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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. swolehawk2

    Without Al

    Really does not matter who it was against, or if we won...but how the kids played together...and provided plays when needed...it is simple we are a better team if we add bigs that can play D with the money that we would spend on Al...period. Smoove, right now is a better player than Al. Maybe not better offensively just yet...but if I am picking a team and Smoove and Al are there I am taking the better b-ball player, Smoove.
  2. Woody told them they had no timeouts, then you see JJ huddle the guys up...the first words out of his mouth are "If they score...." McCants actually did not crash the boards he stood there watching the put back and Chillz ran right by him. That pass was perfect though....and Chillz made a smart play by letting it bounce. I love when everybody is involved. A couple of those passes from Smoove to Marvin were great looks. Smoove is developing into a very good basketball player.
  3. My point all along has been why spend money on Al when we need biggs and we can get what Al brings offensively from Smoove/Marvin...they are younger, cheaper and better defensively. Any way you slice it...does not make sense to keep Al.
  4. I think JJ actually called that play.....wow.
  5. Teams paid Foyle and Dampier a bunch of money....hell Greg Buckner got money....Ira Newble got overpaid... What another team can and will pay Al has nothing to do with us....a good team can pay what they want for depth, a role player, a team that lacks what Al brings..we don't. Why would THE HAWKS pay Al when what he brings we already have on the team and cheaper. It makes NO sense.
  6. Al is nobodys scape...people are nervous that we might pour lots of dollars into a player that does not deserve it...while we have capable players on the team that can do what he does at his position. He can't play PF well and he can't play SF well....he can't play defense ....he does not pass very well...the fact that he can't pass very well negates the fact that he has a post game because he can't pass out of a double...especially when teams double with a big. A Smoove/Marvin combination can give u everything that Al is giving plus better defense. Please don't say Al is a leader becasue he is not....he was easily replaced by JJ as the go to guy and Smoove is gaining fast. Why dump a bunch of money into AL...when we need bigs. Just does not make sense. Especially for a player that everytime he gets a mic in his face in Chicago, Indiana, NY...he talks about how great it would be to play for them. If we resign AL ....it would be a huge mistake for a franchise that can't afford anymore huge mistakes.
  7. Maybe two or three teams in the NBA can contain guard penetration...in the league it is almost impossible to stay in front of guards, every team allows penetration, however the good defensive teams have bigs that play help defense ...we don't have a single one. It is simple, basketball is a simple game. Guards break down the D with dribble penetration...how good your defense is depends on how good your bigs are with help defense and how well you rotate back to open shooters.
  8. If we resign AL the entire FO should be fired....why would you pay that money to a one dimensional inconsistent player when what he contributes can be easily gotten from Chillz Marvin and Smoove.....while needing to spend money on real bigs....just does not make sense. Al does not play D ....does not pass well, nor rebound and the majority of his shots are jump shots. Why would you pour money into a player like that?
  9. It is simple our 4 and 5 don't play a lick of help defense.
  10. Wrong, Josh Smith is easily a better defender than Al and Smoove's defense still is not where it should be...not even close...Smoove is our ONLY player that plays any type of defense in the lane....give Smoove the shots that Al gets and he avgs between 17-20 pts a game. Al is overrated by many....and has turned into an jump shooter. If I stand around on D...then go to the other end and hit a jump shot how does that make me a good basketball player.
  11. He can definately do what Ivey does, bring the ball across throw it to JJ go set a pseudo screen and get an open jump shot...
  12. I know he is injured I am speaking of what should have happened when/if he is healthy.
  13. It does not matter what you call him (PG or SG)...this year we would have been better starting Salim (with Lue hurt)with JJ, while JJ does the majority of the ball handling. Lue should obviously start when healthy, but JJ should continue to dominate the ball handling.
  14. We have a PG that can score and knock down open jump shots....Ty Lue...the problem when Lue was starting is that Woody let him dominate the ball handling...he should have started and JJ still do most of the ball handling and creation.
  15. I have thought all along we would be better starting Salim or Lue (healthy).
  16. As long as we don't sign him I don't care what he gets.
  17. This is actually the first time in a long time that we have a bonafide player to build around. We tried with Reef then maybe JT.
  18. I think it means JJ Chillz and Smoove will play a ton of minutes.
  19. "I saw them at the allstar game. He had a tough time dribbling." Are you serious... We have a tough time because we can't get stops ...that has nothing to do with Smooves dribbling. I think I am getting dumber by responding to your posts...wow If you trade a 20 year old player out of HS that is developng right in front our your eyes...then you get what you ask for.....a chance to see him become a stud in another uniform...ask Boston about JJ. JJ and Paul Pierce would be mighty nice right now....
  20. We can out score teams with ball movement and team play...does it ever strike you as odd when the ball movement becomes better and we get more easy baskets when AL is sitting...it is because he is a blackhole player who does not pass well and forces shots.
  21. It is effort because he does not try to move his feet when playing d...often times he is not in a defensive stance...he gets fouls beacuse he uses his hands to slap and grab..signs of little effort to gain good defensive position. This also happens when a player is unsure of where to be or what to do ...but Al is a vet now and that should not be the case.
  22. I don't think we would be much worse without him....and Kenny Smith knows nothing of how Al has played or the Hawks for that matter...he also said Al is a good defender.
  23. Boy that is a weak ass post right there. Smooves handles are improved!!!!!!....watch a game.
  24. I like ZZ but he is what he is and that is ok...we just need defensive bigs to make up for it...but Al can not start for us...he can't guard 3s or 4s and shoots too many jumps shots...hell lets give those jumps shots to Marvin Smoove and Chillz...we don't need a fake post player that plays no d really does not pass well and forces shots....signing Al would be a disaster.
  25. When Theo starts switching out on Guards and small forwards and holding his own thats when the will be similiar on defense.
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