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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. Wouldn't JJ have to agree to that?
  2. So why did you want Chris Paul again??
  3. "Defensively, he will have to be able to stop the little speedsters. I love the Hawks but I don't want to see a layup drill everynight because we can't stop the short small PGs... and I think that teams will attack us that way!" If we had the 2005 NBA MVP as our PG you could still argue this problem! "Well your focus has been what offense and how he can look over PGs" My focus was just because he is tall does not may his defense worse that half the PGs in this league.
  4. So we have now changed the issue from defense to offense...which is it?....I am willing to bet JJ can run this team just as good as Lue can.
  5. Whatever....explain to me the diffence between Nash guarding PGs and JJ guarding PGs.
  6. This is really BS.... "I don't know what will happen when those quick PGs start taking him to task" There have been plenty of what we consider top PGs who couldn't guard quick PGs...so what is the difference...hell JT was quick as hell but he can't guard me....Nash can't guard people either.....Chris Paul can't guard people...Baron Davis is an average defender ...Steve Francis...average defender...Mike Bibby....average defender.. This is really a non issue....JJ's length will give PGs problems...because even when they get by him they are really not by him....because he has quick feet and will be tough to finish against or lose completely... he has shown this numerous times. Not an issue...however he is such a good jump shooter...that small PGs won't be able to bother his shot....meaning he will probably be guarded by 2s and PGs will try and guard Chillz. We need some big men NOW!
  7. We need some toughness inside badly. I don't think Za Za could bring enough individually... combine him with Hunter and or Evans we may be able to survive....I know Collier won't provide anything inside so I am hoping BK has a plan.
  8. Would it be possible to sign Lue.... Za Za ....Stephen Hunter and Reggie Evans? I would be very pleased with this offseason if we could pull this off.
  9. I think Lue would be just fine....but who would come to us to be a back up on a losing team when you they can be a back up on a winner?
  10. Yeah I think Bo Diaw will be a very solid basketball player....and if it is not here it will be a shame.
  11. "Iverson and Wade" Yeah Nash can't guard them either and he is the MVP at PG.
  12. "Eddie Griffin to man the 4" I would sign Eddie Murphy before I sign Eddie Griffin.
  13. "Childress is a career 6th man" How would you know that? He has played a year in the league.
  14. I don't know if its heart....but somewhere along the way it was entrenched in his basketball personality that if I look to score I am being selfish and not a very good teammate ....he definately is talented....you can tell in the summer league game when Marv and Smoove didn't play ....he looked to be more assertive....he needs to play like that all the time ...regardless of who is on the floor.
  15. "We need a dominant low post scorer every bit as much as we need interior D." This statement right here is FALSE.
  16. On the cheap..... meaning he is waived by GS......don't know about you but I would prefer a defensive center...thats just me...tired of people waltzing down the lane and collecting 2 + 1 from Collier and the likes....and seeing Smoove scrambling from the perimeter to try and save our big men. Currys health and the fact he would be paid a lot of money on a team with really no expectations..I question how hard he would work to improve defensively. Everybody loves to score, not many love to rebound and play D. My question to you is ....do you think Curry can become a much better defender than he is now?
  17. Yeah, I agree...if we could get Foyle on the CHEAP I would do it along with Stephen Hunter....and tell them to just shut up rebound and block some shots.
  18. Thats the NBA today....when Foyles and Ira Newbles are getting the money they are getting....a player that actuall performs would demand the max or as much as they can get....sadly once this stuff starts it is almost impossible to stop......
  19. Wow...and Josh is like 12 years old and much cheaper than Foyle.
  20. Wow...that's one lame post right there....LOL Josh Smith could have those numbers is one game at center....LOL
  21. Those days are over.....and we have to remember that we are dealing with RESTRICTED free agents...not only do we have to offer enough for the player to sign our deal.....we have to offer enough so that his team does not match..... I would say NO to Curry for the max.
  22. If we go cheap...I think I would prefer more defensive minded players at the PG and C.
  23. He can handle the ball and most importantly he can guard people...we need a point that plays D.....if we don't get Lue back....then Earl is what is left....he wouldn't be expensive and he is young......hell I would like J Kidd or Steve Nash but we have to deal with reality....we need a point guard that can at least run a team ....play D and hit an ocassional open shot ....to develop as a team. Jay Williams has said he wants to play for a contender...we have to deal with reality here.
  24. Yep....it is tough to work trades under pressure to clear cap space without doing something you might regret....but with all the time in the world you explore every option.... combine that with the new "waive a bad contract" thingy and it does not look good for the home team.... Look at it this way..... our youngins will see a gang of time again this season.
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