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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. I am usually optimistic, but with the turnovers from the preseason....the lack of defense, the youth ....and Joe trying to get comfortable running the team AND provide scoring....I don't know how we win this game. Am I off base? I hope so. Can't wait to see the Hawks....the season is finally here.
  2. You know sometimes I wish we could get an experienced coach for the first tme in 10 years....soemtimes I don't fell the talent is maximized in ATL.
  3. Shooting lights out from deep in this preseason....what did he do this summer....sounds like his jumper has really improved.
  4. I think it was the win against the bobcats where he came in at the end of the game took almost every shot and we won. You don't have to run around and yell at the sky to have fire or be a leader....He doesn't mind taking and can make big shots...that ultimately will prove his worth as a leader on this team.
  5. With just a few minutes left in the game...think this will be a problem all year?
  6. Man, I recall recently how he said it was good to get a chance to spend time with his family during the off season. Very very sad news. My condolences to the Collier family.
  7. Until we see ZaZa get starters minutes consistently, how do you answer that question?
  8. Yeah. it sounded like, especially in the first three quarters, the Bobcats got every shot they wanted....and knocked them down.
  9. I listened to the game....did not seem like we ran any plays for Chillz...he did get a couple of jump shots not sure if that was by design.....JJ basically came in late and took over the game....I would have liked to see JJ play more minutes against Raymond...Salim guarded Ray for most of his time....JJ did play some minutes against Brevin though....can't wait to actually see some of these games. I think Esteban will prolly eventually be our backup center. When Josh gets back from the ankle thing, I wonder if we will see the Al, Marvin, Smoove front court in spurts.
  10. Your description is basically what I thought after listening to the game...I think we will rebound better...because Chillz and JJ will often out rebound their position. We are going to have to play better perimeter D because we don't have a shot blocker in the middle. I think if we are able to minimize our TOs the lack of size won't become as much of a factor...but we have to make the most of our trips on the offensive end. Bottom line.... For the Hawks to compete we have to bring effort defensively every night and not turn the ball over.
  11. Why would you say this....were we that bad of a rebounding team last year?
  12. It is a notion floating around that if we don't get Curry...we will be doomed and will never have a decent big man in Atlanta....I don't see why there should be such desperation. Curry is not a good idea ......we should move on. At least until our team matures....you really can't tell whether we need a big time big man as of yet....because we don't know how well our core will develop....if Al Joe Salim Marvin Chill Smoove Lue develop and fulfill potential...then maybe ZaZa Edwards Batista or big men like those guys will be what we need.
  13. Roster look like on NBA Live 06?
  14. Do you believe that Al will be here for the long term? Also Sheed and KG don't have great post moves...there best move and probably the one they use 90 % of the time is a turn around jump shot....hardly ever do they use a drop step or half hook....they turn and face most of the time...now Timmy has it all...but most PFs are not like the PFs of old.
  15. Hell half the so called PFs in the league have NO post moves...it is not that much of a stretch. If you listen to what the Hawks have been preaching....it doesn't matter what you call them ..Marvin and Josh will be on the floor together and you probably won't be able to tell which spot they are playing.
  16. I guess fans just need something to talk about...and would rather talk about a new addition to roster and his potential...rather than start another Marvin thread.
  17. What have you seen from Darko that would make you think he can be even decent....but Marvin is already a bust and can hardly outplay Tim Thomas. And with Ben and Rasheed gettin older...why would Detroit even entertain trading Darko if they thought he could develop his "skills" and be a factor...hell didn't they bring Elden Campbell out of retirement...it is not like they have a stable of young big men.
  18. That on this board our players are viewed as ten times as worst that what the really are. I see Lue as a solid player in this league, a fringe starter but a hell of a backup PG. People go crazy over Earl Watson like he is Magic. People dog Marvin....but go crazy over Darko. People want to trade Al for nothing but go crazy over NeNe.
  19. 6 big bodies....cats on this board included J. Smith as a big body...not sure if Woody/BK sees it that way just yet. I think Al is our starting PF..making Smith our SF... so big bodies should be Al + ZaZa, Collier, Edwards, Batista bring in the sixth big with a trade.
  20. Reggie Evans is restricted right?....that could be a sign and trade.
  21. Have you ever put ketchup on your eggs? Tastes great.
  22. "I am starting to doubt that JJ will be able to play pg, becaue Barkely wouldn't be saying that for nothing" Wow, did you just let something Charles Barkley said change what you think?
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