free with my XBox Premium Package) -Mass Effect -NBA 2k8 -Grand Theft Auto IV -Lost Odyssey -Assassin's Creed I've played games like Gears of War and Halo 3, but without multiplayer for Halo 3 I didn't really find it that much fun. And I'm really not in the mood for shooter type games right now. I'm currently playing Assassin's Creed and NBA 2k8 (I'm 14-18 in NBA. I play on Superstar mode with ofcourse the Atlanta Hawks). Anyways, yeah. I bought Assassin's Creed for $26 including shipping used on Amazon.com. They have some good prices there sometimes, and I'd recommend you go there if you want to buy any used games.
  18. I've wanted the Celtics to LOSE! I've actually been rooting for the Lakers ever since the playoffs started (behind my rooting for the Hawks ofcourse) because of how much I want Kobe to win a championship without Shaq. I have a great deal of respect for Kobe and the mature role that he's taken on in Los Angeles. Other than that, I wanted the Hornets to get as far as they could too since I hate 99.99% of the Boston fans (including the Bandwagoners since most likely half of them are bandwagon fans). I also kind of find the Spurs fans annoying and quite on the braggy side.
  19. Or maybe it's because Kobe is his teammate and more often than not, his type of caliber players make their teammates that much better. I agree though that I haven't seen anything really special in Odom.
  20. I don't even believe Billy Knight was as bad as people had commonly thought of him to be. Sure, he made a mistake drafting Marvin instead of Chris Paul, but most of the 'so-called' experts were already craving about Marvin. And keep in mind that Chris Paul wasn't THAT great of a college player. I can see how people can be mad at the guy if he drafted someone who played like a total no-body in college instead of someone who really had the skillset of someone like Kobe Bryant - but that wasn't the case with Marvin and Paul. Marvin was craved as one of the best players to come out in a decade. We obviously went for talent instead of need, but BK has also gotten it right when he's used that draft strategy. For example, this most recent draft where we acquired Horford. You can say all you want about him being lucky, but BK still got the picks right because keep in mind that we didn't really need a forward. We needed a point guard a LOT more. I've said it many times before, not only here but in Real GM too. BK has as many chances as any other general manager to draft a bust. This team showed great promise in the playoffs, and maybe people aren't giving the credit to all those who deserve it. BK molded this team in one way or another, and I really believe that. Was it BK's fault that Woodson can barely develop his young players? Was it BK's fault when Woodson glued his rookie power forward on the bench and tried to ruin Shelden's career? I think people are putting far too much blame on BK. I don't know... call me crazy, but I didn't really think BK was that bad, and I kind of wanted him to stay but Woodson to get packing.
  21. Nice... what's your collection of 360 games so far?
  22. Quote: First, it was hiring head coach after head coach that has no experience. Now, it's hiring GM's that have no experience aswell. These aren't things winning franchises do. I see nothing has changed with you and your pessimistic views on Atlanta's organization. Tell me... would you also happen to be a big of My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy?
  23. This is ridiculous. Can't we just keep all of the Marvin threads in one big topic? I'm tired of seeing so many of these Marvin threads. They all say the same things too. NO, Marvin Williams is not a bust. Just because he doesn't live up to the standards of that of Chris Paul, that doesn't make him a bust. He has improved in all of his years, and there's no doubt that he has some potential to be an all star player. Is he one now? Obviously not, but he has shown that he can make strides of improvement and has shown flashes of that star power in a few games. He still needs time, but more likely than not he will develop to be an above average small forward with a solid skillset. In my opinion, Marvin would be a lot better coming off the bench most of the times, but we all know that we have to justify that second overall draft choice by starting him every game.
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