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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. "Just because you spend 75% of every productive day giving your worthless opinions on a message board" this from a cat that has 245 posts in a little over a month.....LOL
  2. I have not seen Lo play really since he left here...only seen him play a few minutes here or there...I hope he stil can rebound and run the floor.
  3. And what is puzzling is the rest of nba fans seem to think this is a good solid signing for us, and are shocked that the Wolves did not land Lo...I think it is a solid reasonable signing.
  4. That is not true, we know Al would be gone we could have offered anything....an oral agreement is not a signing.
  5. My thing witrh most on this board is, most assume they know who & what BK offered, and in the same breath says the man is too secretive and does not share enough. We don't know who was contacted, and if they had interest. Some players actually do want to play for a current playoff team.
  6. That the Lakers and Hawks are talking about a sign & trade involving Smush/Bynum for Harrington. On message boards, supposedly from a radio report.
  7. I would not have Melo on the team either.
  8. I would add Kobe & Redd...replace Bowen Jamison. Add a healthy Amare and replace Brad Miller.
  9. "Bowen sets the defensive tone of the team." Sure Bowen is a great on ball defender...but the tone changed last night when D Wade Battier and JJ got in the passing lanes for steals...Bowen looked slow out there last night.
  10. Bowen should not even be on the team...Battier can provide what Bowen does and he is quicker younger and more athletic.
  11. I am hoping he will be an allstar, but he is not now, and I have my doubts that he will be more productive, when the season starts, than Smoove.
  12. My question is, at least intially, what makes you feel Shelden will be a more productive/effective starting 4 than Smoove.
  13. Starting Shelden just to start him is a mistake...funny he thinks Smoove/Marvin will have to battle it out, but Shelden will be given a starting spot. I think intitially Smoove would be just as effective if not more at the 4 than Shelden. Long time starter in the league, I think it is Kandi.
  14. That crossover, reverse layup and 1 was just sick.
  15. I would be willing to bet that more than half of the teams in the league allow the same amount of guard penetration we do ....the difference is we had ZZ/Al at the 4/5. Both can't jump, don't move their feet well and allow layups/and 1s. Sure our guard play will improve with Speedy, but we need bigs that help, not help themselves on the offensive end.
  16. "It sounds like you are prepared to get nothing of need for Al." No....ideally I would want to get a big that could put ZZ on the bench....Magloire. I love ZZ but having a defensive minded center with ZZ coming off the bench puts this team closer to where it needs to be. If Smoove gets hurt, then Shelden plays the 4 and Marvin the 3... We Know what Al is he is a scorer that needs a lot of shots to be effective and does not play great defense....not gonna give 60 million to Al for that. "the answer is not sacrificing the Pf spot for a guy who doesn't play PF. " Do you speak of Smoove?, he played quite a pit of the 4 spot last year...and if Al is a 4 in this league...then Smoove is a 4. You don't pray & hope...u use your eyes to see if your young players are improving, if so, u don't pay Al Harrington loads of many to do what he has done in Atlanta. Signing a player to a multi year tons of money contract because he may be a asset in a trade is not smart.
  17. So having AL guarantees we will win more than 26 games? All that guarantees is that we will be paying 60 million to a frickin six man.
  18. Are you prepared to pay Al 60 million to get the defense you can right now from Marvin/Smoove, Al has been in the league a while, has not played a lick of D...I will take my chances with Marvin/Smoove.
  19. If you went that route, then Marvin and Smoove would both be benched, why? Eventually, maybe two years from now, I think Shelden will be our starting center...he really does not look or play like a 4 in todays game. We need a big man that can play D, that we can rent for 2 to 3 years. Magloire would have been the answer for this year. I'm thinking the Kandi Man will be who we sign....not sure he is the answer, but we let every other big go to someone else.
  20. Let me break it down for you, every team in the league allows penetration from guards...u can't hand check for the most part and guards are quick in todays game..it is not so glaring for most teams because the better teams have bigs that play help D...ZZ and AL are not very good individually, and are worse together. There will always be penetration by guards....but when bigs come over to take a charge or make a block, you see a great play by a big, and hardly notice that the play was there to be made because of penetration. Better defensive teams make penetration difficult, no team can prevent it, you have to have bigs that move their feet, ZZ + AL =layup drills. Why spend money on Al when Smoove can play that spot better defensively. Al post up game is really exaggerated, if you watched, he was more of a jump shooter last year.
  21. We don't need Al Harrington, what we need are bigs that play D and rebound. If you have not noticed, teams are conducting layup drills against us.
  22. I thought they decided Iverson was staying put.
  23. I think someone realized that our starting schedule last year was just plain digusting.
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