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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. What is the fascination with Iggy and Deng...Iggy is a great athlete but can't make jumpshots consistently and is not a very goo ballhandler. deng is not a very good athlete and is somewhat one dimensional. To me, Iggy, Deng, Chills....toss up.
  2. I feel comfortable when Chills shoots, I think u need to watch more games.
  3. I agree...the only reason u here anyone complain is because of our defense...bu t really out performs his contract, and I expect him to improve. He needs to rebound defensively a little better...but it is about time we had a find in free agency like ZZ.
  4. Murphy maybe going to Indiana in a three way...I know GS wants Al and they have to get rid of Murphy. This should be interesting.
  5. I think the owners, BK and Al knew this would happen... Troy Murphy has 4 years left doesn't he?
  6. I don't agree, there were many nights the team was not focused and generally did not play hard...when we play hard like the Bulls and Bobcats ...Woody will get some credit. Those teams did not always play well but they played hard. It is hard for me to forget that New Orleans games where they had a million injuries... and we got down and quit, Salim came in, picked us up and then you could tell that we had been going through the motions.
  7. "has something been said to indicate that Sheldon won't be starting? I assumed he would be from day one. If for nothing else than his defensive ability and rebounding." At this point, who knows who will start. But I am pretty sure JJ/Speedy/Smoove will start.
  8. I that case he needs to keep Al in the parking lot.
  9. Man...I have been watching the games where Al missed at the end of last year...Smoove/marvin had amazing chemistry and played well together, often feeding ewach other for dunks and layups...also did anyone notice how Smoove's running hook became almost automatic. Marvin began to get to the line a lot more, as cats started to go for the pump fake on the jumper. Ball movement was great...and with Speedy..out there this team will be fun to watch, offensively. Defensively, I don't see how we will improve much from last year unless we add a vet big that plays D. We should cut down on turnovers this year though, that will help defensively.
  10. If those guys are pgs, so is Salim.
  11. I know the history of Indiana, howver, I am talking about NOW. Indiana is prolly just as far away from a championship.
  12. Why does he consider GS, NY and Indiana, winning environments?
  13. I wonder why no mention of Chris Taft...it is said that we want a young big.
  14. LOL..............LOL............LOL!!!!
  15. Good post. Concerning #1....we have had a tendency lately to try and make players do what we want to them to do, not what they do best. Salim is a scorer...he does that well, he needs to improve on his ball handling just a tad, but I don't want this staff to try and turn him into Stockton. Also, I have a few NO games on the DVR, Speedy on his penetration and pick and rolls does a good job getting the ball to the wings for open jumpers, if Marvin/Smoove are consistent with there mid range jumpers they should live off Speedy's penetration. I never really watched Speedys game until recently but it is hard to keep him out of the lane and he usually makes good decisions whenever he finishes or passes. He is not as good with on ball defense as I thought but he does play the passing lanes/help d better than any pg we have had in a while. Shelden should abuse most summer leaguers on the boards...this is what I want to see, his offensive skills are underrated and I think most will be suprised with is mid range jump shot.
  16. I know right...at least we have the summer league to look forward to. Another thing....Speedy will make more of an impact that people realize, u simply can't keep him out of the lane and unlike T Lue, he can finish. I like T Lue as a backup...Speedy/JJ backcourt, huge upgrade for us offensively.
  17. swolehawk2


    Actually it was garbage time...the first 5 minutes of the first and 3rd quarters...usually don't decide anything. LOL
  18. swolehawk2


    Yeah but his defense seems to be a bit overrated.
  19. Has Elson signed in Denver? He could come here be a great backup at the 5 spot.
  20. If I could change teams I would....I can't... I am a Hawks fan, I wish I could turn it off, especially if that clown takes ownership...but it is the team ...the jersey...that I am a fan of. What I don't get is how a fan can say I am not a fan of that a team anymore...so you would not be concerned or interested in how the Hawks are playing....or peek at the box scores...or watch any games?
  21. It is going to be fun to watch the trio of JJ Marvin and Smoove...grow together and rip up the league.
  22. "I believe we should sign Grundy to a 2 year 1.5 million dollar deal." I like Grundy's game too. Just something about it...gritty, get it done type of game.
  23. What he said...boy you r reaching. Al was GONE...prior to this ruling....if they felt that way we would have signed Al from the get go.
  24. The majority of Al's offense last year came from jump shots...you are exaggerating his post presence. Of course you don't continue to do the same thing if it does not work...obviously feeding Al in the post doesn't work well..so lets stay away from that.
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