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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Just answer this then...do we receive actual basketball players in the deal?
  2. Roster full of what....Ivey can be gone, Edwards certainly needs to be gone...we can keep 15. Magloire makes sense, he gives us an option, if he makes a difference and we make the playoffs then we resign him, if not, we trade him by the deadline or sign & trade in offseason...he will prolly play well in a contract year.
  3. Yeah, because that is what we need to get back into the playoffs more young guys that have to learn the game. That is one way to try and keep your job, just trade every vet u get for a draft pick and use the "youth" excuse for as long as you can. If this trade is true....BK needs to use some money to get some vet bigs in here! Even if this trade is true, I can't believe we would be through. I am keeping hope alive for Magloire.
  4. Magloire has to be included in this trade. Al said ATL did not want to pay him the 10 mil he wants. One of the spirit said the best deal on the table was one that was for a player with an expiring contract. It would fall in line with the rumors of us not getting any players from Indiana. The Bucks could use another PG (from Pacers) If this were a simple two team swap, it would not take this long. We will see!
  5. I think Milwaukee is involved. Magloire has to be included in this trade. Al said ATL did not want to pay him the 10 mil he wants. One of the spirit said the best deal on the table was one that was for a player with an expiring contract. It would fall in line with the rumors of us not getting any players from Indiana. The Bucks could use another PG (from Pacers) If this were a simple two team swap, it would not take this long. We will see!
  6. Magloire has to be included in this trade. Al said ATL did not want to pay him the 10 mil he wants. One of the spirit said the best deal on the table was one that was for a player with an expiring contract. It would fall in line with the rumors of us not getting any players from Indiana. The Bucks could use another PG (from Pacers) If this were a simple two team swap, it would not take this long. We will see!
  7. His deal is already done? Ok u r killing me....whats the 411? Spill the info sista..... I get it, u r just here to cause pain!!!....LOL
  8. Quote: That being said, Al has handled all this great, but BK and the Hawks felt he was not their best choice for Atlanta's future, and if Al and the Princess who supports Al disagree with that then that's fine, but I agree with BK and the Hawks that Al's cheaper younger replacements will do fine and the Hawks money would be better spent elsewhere given the pieces BK has in place. Exactly!
  9. Quote: Quote: His flight arrangments are being made. Look for him to do Ryan Cameron today before he heads out. [/indent] Flight to where?
  10. What I don't understand is why would you just start Shelden for the sake of just starting him...he is clearly not as ready to play as Smith or Marvin, so why would he start...plus they started Marvin/Smoove together last year. Why would you start Shelden if you thought he would lose his position eventually anyway. Let Shelden grow, limit his minutes so he does not hurt the team and let Marvin/Smoove build off what they started last year? Shelden will grow into a center in this league...we will have a front line that will be hard to defend and that complimemts each other.
  11. Yeah, we drafted Marvin at number 2 so he can be our sixth man for the rest of his career. Please
  12. I think he has something he likes but is trying to get just a little more.
  13. Well just like all of the talk show personalities, they don't really care about the Hawks or its fans.
  14. So we drafted a bench player with the number two pick?
  15. swolehawk2

    Al on...

    It sounded like he really wants Indiana and they really want him.
  16. swolehawk2

    Al on...

    Said BK is trying to decide who he wants, so that is holding up the trade.
  17. The statement that Al is a better defender at the 3 is just your opinion..I can't think of many 3s or 4s that Al can guard. Whatever you want label them, go right ahead. But they will be the starting forwards. ....so what is your logic?...if Shelden is going to start now? Then Marvin or Smoove will be a career back up? Or do we trade Marvin or Smoove...so they can pull a Diaw.
  18. What are you talking about? First of all, I would have drafted Shelden after Aldridge was gone,...because in two to three years in a league that is getting smaller and more athletic he would start at the 5. Smoove did not play at the 4 because Al was here. When Al was hurt Smoove/Marvin played together. Marvin won't start over Smith... and shouldn't...because they will play together. You act as if BK drafted Shelden and said, look at our new starting power forward...nothing is determined by draft position...Smoove and Marvin will be better options come October and that is what it boils down to. I would love for Shelden to be ready to start, but I don't think he will.
  19. Smoove is and will be a better 4 when the season starts. If Shelden does not start at the 5 this season, he does not start. But we can put some money on it if you like. "Marvins numbers paled in comparison to Smith." Watch the games, u seem to be concerned with stats....Marvin/Smoove started to ball at the end of last year. With the addition of Speedy, that combo is going to be very good.
  20. Quote: Yes. Smith will start at the 3 and Shelden at the 4. In order for Marvin to start he has to earn it during the regular season, like Smith did. Are you serious? Marvin started to earn his spot last year..were you not watching. So the staff says Marvin great way to finish the season, we need you to really work hard this summer be more of a leader to help this franchise take the next step...Marvin does everything asked and they reward him by starting a rookie over him that has not earned squat? Yeah that will happen.
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