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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. If you describe fair as being poorly officated at both ends ...and hoping that our bad call is not as bad as your bad call...then yeah it is fair alright.....if NJ scores and we lose...because they had a possesion we should have had ...is it fair? The NBA, a billion dollar corporation, can't do anything to improve officiating?
  2. Just a regular night in the world of NBA officiating. In the middle of the floor at half court and all three officials miss the call? Wow
  3. Josh Smith will play PF, it is very obvious. Marvin is a better defender right now than Al Harrington.... Marvin's anticipation right now is the thing thats lacking defensively ...he plays defense with his feet, like you should,but he is just slow to react to what he sees right now ...but that will come along....Al does not try to move his feet...he plays d with his hands. Marvin is also using his pump fake and drive now...getting to the foul line a lot...so shooting open jumpers is not all he does well. He is beginning to hadle the ball a lot more also.
  4. They may have no vested interest but they suck, night in and night out.
  5. Good defensive teams can get away with playing a player like Al. Both Nazr and Brent are only playing about 15 miniutes a night. When Rasho sits and they feel like they didn't want to go to Marks or Horry or Oberto at the 5 they could slide Tim to the 5 and play Al and Bruce or Al and Horry at the forwards ....give them more flexability, they don't need Brent ...with Manu, Tony Finley, Nick and Udrih. Think it makes both teams better.
  6. Should say they are NOT playing big roles in San Antonio lately.
  7. Yeah, but some trades are not announced immediately. Wishful thinking.
  8. Al & Delk traded to San Antonio for Brent Barry and Nazr. Nazr would add size/rebounding....Brent could start with JJ...keep Chillz/Salim and Lue coming off the bench with scoring. They are playing big roles in San Antonio, lately.
  9. I have actually seen players box out for a rebound, the ball goes over their head, throw their arms up and yell as if pushed and get the call. Sad, and flops....wow and offensive jumping into the defensive player and getting the call. and young players on bad teams have the worst time...I see why it is hard for them to be persistent. Sometimes I think Smoove may just jump off a bridge.
  10. Right, one of the reasons refs check foul totals at the half, as well as game film, the next time you are watching any game and one team is getting a boat load of fouls in the 1st half watch the game early in the 3rd they usually call ticky tacks (fouls that have no real consequence)....to help even things out before you get into crunch time. I am not saying they actually say to each other at the half lets go out and even things up...but the NBA definately has developed a pattern of how to ref games...and it is NOT lets call every obvious foul. But what the average fan fails to realize when they say "I thought it was a fair balance of calls" is when the fouls are called ...how often do you see obvious fouls that are not called during big runs in a game...this happens a lot in the NBA...just because the Pistons or Heat or Spurs have scored 9 unanswered and their fans are going crazy, don't look a way when I drive to the basket and get raked across the arms.....and they get a fast break the other way.
  11. You are missing my point, this is not considered bad officiating in the NBA...so why would the refs be punished for doing their jobs. A foul has stipulations in the NBA, this is created by the NBA and not each individual ref... "You can't get that call in this league that late in the game." "He is just a rookie he can't get that until he earns respect." "Don't expect the refs to bail him out on that one (unless he is a star), he had no place to go with the ball." A foul is defined but the NBA adds stipulations. Not the individual refs, but the NBA has layed out a standard and a set of unwritten rules...been like that for a good while now. "star treatment"
  12. The NBA accepts this officiating ....this type of officiating creates "great NBA moments" ex...the Jordan push off same winner against the Jazz....you think the NBA scolded/punished those refs for not making that call...nope. You get the old phrase, "you can't call that against him this late in the game" This is an NBA problem not just an officials problem. I understand it is tough to get everything right ....but fouls that give OBVIOUS advantages should always be called regardless of who fouled and how much time is left in the game.
