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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. transparent. 4-7-06 “Succeed or fail, this stuff right here is why I like JJ and this seperates him from guys like JT and Al. JT and Al talk about sick of the losing and how great it would be to be on a winning team. Everytime Al is in Indiana NJ NY Chicago he talks about how great it would be to play there. Guys like JT and Al don't have the courage or game to try to help rebuild and turn around a franchise, they want the easy way out...let me ride to backs of better players on better teams. JJ understands the situation and has not backed down from trying to help turn it around, succeed or fail...u have to respect a man like that.” “I would want my GM to be reading that I think ATL is a great place to be ....how I think we are going in the right direction and how I want to stay and help continue to turn it around. Instead of...man look at the talent this team has ..I think I would fit great in NY...blah ....blah..blah...if teams want AL they will make him an offer. Why would a GM pay a player who really did not want to be there. If he wants to get paid and he wants to stay in ATL...why does he continue to talk about playing anywhere but ATL?” Al wants to be on a winner but does not have the courage nor game to help build one in Atlanta....he could have stayed in Indiana and rode the backs of JO and Artest. I think he realizes he is not the player he thought he was...good role player for the right team but definately not a focal point of any good team.
  2. Nobody has any patience around him, or most don't accept the fact that the players you see now are prolly not the players u will see in the future.. Chillz and Smoove have added to their games from last year. Marvin will do the same....it is called growth. If we had a more experienced coach the process would prolly not take as long.
  3. Actually, Smnoove posted twice and hit two running hooks in the lane....a shot he should take more.
  4. "Out rebounded on the defensive glass and beat inside." You are calling posters dumbasses....wow We are near the bottom in the LEAGUE in defensive rebounding and allowing points in the paint.....but this one game is why Smoove is not or will be a PF? What is your point....if Al is a PF then Smoove is a PF. It is simple. Let Smoove mature before you post a bunch of BS. Last year he couldn't shoot or handle. This year he is hitting threes and taking the ball coast to coast for assists and buckets. Let him grow.
  5. What are you talking about?
  6. swolehawk2


    I think we should add Franciso Elson as a back up this summer.
  7. The thing that keeps Lue from being a top shelf PG is his decsion making when he penetrates and gets among the big boys....he leaves his feet too often to pass and he has trouble finishing in traffic. Other than that I like his game offensively.
  8. Yep...it is game to game around here.....a few months ago Smoove and Chillz were trade bait. I'm gonna let most of you in on a little secret, Smoove can be damn near what he wants to be on the court. He has the tools and the frame to develop into a dominate 4 if he works hard and wants to.
  9. Wow talking about blind hate clouding ones judgement. If you are going to kill Marvin for a turnover ....u must please start a thread for Al in the next game....u will have plenty plays to choose from.
  10. I somewhat agree with that if you play ZZ with Chandler and Smoove, then ZZ's defensive flaws are not as glaring.
  11. The fact that ZZ is not a good on ball defender, would be ok, if he could play help defense...when he comes over to help he usually just picks up fouls.
  12. No sir, think you have the wrong cat. Have been a Hawks fan all my life and am reminded everytime I go to the barbershop and can't say anything about the NBA.
  13. JT/Lue JJ/Salim Marvin/Chill Smith/Noah Chandler/Zaza Wow....I would switch Chillz with Marvin at this point....but I like that team right there, yes sir. Our guards would give up some penetration, but with Smoove Chandler and Noah playing help d we would be fine. Post play would come from JJ Chandler ...ZZ and can you say jump shooters in the house!!!! JT/Lue JJ/Salim Marvin/Chill
  14. Swole you were a Chi fan right? What does that mean?...I have been a Hawks fan forever...or at least since I can remember. Confused
  15. No, didn't miss it...just figured you don't have a part time job as Chicago's GM.....so technically, you have no clue of what they will do...so I decided to dream a little about defensive bigs in ATL.
  16. So then we would draft Sheldon Williams... So we could maybe replace Al with Tyson Chandler & S. Williams...hmmmmmmm
  17. JJ told Phoenix not to match....they would have... meaning he would have gotten the same money in PHX, correct? So let me get this straight, we can pay Al more than any other team right?....BK says he wants him back....but instead of saying how much he would love to stay in ATL...he talks about how great it would be to play in Chicago and NY and NJ and Madagascar and Chechekistan or any other place where he is interviewed. I would want my GM to be reading that I think ATL is a great place to be ....how I think we are going in the right direction and how I want to stay and help continue to turn it around. Instead of...man look at the talent this team has ..I think I would fit great in NY...blah ....blah..blah...if teams want AL they will make him an offer. Why would a GM pay a player who really did not want to be there. If he wants to get paid and he wants to stay in ATL...why does he continue to talk about playing anywhere but ATL?
  18. Succeed or fail, this stuff right here is why I like JJ and this seperates him from guys like JT and Al. JT and Al talk about sick of the losing and how great it would be to be on a winning team. Everytime Al is in Indiana NJ NY Chicago he talks about how great it would be to play there. Guys like JT and Al don't have the courage or game to try to help rebuild and turn around a franchise, they want the easy way out...let me ride to backs of better players on better teams. JJ understands the situation and has not backed down from trying to help turn it around, succeed or fail...u have to respect a man like that.
  19. Do those passes/assists come from the post Diesel? Honestly.
  20. Right we need to get at least a big who can play D out of Al.
  21. In a halfcourt set, Neither JJ nor Zaza can post up their man and score consistently.. Neither can Al. Have u been watching? Al is a jumpshooter. You make it seem like JJ is our only 3 threat. JJ is going to pass it to Lue or Chillz....Smoove...Marvin Salim ...after all we are the 7th best three point shooting team... or here is a novel idea how about with all the athletes we have we actually cut to the basket for dunks layups and fouls.....seems to work when Al is not in the game, I wonder why? We don't have to be team that constantly throws the ball in the post and then stands and watch.
  22. swolehawk2

    Without Al

    Of course the defensive problems go beyond him, thats why you don't spend money on Al when you can spend it on bigs who play D....any offense that Al provides can be replaced by Smoove and Marvin. Just does not make sense for AL to be on this team.
  23. swolehawk2

    Without Al

    According to you, how many good players do the Hawks have?
  24. "At this point, you can either be a Hawks fan and agree with me" Like I said this team as is right now...anything we need from the low post we can get from JJ and ZZ....Al is not needed in Atlanta. What we need are bigs who play D and rebound. If I had an option of posting Al or JJ ...it would be JJ all day long. Al is not the post presence you make him out to be, u need to pay attention.
  25. Anything we need out of the post we can get from posting JJ and ZZ....Al is not needed in Atlanta. Al has turned into a jumpshooter and whatever few post points he gives us are hardly ever in crunch time. Labels....If KG is a PF ....then Smoove can be a PF...only post move KG has is a turn around jumper.
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