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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Shelden won't draw double teams, not initially. But our offense does not need to come from the post...actually we looked horrible when posting up last year with AL or ZZ, the offense often times becomes stagnant. We should penetrate and finish...or get to the line or kick to open shooters for the majority of our half court offense. Remember the majority of the league can't guard on the perimeter. Then pick and roll/pop/fade. Lastly..if we must post, we can post JJ or ZZ or even Smoove at times. Offense won'r be a problem ...it is on the other end where we get in trouble.
  2. He is indeed a volume shooter....and last year turned mainly into a jump shooter.
  3. It will be replaced, we don't need Al's offense...what we need is a style, an identity...and we need to stick to it. Salim and Chills will prolly score more this year. Our starting group should never walk the ball up the court..with Speedy and Joe we should be able to control tempo. Don't get me started.
  4. Maybe because Al does not want to sign here.....
  5. "Circuit Court Judge Eric Johnson said in court Thursday that the order would not apply to players with whom negotiations already have been initiated, meaning, for example, that the Hawks apparently are free to complete their planned signing of free agent point guard Speedy Claxton to a multi-year contract." So technically anybody we have intitated negotiations with prior to the ruling, we can sign?
  6. Do we know if any of our games will be on NBA TV, like last year?
  7. For me, I think the bulk of the uncertainty lies with Woodson.....I believe even if Al walked and we got nothing...then signed Franciso Elson and a healthy Cato ...if this team played as HARD as Charlotte or Chicago it has enough to make the playoffs. They would not always play well against certain teams but if they laid it on the line every minute defensively and RAN...dictating tempo instead of accepting it ...we would be in the playoffs this year. Thing is... we would be deep enough to run and play tough help D for an entire game/year. Claxton/Lue/Ivey JJ/Salim Marvin/Chills Smoove/Shelden/Batista ZZ/Cato/Elson Playoffs this year...then how far the core would go would ultimately fall on the maturation of our youngins.
  8. Would you trade AL to Houston for Swift/Ryan Bowen?
  9. It is not rocket science, you stick Smoove on Rasheed ...Marvin on Prince....if that does not work well you switch....remember the Pistons would have to make the same decisions on the defensive end.
  10. I say Marvin and Smoove will start and you really won't be able to tell what positons they are playing.
  11. "We are still needing to acquire a superstar either by draft, trade, or free agency." Boy, that is easy to say.
  12. Both JJ and Chillz will get time together...Salim will get minutes...Claxton is fine...with Lue as a backup ...our backcourt is not what we should be worried about....we need a decent vet big to go with ZZ.
  13. We could prolly get Elson from Denver to serve as a quality backup ....he plays D and rebounds fairly well. Then add another big in an Al trade. We can waive Edwards if need be.
  14. I likes.....but with that lineup...we would definately need to limit turnovers....to keep from having ZZ and Shelden trying to continously get back in transition.
  15. LOL....." Diaz or Brown could have started as soon as this year." If they can start this year....then Salim can start this year. I am telling you ....all you "experts" giving up on Salim will be in for a shock.
  16. Barring injury....that team would make the playoffs....even with Woodson coaching.
  17. I would love to see Dre Miller here. I don't think Cassell would be a good fit here.
  18. The same way Boris sucked, some cats are going to get enough of writng off young players before they develop.
  19. I can't believe that cats r still callin the Chills pick a mistake, stop listening to the media, they don't watch the Hawks....they have no clue that Chills is a better basketball player right now that Deng or Iggy or Nelson. I know one thing....it does not matter who we pick really, because if we don't get some good vet big men...we will be right back in the lottery next year....or the Suns will.
  20. I think Shelden will do fine in the league....but what in the world has made you change your mind about Shelden? You basically said he was no good early on ....now he is the second best player in the draft. What gives?
  21. I was referring to the post which mentioned one of our swing players plus the 5th pick and Salim....that would be a bunch of talent.
  22. Boy, wouldn't it be sad if we were to give up a bunch of young talent up for AI...win nothing....he retires in three years...while the young talent we give up... along with Boris and JT are on winning teams and doing well. Not saying this would happen...but it could. BK may not be saying publicly that he needs some big time vets to stay out of the lottery next season...but I'm sure that is what he is thinking.
  23. If we are not going to get a proven vet coach...then we definately need to add some good vet players to the team. Vet does not mean old. We need vets than can still play ...not the Kevin Willis' and Kenny Andersons'.... somehow we need to convince a few to take our money.
  24. Man, it will be hard to pass on the toughness and physical presence that Williams brings for O'Bryant. I would rather a player that has a game that is more defined, the only big man you draft for potential in this draft is Aldridge, after him I am taking Williams, cause I klnow what I am getting.
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