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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. For the 99th time, yes, he did.....I posted this last night, if you have it recorded and a pretty good TV, you can see it....the ball changes flight just a little.
  2. swolehawk2


    I agree....we still make too many unforced TOs and defensive lapses to talk about anything other than getting the 8th seed.
  3. He did tip the ball, I posted this last night.
  4. Yeah, I mentioned this in about 6 posts, you can see the ball change paths slightly. I think this is what causes the ball fall a little short, causing Ford have to elevate, and not be able to catch right at the rim.
  5. Josh is a great shot blocker because he is not afraifd to get dunked on.....a couple plays later you can see Bosh shy away when Josh goes in for a two hand slam, Bosh maybe could have got the block but he was scared to jump and get dunked on.
  6. Woodson should have been fired two years ago, but I don't think you can hang this one on him. Chills was clearly confused, as he was preparing for a screen and/or a switch and he just got fooled, plain and simple. Who thought they would throw a lob to TJ Ford? Hell it was suprising and the fact that Ford was used was the reason they lost. He caught the ball on the way up and not at the top of the jump, so he had a ways to go before he could put it in, had this been Bosh or Moon game would have been over. And yeah...I think Al deflected the ball slightly.
  7. Guys, if you go back and take a look, it looks like Al slightly tipped the ball. The ball looks to change paths just a little.
  8. Mike Bibby is a jump shootin bastard! That dude can flat out shoot.
  9. This team reminds me of the 97-98 Hawks....that team had no bench either....but the top 6-7 were good.
  10. swolehawk2

    IS it....

    Mostly ease of schedule.
  11. Bibby/Law/Roger Mason Jr. JJ/Jarvis Hayes MW/Chills/Richardson JS/Elson Horford/ZZ/Anderson Assuming it stays healthy?
  12. Will Boston or Orlando be playing for anything? They may rest players late in those games.
  13. Didn't he give up an And 1 the next play? But really, ZZ is our only bench big....and Solo can't get any minutes? Damn 4 or 5 minutes a game.
  14. Bucks coach is worse than Woodson, didn't think that was possible.
  15. Yep, it is pathetic. Why in the hell would they choose to show the Bucks' broadcast last night. I could almost understand if we were playing a top team and they wanted their broadcast, but it makes no sense to get the Knicks or Heat or Bucks broadcast when we are at home!
  16. We have not boxed out all year....Smoove rarely boxes out ...Marvin and JJ don't box out well either....rely too much on athleticism to rebound.
  17. swolehawk2


    JJ whined all offseason and the only thing that is really keeping this team from making the playoffs is him. Despite Woody being horrible (should have been fired two years ago), this team is so talented that it can still make the playoffs in the east, only if JJ plays more like the JJ of old. If I see one more ISO before anyone else touched the ball I am going to vomit. If this allstar jumps in the air to pass and throws the ball away again, I may just poke my eyeballs out. JJ please box out!!!! Looking at the ball come off the rim does not get you a rebound. Move your feet!!! And why oh why must you shoot a fade jumper when there is 14 seconds on the shot clock. We need a tyrant coach that knows Xs and Os.
  18. What is really bad, his non free throw shooting ass would not have been in the game's last 53 seconds anyway, even if it was a tie game.
  19. Oh please, Bibby had to come in anyway. If he puts Bib and Horford in with about 61/2 to play, he probably could have taken the starters out with 2 to 3 minutes left. It is much easier to leave the guys in to finish the game than it is to bring them off the bench cold to enter a tight game when the momentum has changed and the crowd is going crazy, he lucked out because the Warriors could not hit open threes.
  20. If we steal games in Utah and San Antonio, my ass is a helicopter.
  21. Should have been in the game 3 minutes ago....Woody is a damn fool.
  22. Whatever gets you through the day....LOL
  23. Regardless of who the coach is next year, don't you think it would be good for this group of "boys" to get a feel of a playoff series. Do you realize we have 2 players on this roster that have been to the playoffs? I won't count Craig. These guys have to grow up somehow and at some point.
  24. Blocking shots has nothing to do with being mentally and physically tough.
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