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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. This is just simply a great example of a dedicated owner. Thanks....we needed this.
  2. Would not mine Diop ...Googs...and maybe Reggie Evans or Songalia...we probably will sign Tractor....his name has floated around ATL for a minute. But yeah...we need some big uglies badly.
  3. Yeah!...now lets get JJ.....can't wait to see what other moves are coming .....Al has been awfully quiet this offseason....and BK has not said much about him.
  4. Impossible....I think I am the only Hawks fan in the Triangle (NC).
  5. Expects JJ to be a Hawk this weekend with possible press conference early next week....Bernie still not sold on the judge....
  6. We have 2 or 3 more deals approved by the owners that Knight is lookin to complete when this is over....790 the zone right now....also court proceedings going on right now we should be able to move forward today. Board meeting at 3....Gearon...governor....then remove trade block JJ....the trade call happens....
  7. Lue was ballin' at the end of the year....would like to see him back...
  8. We wtill have to go back to court right?
  9. Sign somebody who will be here for four years...and you don't introduce him to the fans?
  10. I read that numerous teams have contacted the Suns about acquiring JJ.....if our deal falls through.
  11. "this smacks of desperation by Curry's agent to me" Yep
  12. that we had the worst record in the league last year and we RAISED ticket prices....had not really thought about that til I heard it on the radio...and now this BS. Hard work being a Hawks fan.
  13. swolehawk2


    Basically said excuse my idiot GM.....this is the real deal. I don't believe he is really concerned with the picks.
  14. I think this cat is hiding behind the picks thing...he really doens't want BK to spend money.....if he could choose his own GM...then maybe .....Belkin doesn't want BK deciding where to spend his money.
  15. Yeah...everybody is thinking if we can just get that first young budding free agent to sign.
  16. Yep, I think he has no confidence in BK to have us out of the lottery in year 2 after this trade..... feels we may lose a 4 5 or 6 pick.....at some point we need to start adding through free agency ....u can only have so many young 19-22 year olds. He has really chopped up BK here....it is basically saying that BK does not know what he is doing. Not recovering from this is possible... can you imagine if JJ is matched and traded to another team and becomes a consistent all star...while we are still in the lottery every year....boy that would be bad.
  17. Total BS....from Babcock.....to the McDavid thing .....now this....and we wonder why nobody wants to play here. We really might as well have JJ sign the offer sheet....see if it is really worth it to the Suns to match. Really the only option. ...I doubt the Suns will wait around for that fkin punk btch to decide what is too much for what....I guess we will have to go sign all the other top free agents beating down our door.
  18. "Belkin bending BK over the sofa" This is pending approval from ALL the owners.
  19. Yep...we are just overreacting....he hasn't talked to anybody....he is just making up stuff....JJ will sign...then we will trade Collier for Shaq...while trading our 2054 2nd round pick for JKidd/Vince...everything is just peachy cream in Hawk land...boy how I love being a Hawk fan...things are just grand.....
  20. If I work for a great company....but I am not happy with my position....I will go to a so so company to be happy. Personal happiness should always come first...if you are not happy ....then how much can you really accomplish.
  21. Belkin is trying to make some money....not spend it....and to hell with the Hawks winning and its fans. Overreacting my ass.
  22. if the Hawks are just going to sign him to the offer sheet......listen to Phoenix Suns press conference....they could not even get a real sit down with Joe and his agent.....they don't plan to match...they sound pissed.....maybe its an act.....but I don't think so.
  23. True, true....ahhh .... true...mmmmm....true.
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