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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Al wants to be a starter on a good team thats why he left Indiana....well in two more years he could be a leader on a very good Hawks team....but he would have to be a good part of the reason the Hawks are good....so I ask myself is Al like JT, does he know he is not good enough or strong enough to lead this team, and he would rather be a third option on another team. I mean what better why to prove you are a star for JJ and AL is to lead the "Lowly Atlanta Hawks" back to the playoffs?
  2. That is when you know u r on to something with a young team....Denver out hustled us and played better for a majority of that game, but we still won. Clutch plays from JJ, Smoove & Lue.
  3. If I heard correctly the first tech was given to Woody for staring at the ref. They don't call two calls on the same play that could have given us the lead and then we get techs for throwing a head band on the floor and staring at the ref.
  4. R. Miller was quoted today I think questioning Artest's commitment to winning ..that guy is a little touched and you want to bring him to Atl....I am just gald you make no decisions for this team or any team. I would trade AL for you, before I would trade for Artest to come lead this team.
  5. And to add, Smoove was playing a lot of the 5 spot tonight. How could the refs miss both of the those calls? Answer = they didn't miss them, they saw them and didn't blow the whistle.
  6. This is why games like New Orleans and some of the other games we have loafed through are unacceptable...this team is young but it has enough talent to be competitive each night. We are capable of giving teams rough times on defense if they just bust their tails and give effort.
  7. "He put the label name in his hair, the league asked him to remove it, and he complied immediately" LOL "He is supposedly a perfect teammate in the lockerroom. He isn't going to come and piss teammates off." LOL "I mean Rodman was worth the risk back in the day, and all he did was rebound" Rodman was not the leader of any team, he had stong personlaties from Phil to Mike to Pip. In Detroit he had strong vets. We don't have that, if we trade Al that means that Artest would come here with no vets, Joe does not have strong enough personality and if you think we had the young fellas yapping it up with the coaching staff wait to u get a load of Artest when we are down by 30 to Indiana. Think we don't share the ball now...think we don't have assists now...wait til Ron comes in and shoots when he feels like it. I can not believe some of you are so desperate and impatient. We need a BIG and a coach and the Hawks will be fine. Artest would kill this franchise, would cost people jobs and could be the final straw that breaks the Hawks for a long while.
  8. Is this the same Artest? The one that went into the stands ...the one that asked for a month off so he could promote an album...the guy that is starting on a winning team and is complaing about shots. This is a young fragile franchise, on and off the court, the last thing we need is Artest. I can't believe that anybody would consider this, he would eat this young team alive. If we can't get a good big...there is no need to trade anybody.
  9. Yep, except Al is playing the 4... and gets posted a lot more than JJ....that was my point, when your only post threat is shooting the same percentage as your guards ....then you have become a jumpshooting team...since we have become a jump shooting team, why don't you let your best jump shooters shoot the ball....follow along now....this is the part where Salim comes in.
  10. We are not talking about wins & losses here we are talking about maximizing the talent on this team. When you watch a Hawk game do you say or think that Woodson is getting everything out of this team....are the Hawks playing as well as they can play given the circumstances...I don't think so. A coach has to get the maximum amount of play out of his team, regardless of how talented or young it is.
  11. That Salim is shooting the same percentage as our starting PF ...although he has taken 62 3s. Why isn't Salim shooting 20 times a game? Why don't we run him off screens like Rip or Reggie? Is it because he is a rookie?...so what! Al my cry and whine because we take shots away from him in a contract year.....so what! C'mon Woody let Salim shoot 20 - 25 times a game.
  12. Some may say the same of Woodson. I don't.
  13. For instance... Marvin would be great. Villanueva will be a bust especially at 7. Frye is too soft. Paul is too small. Bogut will be the next Duncan. and so on and so fourth. Are you saying that all of the above has been decided?
  14. Ya know I can deal with a few turnovers from Royal, because he hustles plays gritty D and is young...what I can't stand is the turnovers at key times from Lue JJ and Al.
  15. I heard before the season started that he had the best offseason of any Hawk. I don't see how he could be any more inconsistant than Lue. I say give him to time and let him sink or swim, we need all the D we can get.
  16. I am frustrated with the team defense...we hardly get back in transition...its not like when we had Reef and Dog not getting back and moving their feet...we have young athletes that should be able to move their feet to get back in transition. How many times do we get back doored and allow cutters to get to the front of the rim.
  17. Diaw numbers are amazing most of you because you thought he was a bum....Diaw has always had a good all around game..but we have had an abundance of role players in Atlanta the past few years and that is all Diaw will ever be. We need a star and to trade a role player at a position we are loaded at is not a big deal. What did you expect him to do in Phoenix...I could avg 8 assists a night in Phoenix. Diaw is the last thing any Hawks fan should be worried about...the first 2 should be coaching and our team defense.
  18. I like Paul too, who else is available? Silas Wilkins
  19. The NO game should have been the final straw....it was obvious that he had lost this team...and to lose a team this early in the year...does not matter how young or what happens, is rare. I said it after that game and I stick to it ...he needs to go.
  20. Of course I really don't expect any management to make a decision on what fans think...that still does not remove the fact that Woodson has to go.
  21. A post from 11/18/05.. "BK needs to be Fired! This is the only way Mike Woodson will be let go and he needs to be fired ASAP. This team is totally lost on both ends. Do not give effort, they don't pass ...settle for jump shots and they don't play D. Woodson has to go...this team will make no improvement under him, so we waste time getting back to being respectable....we are easily the worst team in the league... The players have quit on Woodson. If anybody pays to see this [censored] they are foolish. There is no discipline on this team...players can do what they want to at anytime. Al's lazy ass needs to be on the bench in a contract year...he only gives effort when the ball is in his hands... JJ walks off the court after every timeout looking like he is wondering why in the world he left Phoenix. This team is dead without a experienced coach to take over....what is Lenny Wilkens doing...hell what is Chuck Daly doing...Pat Riley.....hell Paul Westphal...somebody help. How in the world did we not hire Mike Fratello."
  22. Like I said before...we need a vet proven coach in here quick....Al is poutin because he thinks this should be his team, but he can't produce like a superstar....the Hawks don't have a Wade or Shaq or Kobe or KG or AI....but they do have enough talent to compete if they share the ball. What Al and Joe have to learn though, if Salim or Marvin or the Joshs are playing better than them...then we need to run plays for them too....Salim does not have enough plays run for him...neither does Marvin....I would rather Salim take 20 shots that Joe take 20....honestly.
  23. Exactly...we need his energy on the floor early so everybody can tell that maybe they are not playing as hard as they think they are.... Salim makes mistakes but he makes them while playing hard...I can live with that.
  24. Josh's problem right now ....is that he is dead set to prove that he is more than a dunker...he is forcing the game when he should let it come to him....we need a vet coach badly.
  25. Doesn't matter who it is against....Salim plays the same every night he will make mistakes but he gives effort...combine his shooting ability with his ability to get to the rim...he has good vision...add that with his chip and some good coaching and Salim can be special. He is more talented than Gordon in my opinon. I agree with his cousin Damon when he said Salim is the second best player on this team...but the team doesn't know it yet.
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