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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Joe looked to be playing hard...but he had this look of I can't believe that these Mofos have quit....ZaZa plays hard but looks lost at times.....but Salim made it obvious that the team had quit...and they should be fined for that game. At one point it looked like Al did not even want to give Salim a high five....he seemed embarassed.
  2. "The Hawks need a true point guard running the show and that Salim is a finisher. Let him be our version of Ben Gordon" I am so sick of hearing Salim compared to Ben Gordon....he can be so much better than Ben with good coaching and minutes. Salim plays hard and with a chip...not just tonight but every night ....he needs to start. If the team passes the ball we don't need a true point on the floor when both guards can are good but not great ball handlers....pass the ball and play d.
  3. Salim is a tough kid that has pride...he should start... I said this days ago...he is tough and plays hard...those are the players that need the minutes. If they would play hard on the defensive end and pass the ball offensively this team could win games...but it won't happen under Woodson.
  4. This team has no heart....they let a damn rookie show them what playing hard on both ends looks like....they looked like suckers when Salim started his run...and he was hustling on the defensive end....you could see in the team ...they knew they had quit...and this rookie came in and showed heart which would make the fact that they had QUIT more obvious. Woodson is clueless he needs to go...this never happens if we have a vet coach.
  5. This is the only way Mike Woodson will be let go and he needs to be fired ASAP. This team is totally lost on both ends. Do not give effort, they don't pass ...settle for jump shots and they don't play D. Woodson has to go...this team will make no improvement under him, so we waste time getting back to being respectable....we are easily the worst team in the league... The players have quit on Woodson. If anybody pays to see this [censored] they are foolish. There is no discipline on this team...players can do what they want to at anytime. Al's lazy ass needs to be on the bench in a contract year...he only gives effort when the ball is in his hands... JJ walks off the court after every timeout looking like he is wondering why in the world he left Phoenix. This team is dead without a experienced coach to take over....what is Lenny Wilkens doing...hell what is Chuck Daly doing...Pat Riley.....hell Paul Westphal...somebody help. How in the world did we not hire Mike Fratello.
  6. "I've got to think about lineup changes, I've got to think about maybe who I start in the third quarter," Woodson said." Salim & Joe should be our backcourt. Salim seems to be more comfortable with his ball handling lately and we need his scoring and toughness. I don't think we lose much if anything on the defensive end with Salim over Lue. Joe & Salim can share the ball handling duties. I am tempted to say Marvin should start over Chillz but I am not sure yet. Though Marvin is another guy who can bring the ball up himself after rebounds.
  7. Hey..did the Mrs have a role in the last season of "Six Feet Under" ?
  8. If we are going to make a trade we need to trade for a big...Marbury would not help this team.
  9. Somebody who knows what a blocked shot and sound defense looks like.
  10. Yeah, I would start Salim and Marvin, with JJ AL and Z. Between Marvin Salim and JJ...even AL at times ....we can get the ball up the floor and in our sets...while Salim is not a great defender he is pesky enough to guard PGs in this league...especially if Nash and JT can start in this league. Defensively, this group may be better than the group with Lue and Childress. Offensively, I think having Marvin Salim and JJ on the floor together would open the interior for AL and Z. This group would also be more aggressive, which is something we definately need. We need to do this in the next game and give it a 10 game run to see how effective we can be.
  11. No....it would be really sad if we were looking for a 4th center to start for us.
  12. We need to establish a core and let them grow together. This requires patience.
  13. Yeah he played ok....although he did miss a layup that could have won the game.
  14. When we get a coach in here that maximizes and puts our talent in the best position for each to succeed is when you can tell who can play and who can't.
  15. The real issue is not much about personnel we have at this point....but how we will use it. For example....anybody got any clue as to who will start Tuesday against the Lakers? Woody probably does not even know....we have NO set rotation yet....nobody really has a define role. We have no offensive identity and we don't play defense.
  16. According to most people here the kids they want to trade are no good...and can not get any better...so what team is going to give you a good big man for some no good 21 year olds who can't get any better?
  17. How about we let the young guys play more than one year before we trade them away for some mediocre big men. What would be nice, is if we had vet coach to get the most out of this years team...I don't feel like that will be done this year.
  18. He knew he made a bullshitt call...u could see it in his face but he couldn't take it back.
  19. This team is poorly coached to say the least ....u really can't name one thing we do well...we look disorganized...we almost always score in the halfcourt in a one on one situation or after a play breaks down...we hardly ever score off of a well ran play....it is just disorganized....and ugly.
  20. So the coaches said give the ball to the guy who makes 70 million and Lue proceeds to just dribble around because he wants to....best believe, if Lue was out there doing anything other than what Woodson wanted him to do...he would have not played as much...I think much of your disdain needs to be aimed at the staff.
  21. Man, you cats are really on Lue's back...Lue comes in the game and does what he is told...it was understood from the beginning of the year that Lue would coame in and play a lot of pick and roll/pop stuff...thats why he had the ball in his hands alot....evidently this coaching staff likes what Lue brings thats why he was brought back. We have a lot of problems, I don't see Lue being one of them. The ajc says Marvin will start tonight.
  22. Let JJ create team? Motion offense share the ball team? Pick & Roll team with Lue? Post Oriented offensive team with Z JJ or AL? Screening team, multi layered screens to free jump shooters? We did all of that offensively last night...but when we needed baskets to stop the run we could not hang or hat on anything..... Sign of young coach....new young players and no real identity as a team yet. This is where you look to see if Woodson will improve this team, when we start to show PURPOSE for the entire game.
  23. is the same problem for the past 5 years or so....they don't know when/how to change intensity. Golden State played with a higher intensity in the 3rd and the Hawks played at the same intensity they did in the first half... what should have happened was after about a 7-8 point run the hawks should have turned up the intensity defensely...if this means committing a bunch a fouls to slow the game down to a grind then that is what is needed...instead we play at the same intensity defensively and we give up wide open shots.... This is where the word TEAM comes to mind....because in order to turn up intensity it has to be each individual...not one or two. I know it is early in the rebuilding process but I would love to have an experienced head coach to speed this process along.
  24. Game is going just like I expected....we will probably make a run cut it close again...then fall apart again in the 4th.
  25. I remember him saying when Jason passed ....that he was supposed to be his pick & roll/pop partner off of the bench....so I suspect that is the plan for Lue...he did run an awful lot of pick and roll with ZaZa...thats why it seems like he dribbles too much.
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