  13. I don't believe Al wants to be here.
  14. "also think that a spectator will remember the call that went in the big name's favor ("OMG THAT'S BS! DID YOU SEE THAT?"), and quickly forget the calls that go right, like the 4 fouls on sheed, or mcdyess' 4 fouls in 19 minutes. I think that this is a big part of people hating the refereeing. I thought the game was called fairly last night. I think that the only stretch of bad officiating I saw was at the very start of the game when they went on a run on us and I thought that a number of those turnovers were fouls. But it went both ways." To say that these officals don't know who they are calling fouls on on who has the ball and the ebb and flow of the game is naive....hell a high school ref knows when a teams best player has the ball. This is where NBA officials fool fans like you...they call fouls that change the game when concerning star players or better teams....they even this out in the number of fouls by giving a Billups a touch foul on a Ivey a minute into the 3rd quarter...overall that foul call does nothing to affect the game. However, when a good team/player is on a 5-0 run and the lesser team/player drives to the basket to stop the bleeding and there is no call when there is obvious contact...this is what kills the game.... It counts as one foul for each team...but they don't mean the same.
  15. Exactly, they can not see every foul...but the obvious fouls have the be called, regardless of who it is against. It is just too inconsistent....one play a guard can throw an elbow to a bigs throat at the top of the key for everyone to see...no call...the next play on the other end they call a touch foul on a made basket.
  16. Please...do you think they actually miss all those fouls...they see them they just consider what player, what team, which move did he make to get that shot and what time in the game and who fouled. If Billups goes up against Salim, Salim stands with hands vertical and Billups creates the contact with his leg...why is a foul called because he makes a mean face like he has been hit?
  17. Yep, officiating in the NBA is comical, one reason why the game suffers and hardly anyone watches. One of the Detroit announcers mentioned on one call that we didn't get ...that the Hawks have to earn respect to get those calls...laughable....an obvious foul is an obvious foul....and Bullups created contact all night jumping into Hawks, kicking legs out...it is sad. Not just Hawks though, officiating night to night , game to game is just not very good.
  18. They also sounded like the Pistons have super human abilities, I was thinking at any minute "the best starting 5 in basketball" would just fly away from the arena to save babies and the elderly.....wow. Anyway...we really need to spend money on big men and not Al Harrington.
  19. Who cares about Al... like I said after the NO loss is Nov...Al is lazy and only works when the ball is in his hands. Plays defense with his hands because he is too lazy to move his feet. Man, I hope we trade him....he just stops ball movement and has to take a lot of shots to be effective. Lets get us a defensive big man out of Al at least.
  20. If any Hawk fan is not pleased with what we are getting from ZZ at 21 years old and for what we paid him, they really should not watch basketball anymore. My only knock is that he tries a little too hard at the offensive end sometimes. I think that is because he knows he has improved his offense and is trying to show what he can do, any young player that suddenly gets more minutes than he has ever had is going to try a force things at times. ZZ is a keeper.
  21. I think Salim should get more minutes...but I think Woodson will play JJ and Chillz together a lot. If Delk can't play now, then wtf?
  22. A post from 11/18/05.. "BK needs to be Fired! This is the only way Mike Woodson will be let go and he needs to be fired ASAP. This team is totally lost on both ends. Do not give effort, they don't pass ...settle for jump shots and they don't play D. Woodson has to go...this team will make no improvement under him, so we waste time getting back to being respectable....we are easily the worst team in the league... The players have quit on Woodson. If anybody pays to see this [censored] they are foolish. There is no discipline on this team...players can do what they want to at anytime. Al's lazy ass needs to be on the bench in a contract year...he only gives effort when the ball is in his hands... JJ walks off the court after every timeout looking like he is wondering why in the world he left Phoenix. This team is dead without a experienced coach to take over....what is Lenny Wilkens doing...hell what is Chuck Daly doing...Pat Riley.....hell Paul Westphal...somebody help. How in the world did we not hire Mike Fratello."
  23. Yeah, it has nothing to do with defense, because when teams were having a layup line earlier this season against the Hawks, it is because we played against teams who like to drive uncontested to the rack, wait thats every team, except us, we just love jump shots.
  24. Trading Salim right now would be a mistake, because we don't know how good he will be...ya know like when Boston traded Joe. He is a special shooter, that has a strong work ethic and a chip..we may want to see what that equals. Plus this team fits Salim now...with JJ Royal or Chillz up top initiating the offense while Salim is in, we don't really have to go small for Salim to play as a 2.
  25. I would probably go with Pryz, he offers more defense and ZaZa brings what Nazr would and Z is better.
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