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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. I agree...we have enough unknowns right now, young guys that are developing, it is time to make good decisions on some knowns, we are trying to take the next step.
  2. He should be fine splitting time with Lue. It has been so long since the Hawks had quality depth, that is why I am hoping for Magloire. We won't have to kill our starters. Even when Deke/Smitty/Mookie were here, our depth was weak.
  3. With Foye here, it would the same tired garbage...Hawks need a point...Foye is a sg in a pgs body...they still can't play d...bunch of parts that don't fit...Foye can score but.....blah blah blah
  4. If we don't get stops...or defensive rebound we can't run..I think he fits.
  5. This really makes the most sense..we need a vet big that can play...if we bring David Anderson over that will be 4 or five young bigs we would have on the roster. We don't need anymore young bigs! We need a vet! If Magloire is the final piece that gets us to the playoffs this year...then we try to resign him. If he flops we try to sign and trade him, at worst we let him walk and have cap space. Anybody interested at seeing what this team can do this year in the east? Magloire/ZZ/Anderson/Batista Smoove/Shelden/Jones Marvin/Chills JJ/Salim Speedy/Lue/Ivey
  6. Bingo!!! Another thing, if Edwards is not a big man who we can use in pick and pop situations...then he truly should not be on this team, he can't do anything else.
  7. JJ or Chills would play with Salim in the backcourt for most of his minutes. I could see Speedy and Salim in together in certain situatins...like when Charlotte threw Ray Felton and Brevin out there against us.
  8. Yep...u start bangin down low and rebounding...throw in athletic wings that can shoot...and vet pgs that penetrate..and you get wins baby!!!
  9. The thing is I am scared to say how good our young guys are, because I am not sure Woody knows what he is doing. If you let players do what they do best, you can usually tell how good they are, not sure that is happening.
  10. Yeah I think u may be right...looking at the times they played last year, ZZ and Magloire would prolly kill each other in practice..which would prolly toughen our interior D.
  11. He is also on Seattle's roster.
  12. Why can't ZZ do that? Was he talking about trade or just a signing?
  13. ZZ would prolly just go jump off a bridge...didn't he want to leave Milwaukee to get minutes...he was playing behind Magloire and Gadz befor Bogut got there, now he would have to play behind Magloire again. Although it would be better for the team, I wonder what that would do to ZZ.
  14. Actually if we were to defensively rebound better...cut down on the turnovers just a tad....with our shooting we could win 35-40 games, even if defense did not improve much.
  15. How about: Kmart to Indy ...JO/Kmart/Daniels Camby to Atlanta....Camby/Smoove/MW Murphy/Foster to Denver....Nene/Murphy/Melo Al to GS....Foyle/Al/Dunleavy
  16. Could this team contend in two years? Claxton/Lue JJ/Salim MW/Chills Smoove/Shelden Camby/ZZ/Jackie Butler
  17. it has stunk...but we don't need John Stockton to be a playoff team...the real key for us making the playoffs are bigs who rebound and defend. A Speedy/Johnson backcourt with Lue as a backup actually could be enough to contend in three years, depending on what happens UP FRONT. Any time a team where JT starts at the point can make it to the finals...I am cool with Speedy for 4 years.
  18. Do you think the Hawks told Speedy he would start to get him to sign here? I don't see why we would take a pg in trade unless we are moving a pg.
  19. Are you saying that Ty Lue is not a good backup PG?
  20. Not a bad deal, we get a very good vet rebounding backup 5...a pick that we could use or trade and cap space for a better free agency market next year.
  21. What slot do you project the #1 pick fall?
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