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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Besides our coach not being able to coach. We don't have any grown men on this team. This team is soft from head to toe. We have a team full of boys playing in a grown mans league. I am not yet sure about Bibby....Horford is close...but other than that.....boys.
  2. Man, his jumper is broken. I really think Woody has stolen all his confidence....seems to have started the summer they tried to make him a PG....sad.
  3. He can shoot, shot looks good. I keep wondering how teams keep finfing guys like Moon, Parker, and Carroll.....maybe we have found a kid that is ready. He really could provide some depth, combined with Chillz, Acie and big man yet to be determined we could have a bench.
  4. Really, I saw he had is foot wrapped...I hope is ready to go tomorrow.
  5. Yeah, we do, and i think BK knows it and will get someone in here, somehow.
  6. Talk about overreacting, damn...worst than a wife......LOL
  7. I wouldn't be suprised if we lost by 10....I don't this team will turnaround overnight. But I expect this team to be hummin (barring injuries) last part of March and in to April.
  8. Uhhhhh....we just lost to the awful bobcats, without Gerald Wallace.
  9. What Horford needs to do is perfect that 12-15 foot jumper and get him a couple go to moves in the post...then dunking won't matter...because he would be like Timmy D in his prime....close to unstoppable.
  10. LOL....yeah, I think it me a headache.
  11. I know you are not serious, but if we don't come out and win 10 straight, some cats on this board will be looking for the nearest bridge.
  12. Yeah, but typically on really good teams the three can shoot.
  13. I think somebody posted earlier that only Dirk and Kobe have made more mid range jumpers than Marvin this season. and Marvin is like 12 years old.
  14. How is he good for one thing, when he draws the second most fouls on the team...just 9 short of leading the team! And avgs 6 rebounds a game....and second in steals. He can shoot, on a team that can't....or should i say couldn't, lets hope MBibby changes that. Hey, I see the flaws in his game, but he is developing and is no where near as bad as some make him to be. Lets just be objective and balanced.
  15. I think Marvin is a little banged up too...he was wearing a wrist brace and somebody said somrthing about a thing bruise....hopefully he got some rest and is ready to hit wide open jump shots because there will probably be a lot of them to make.
  16. Bimbo....Matt Maloney...damn....I remember those days...didn't Wilks start a few games.
  17. Just silly.....not many cats in the league have made more midrange shots than Marvin this year....he is a 6'9 shooter that draws more fouls than our all star...and he game is developing. But you make him sound like Tyron Lue. A guy that is 6'9 and can shoot like he does, yet draw fouls like he does....well, it is impossible for that same guy to be the scrub you make him out to be. Marvin is a ways away from a star, but please, there has got to be a little middle ground here. Stop thinking with your emotions, lets be logical.
  18. What big man could we get that would be good enough to warrant Marvin to the bench?
  19. Adding Magloire without giving up anything would be a very good idea.
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