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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. There goes stat boy again....if you watch the games and you don't....you see that Smooves jump shot now is not his jump shot next year...just like his jump shot last year is not his jump shot now...get it ....it is not a finished product...he will become deadly from 15-17 feet...when he does... people won't be able to block it and run a jumps are just going to get somebody dunked on.
  2. Oh ok...I knew something was up...because Smoove is developing brotha...he is starting breaks off the rebound and making pretty good decisions...his passing lately has been impressive...not to mention he has been knocking down jumpers...he still has trouble with deciding what is a good shot...but Smoove will be a stud for a long time. Question, why do you come in here and spout off about games you are not watching.
  3. Except his handles are way better than Theo's ever were...he has range on his jump shot that Theo could never get to....he can guard 2 and 3s on a switch....he can get a rebound and start the break....and yeah he is like 12 years old and has not been in the league a full two years.
  4. Man when is the last time you watched a game...is your cable out or something?
  5. Yes definately in the offseason...we try to get some bigs that actually no what defense is then we get a vet coach to come in instill some structure and define roles.
  6. Stat boy would not know that because he comments on games that he does not watch.
  7. Not speaking of this loss...overall this talent would develop better and faster with a vet head coach.
  8. They would not all start..but mix those guys in with what we have right now.....ZZ would play more 4 ...this team would make the playoffs...if Milwaukee and Chicago can be in the hunt..... Lue/Ivey JJ/Salim Chillz/Marvin Smoove/ZZ/Elson Pryz/Cato/ this team would make the playoffs this year.
  9. We just lost to the Knicks bench...there is no excuse. If we want to get the absolute most out of the young talent we have here, we really need to find a vet coach in the offseason.
  10. You are comparing Smoove to Theo Ratliff?...you should not be allowed to watch any more basketball ever.
  11. 4 is a big....you give me Pryz, F. Elson, Cato...minus AL...... JJ carries this team to the playoffs.
  12. Do the Suns play defense ....do they have any defensive bigs? My point is that if Hawks can stop people JJ can score and create enough offense for others to win games. I hate stat geeks.
  13. If we had defensive big men....JJ could carry this team because he creates for others...it is not all about scoring...
  14. Did you see the game?....Smoove was not involved the the offense he should be taking some of Al's shots...Darius Miles wish he had the all around game that Smoove does.
  15. I would trade AL for any big man I could get that can play defense.
  16. If we had some defensive big men...JJ could carry this team. JJ and Smoove are out ther battling while ZZ and AL play get out the way defense.
  17. JJ is the real deal...just thought I should add that.
  18. The only NBA starters we have right now are JJ and Smoove and maybe Chillz before the injury.
  19. Harrington is pathetic and lazy...like I have said all year he only plays when he has the ball in his hands or when it is convenient for him. We just lost to the NY Knicks bench.....pathetic.
  20. He sucked, Joe had a bad shooting night but played well in every other area.
  21. Yeah he has become the anchor on that vaunted Suns defense....LOL
  22. If he would have boxed out G. Wallace the play before maybe they would have won.
  23. If Toronto can't keep Bosh, the league might as well shut that franchise down, or name it the NBA Canadian Developmental Farm System Raptors...u get the point.
  24. T Mac has never played a lick of defense in his life....and recently he basically plays when he wants to.
  25. His first three rebounds ....he pushed the ball and got 3 assists...which were 7 points for JJ....he should not stop doing this, he should do it as he works on his ball handling. Only practice makes him more comfortable....just imagine a PF, because that is what he eventually will play, that can take the ball off the rim and start the break. This is the year for Chillz and Smoove to grow, they will make mistakes but the more plays they make like this the more they learn and become confident. Marvin draw fouls left and right...you have to respect that beautiful jumper.
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