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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Actually, he was referring to the ball hitting a fan's beer.
  2. We are deep, but I wish we would give ZZs minutes to Shelden & Lo...ZaZa just makes too many dumb mistakes that usually destroy runs. His negatives far outweigh what he brings to the team.
  3. I really don't know what to say or think. I think I need someone to tell me what really is going on. Is this the turning of the corner or just a fluke?b
  4. I just can't believe it is almost Christmas, and a thread like this exists.
  5. They can't be worse than leon wood or that benny adams dude.
  6. Any trade of Marvin right now would equal the trading of Billups early in his career or even JJ being traded too early...just dumb.
  7. Looks to me that the dude is finally in shape; I think he was out of shape early in the season. He is able to get up a down for an entire game now.
  8. Funny how a team full of 6'9ers was a running joke in the league, now it is why we are tough to play.
  9. I think the Utah game is the only lock loss. We probably will not beat Orlando or Detroit, but could. Everybody else we can beat.
  10. Our coach is an idiot, Salim should be on the floor with JJ or JC.
  11. Woody should have been out of here 2 years ago. Woody has lowered the expectations and slowed the maturation of this team.
  12. It is a direct reflection on the coach, that is why it is so much turnover in coaching, when players stop responding then it is time for a change. Funny how certain coaches don't have a problem getting teams to play hard, even though they may not play well.
  13. Yep, if you read lips and actions, he drew a play up that would obviously take more that 2.2 seconds to run...AJ was like WTF! Then Joe pointed at the board and Woodson said "you are going to have to go", speaking to Joe, I guess Joe looked like WTF!..beacause Woodson then erased the play and said "let's run our regular play" Woodson should have been gone a long time ago, I just hate that he is really preventing us from seeing what this team of players could do.
  14. "We did a great job," said Johnson, who piled up 10 of the Hawks' season-high 29 assists. "Ball movement is the key. It's that extra swing that keeps the defense on its heels and gives us wide-open shots. We just made it real easy for ourselves." So why don't we play like this all the time....you have to live and die with what you believe wins you ball games. Sometimes they change the way they play from quarter to quarter....good teams play the same way all the time, shots may not fall every night but the plan should be basically the same. I don't get it.
  15. I would not trade anyone, but I would see if I could get a vet proven coach to come in, maybe after a vet has coached the team for 3 months I could do a true evaluation of the players. It is kinda like evaluating wide receivers on a team that runs the ball 95% of the time.
  16. Before you go trading away young talent, you may want to see what a real coaching staff could do with this team. Not a lameduck head coach and a staff that tried to bolt in the offseason. Many players have come and gone in the past decade, but we have yet to have a proven coach.
  17. Good trade....I think that front court would work well together.
  18. Actually, that is not true, JJ shoots a bunch of forced jump shots early in the clock. Smoove forces things early in the clock...Marvin & Chillz usally get there points in the flow of the offense. They always talk about sharing the ball, but they usually play a different way. JJ does this a lot, not sure why, maybe he doesn't trust the play call, but if you pay attention to the nummber of times JJ brings the ball up dribbles 7 or 8 times and shoots a fadeaway jump shot, you may be suprised. It starts with him, if your star is selfish is bogs down how well the team shares the ball. It is almost like we have too many guys with something to prove and they are going about it the wrong way.
  19. that until this team shares the ball and plays unselfishly that it will lose. I don't think the change will happen under Woodson. Does not matter how good we are individually, we will be a 30 win team if we continue to play one on one basketball....it is simple.
  20. I know Joe is our guy when plays breakdown and we have to go one on one, but to be in the middle of the second quarter, he brings the ball across half court, dribbles 12 times and shoots a fadeway jump shot with 13 seconds on the shot clock, makes little sense to me. Maybe I am off base or missing something, but that should never happen.
  21. I think he should try not to force so many shots and try to get going through the flow of the offense, much easier to shoot a wide open jumper coming off a screen ..than to dribble 47 times and shoot a fadeaway.
  22. Noe of it really matters until we stop throwing lazy one hand passes, forcing jump shots and turning the ball over when the opposing team is not even in sight. We don't pay attention to details....until we do, we will lose.
  23. This post is accurate. If you just count how many times we make unforced turnovers and take a bad shot and go one on one, you would be able to see that this team cannot consistently win playing like this. Mike should have been gone a long time ago. The next game, count how many times we go one on one, force a terrible shot or commit a totally unforced turnover. You will be suprised at how many you come up with. Once last night, JJ dribbled the ball up the floor, crossed half court took about 10 dribbles then shot a fadeaway jumper....pathetic. One sentence that sums up this team: Team will not allow its talent to win games.
  24. Acually, I just think he is a bench big....that can get us valuable put backs against 2nd tier bigs, this would make up for some of our unforced turnovers.
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