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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. If we move to a new server, will it mean that this site will go faster or no? Just wondering since I'm not exactly a computer whiz or anything like that, and chillz, I messaged you about donating. I'm very interested in becoming an official Hawksquawk Supporter - with or without the title. This site is just amazing, and I wanted to give back. Thanks and message me when you get the chance, chillz.
  2. Lol, are you kidding me? The players we have now are fine. You can't expect to have Kobe-type of players with such a young team. Our best player is Joe Johnson but obviously he can not make the first team with Kobe playing like he is now, and then there's Smith who's not even near Garnett's level right now. Did you really expect anyone to make the first team?
  3. Quote: Image what a team we would have if we draft both CP3 and Roy. Our Starting 5 would be: Chris Paul Brandon Roy Joe Johnson Josh SMith Hortford WOW..best starting 5 in the league!-makes me wanna cry a lil bit lol o well..we still have a bright future Kind of unrealistic, and it's hard to tell. Since Chris Paul + JJ alone would of made us a decent enough team to not be able to get Horford with such a high pick. I hate it when people say that though... I mean... do you guys even think about what you're saying before you post?
  4. Quote: FIRE MIKE WOODSON.. GET JOE OUT OF THE GAME YOUR [censored] MORON... WHY THE HELL WAS HE IN AFTER THE FIRST 4 MINUTES OF THE 3RD QTR.. YEAH LETS RISK HIM TEARING A ACL AND BEING OUT A GOOD BIT OF NEXT YEAR TOO.. WHAT A DUMBASS! What? Are you kidding me? I don't think Woodson can do anything to ever satisfy those who are forever going to hate him like you pathetic "fans" if you should even deserve that title. Woodson had his ups and downs this year, but seriously, give the guy a break. I'd think that if Woodson hadn't played Joe Johnson in the third quarter, you would criticize him for "giving up" too early.
  5. It's not that our offense is playing really bad, it's the fact that we aren't hussling out there. It doesn't even look like we wanna be in the playoffs right now. There is nothing that is pumping us up right now. In order to even think about making this game close, the Hawks need a catalyst to their offense, and most importantly, Al Horford and Josh Smith need to step up and stop getting outrebounded by players such as Rondo... Rebound, rebound, and rebound.
  6. Quote: Quote: Linkin Park is a terrible band. Once I seen that, I clicked off. Boo! Yeah. C'mon guys, we can do better than Linkin Park. It's not the band that I'm trying to point out, more so the lyrics. I'm sorry that your favorite rapper is too busy rapping about having sex and shooting people instead of making songs that have actual meaning behind the lyrics.
  7. http://youtube.com/watch?v=JAMbCmK0iHg&fmt=18
  8. Quote: You slept through the game? You should either be banned as a Hawks fan or castrated. Let the fans vote. Let's hear his reason... ...most likely ban. No reason to sleep through the game.
  9. Yeah I heard/saw that too. What do you expect though? Celtics fans are mostly homers, and most of them don't even care what happens on the court. They just think it should always go against the Celtics' opponents. The foul on Pierce was out of the play, so I think it was somewhat deserved. The only questionable call that stood out from the rest was Cassell getting a technical even though he didn't really deserve one. However, calls were made equally between the two sides IMO, and I think it was good officiating.
  10. Quote: I think that they need to offer more money to the refs than what the Celtics have already paid! I don't know what you're talking about. There have been as equal number of calls gone our way with the ones gone to the Celtics'. The referees have done an amazing job all series IMHO.
  11. There's no way I see Horford winning this. If anything, Nike might even pay the NBA to dub Durant rookie of the year just so they can have some thing to talk about next year between Durant and Oden still. If anything, the NBA should be looking to market Horford and Oden instead of Durant and Oden.
  12. Quote: It looked like the sign for "OK". As in "OK, we'll see." See here: http://www.tnboat.com/course/assets/images..._ok_200x200.jpg What on earth would make you believe it was a gang sign? Uhh... no. It was definitely not like that. It was done in an upside down and a 'thug' manner. I on ly saw it once though, and I'd like to see it again to have a final opinion.
  13. You can pretty much make a highlight film from last night's game alone that would probably be a bit longer than the highlight film throughout the whole season... That game was amazing.
  14. I think this was posted a long time ago.
  15. Here's the video of Horford's taunting. They didn't, for some weird reason, didn't add the part where Pierce threw his little gang signs towards Horford. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnq1T5A5R3k
  16. It's official: Celtics fans are idiotic.
  17. What's this got to do with the Hawks?
  18. I don't think "real" Bibby would of helped us much in the first two games of the series.
  19. Quote: I wonder if it was a comment about stabbing because Pierce looked really, really pissed off. What the hell...? Are you kidding? You must not know Horford then. If you've seen this kid play, you know he does most of the talking with the way he plays on the court. Sure, some of that emotion seeped through and he let himself go a little bit, but is there anything wrong with it? I don't think so. And I highly doubt it was anything about stabbing Pierce. This emotion coming from Horford comes from the past two games where he tried and he tried, and he just couldn't carry the team on his shoulders. Although I think he was the only consistent player from the first two games, I think Horford really wanted to hit the Celtics back with a counter punch as soon as they got back home. It's good to see some attitude from the best rookie in the league.
  20. Right before the game, he was talking about how big-headed we must be if we think that we're even "comparable" with the Celtics. I hope one of our players hear him say that again.
  21. ALL of our players are playing like All-Stars. Even Woody is coaching well out there. Wow... are these really the Atlanta Hawks that I've been watching the past two games?
  23. How are we supposed to fill in our one, possibly two, big hole at the tackle and possibly guard position...?
  24. 1. DT Glenn Dorsey 2. DE Vernon Gholston 3. QB Matt Ryan 4. OG Branden Albert 5. DT Sedrick Ellis
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