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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Lets not give up on Salim just yet.
  2. It is true that Boris has the benefit of playing on a very good team for a good coach and with a great PG. I could see that Boris could play the game while he was here...same for Chillz Marvin Salim Smoove ZZ. However I do think is safe to say that our young players would develop better and at a faster pace if we did not always have coach that is learning how to be a head coach. Boris is a role player that has a very good all around game...makes sense that he would be great in Phoenix...but we have swings with much greater upside and since Boris was unhappy it only made sense to include him in the trade.
  3. It is that we have not had a coach that knows what he is doing in a long time!
  4. I see we recalled Donta today, does this relate to how long Chillz will be out?
  5. Exactly, Phoenix & Dallas are great to they run into teams that don't turn the ball over and play half court defense, usually deep in the playoffs, then its vacation time for the run and gun teams.
  6. Take Wade from Miami....battling for 7 or 8 spot Take Kidd from NJ.....lottery Take Lebron from Cleveland.....lottery Take Boris from Phoenix...prolly the same record. Bo is a nice role player and will always be a nice role player....he was a role player here, problem was we did not have good feature players the he could fit around. I knew he could play so I am not suprised, most here thought he was a bum, thats why they are so suprised now. Some here treat Salim the same way...but they will also see. Like I have said a long time ago and will keep saying...I would love to see what would have happened with a good proven vet coach, coaching the talent that has passed through ATL recently.
  7. I think at this stage with this team...more than we need a PG that can pass and handle and run an O, we need a PG that can defend and disrupt other PGs...keep PGs out of the lane. It would be great to het a PG that can do both...not many of them however.
  8. No guarantee we would be any better.
  9. Team is rebuilding ....you can't do it all in one season...but the core is here. People fail to realize or even acknowledge this is year 2 of a rebuilding process. I give BK credit for not coughing up a bunch of money to Dampier or Swift...for the sake of having a big man. ZZ was a steal for the money. Patience is key to rebuilding.
  10. It is relative to the team that is on the floor....I expected the record of the Reef/Theo teams to be decent...it was not....the record mattered. This team I did not expect much...because of youth, but did expect growth...record does not matter as much.
  11. It is not that we are losing...any moron could see that...it is why. If a team is poorly constructed with a bunch of vets who make a lot of money ...like the Reef/Big Dog team then of course you beat them up for bad management....(knicks)but if a team is rebuilding has a gang of young talent and is improving, I think you make a note of this. Bad team now but not because we have bad players or no talent...but because of youth, there is a difference in my opinion.
  12. The national media should "lowly" the Knicks for a while, or Charlotte. Give us a break while we are improving.....all about perception...other NBA fans hear it ....players hear it. Don't paint the Hawks into a team that can't improve..different owners, different era.... Take all the shots u want when we had vets that couldn't win (like the Knicks now) but we are young and talented. If the Knicks had our young talent and the same record...the media would be saying they are improving and team on the rise crap...wait to these guys get experience....blah blah blah It is just easy to take shots at this franchise, sometimes I wish media would take the hard route.
  13. I asked in a earlier post... Think we can, not resign AL, with that money (give or take) sign Nazr, Reggie Evans, & Francisco Elson cut Edwards and bring over David Anderson. Draft best PG. Make Playoffs.
  14. What does it hurt to sign him?....I don't think BK signed him and then kicked his heels up and lit a 10 hour cigar. Anybody we sign at this point in the season would make a huge differnce anyway.
  15. "also could turn out to be a bust" He said that Smoove was the player in the draft that had the best chance of being a bust.
  16. Yep...last night he had some turnovers...but it looked like he would dribble around looking for somebody to dive to the rim and sometimes they would stand and watch Joe, almost to say GO JOE DO YOUR THANG....have to keep moving on O... Joe will find you.
  17. Chillz wit the corner three...the dunk over Bosh and the foul shot, the offensive rebound and half hook after a missed free throw...not for Chillz late in the game we would have not been up by three when he fouled. The Joshes are starting to hit big shots. Smoove seems like he is all over the court, blocking rebounding, jumpers, dunks...loose balls. Salim is forcing just a bit...but he also has played pretty good since coming back...played solid D last night late in the game. If we can pull off a win Friday...it would be another step.
  18. Childress jumped off to the side of Mo Pete and he flared his leg.... Chillz hit him....but the ball was on the rim when the ref blew the whistle...prolly get that call anytime there is contact on a three at the end of the game. The Smoove block and the dunk by Chillz over Bosh with the and 1, was amazing to see. This team should have wilted in overtime after how they gave the lead away. They didn't, says something about the young fellas.
  19. As oppose to players like JT and Al, who would rather not carry the weight of helping to turn around a team. Al does not want to be here...glad when he is gone.
  20. Exactly, the facts are plain, if your opponent scores more points than u, u lose!
  21. I don't believe we have to have Hakemm Olajuwon...but we could use the money to spend on a couple solid big men. Spending a ton of money on Al is a mistake...for the money we spend on Al (give or take a few coins)...think we could sign Nazr Mohammed, Francisco Elson & Reggie Evans. All would be a nice fit since our focus offensvely will be JJ Joshes and Marvin.
  22. http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/5320410 "Here are the biggest problems: Officials delaying their whistles while a player is fouled in the act of shooting a relatively easy lay-up. Should the shot fall, then the whistle will be silent. Should the shot miss, then the tooter will toot. The subsequent late whistles drive coaches and players to distraction. Sure, the officials want to avoid making unnecessary calls that jam up the smooth unfolding of the game, but a foul is a foul is a foul. Despite the refs' insistence that make-up calls would actually constitute two bad calls in succession and therefore never happen, make-up calls are routine. The extra "European Step" that drivers are allowed makes playing legit defense impossible on a one-on-one basis. If refs are not supposed to follow the flight of the ball, then how can they accurately adjudicate goal-tending violations? And how can refs be asked to follow the action while also keeping track of offensive and defensive 3-second violations? The answer here is for a pair of auxiliary refs to be positioned somewhere off-court at roughly the level of the basket (perhaps on raised seats like tennis officials) and be assigned the task of calling only basket, and lane violations. More ex-players should be encouraged to become refs, only because of their increased athletic-competition IQ. Referees maintain that their calls are correct 93% of the time. This is an admirable rate of accuracy, but there are certain qualifications. One bad call (with a 7% probability) at the wrong time can turn a ball game the wrong way. Also, non-calls are equally as decisive as calls and are not tallied. Several of the newest NBA arenas have as many as 12 cameras recording the games (compared with about half that number utilized by the various networks in nationally televised games) for the eventual perusal of the home team's coaches and video coordinators. According to these admittedly biased observers, the extra angles provided by the extra cameras show that refs botch about one-third of their calls. Poor referees are allowed to continue working even after their malfeasance has been demonstrated."
  23. Who is whining? I have accepted that the NBA won't fix the game and officiating is horrible....too many rules that are not written that factor into a game. I just hope that our bad calls are not as bad as the opponents' and move on. I would like to see officials work more together to get a call right....it happens just not enough.
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