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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. You realized Marvin couldn't shoot by watching the summer league????? You realized that Deron is quick by watching the summer league? If so you really need to watch more basketball. Chris Paul is quick....Deron is not. You didn't realize Marvin couldn't shoot because he can.
  2. What....he did draft the mighty Roshown McLeod in 98 to fill our SF position for the long term....LOL
  3. U have been impressed with Deron?
  4. Hype can play a vital part....Deron hyped his way to a the 3rd pick....but I think the determining factor for Marvin was potential...that is what he was drafted for...just like Dwight Howard....or Josh Smith.....or Sebastian Telfair...Darko...etc.... Marvin has the most potential to be the better basketball player.....I don't think Paul as talented as he is ....and I love his talent, will ever be able to stop penetration...just like JT........major flaw when it is cruch time in a playoff series....I also don't think Deron will have great range or be able to consistently penetrate....not a good combination....he still looks slow....I don't know where the Kidd comparisons came from.... Bottom line is 3-4 years from now we can judge the actions of BK...til then its anybodys guess.
  5. how some people here would take a chance on some other teams junk....but if Darko played for us and had the same numbers there would be bust posts everywhere ..and BK would be the worst GM ever.....this team is just too young to be desperate for any position......especially Darko for AL.
  6. Man..... Chillz looked like the best player on the floor at both ends.
  7. I agree if we get JJ...it makes sense to try and get ZZ and Hunter...the maybe Reggie Evans....is he still available? No need to take a chance on Curry.....if you r the GM you have to believe that your picks Chillz, Marvin, Smoove and Salim will become very good....add JJ and why do you need a dominant center...getting a center that plays sound d and rebounds makes more sense.
  8. for 39......went to the free throw line 19 times...damn! Chillz ---22 Smoove----19 Marvelous 10 & 8 Hawks win 105-99. SALT LAKE CITY – Salim Stoudamire went off for 39 points, helping the Atlanta Hawks hold off the Charlotte Bobcats on the final day of the 2005 Reebok Rocky Mountain Revue. Stoudamire's big day came on 11-of-19 from the field, and 16-19 at the free throw line. In a game marred by excessive fouls (73 total were called by the refs), it was the Hawks who managed to maintain their composure and secure the win. The teams both got off to aggressive starts, but it was the Hawks who owned the first quarter, led by Stoudamire’s 9 points on 3-4 shooting from the field. But Charlotte didn’t dig itself into a hole, despite letting Atlanta hit 58.8% from the field. Alan Anderson and Matt Carroll combined for 14 points. The Hawks took a 29-22 advantage into the second quarter. They would widen their lead in the second quarter, led by the explosive Josh Smith, last year’s NBA dunk champion. Smith had nine points, and was helped by arguably Marvin Williams’ best quarter as a pro. The second overall pick in the draft collected five points and 4 rebounds. Both players contributed heavily to a mid-quarter run wherein the Hawks expanded their lead over Charlotte from 7 to 13 points. Sean May carried the Bobcats on his back, scoring 11 of their 19 points (as well as pulling down 3 of their 6 rebounds), but a lack of contribution from his teammates eventually caught up to them. Halftime score: Hawks 53, Bobcats 41. The third period brought much of the same. Only it was (surprise!) Stoudamire doing most of the heavy lifting for Atlanta. The first pick in the 2005 NBA Draft second-round continued his stellar play in the Revue, coming off the bench to aggressively handle the ball. So aggressively that he went 8-for-9 at the free throw line, with 12 total points in the quarter. After being fouled on a 3-point attempt and making two free throws, the Hawks held a 70-50 advantage at the 3:25 mark of the quarter. But Charlotte has proven to be a quick-striking team in this summer league, and they showed in a big way beginning in the last two minutes of the third. Tommy Smith had a thunderous dunk at 2:49, then followed it with a lay-up at 1:20, cutting the score down to 70-56. Matt Carroll then took over, scoring 7 points in 47 seconds to cut Atlanta’s lead down to 72-63. After three quarters, Stoudamire had 23. But he owned the fourth. Just when it looked like the tide had turned on Atlanta and Charlotte was within five (83-79), Stoudamire took the game into his own hands. The next four minutes were a blur of number 20 hitting floaters, jumpers, threes and free-throws. By the time the game was over, the guard had scored 16 straight points for the Hawks, who had re-asserted themselves back into a comfortable lead. Sean May finished with 25 points and 13 rebounds, one of four Bobcats to manage double figure scoring. Josh Childress also played well for Atlanta, with 22 points, 6 boards and 3 assists. It was the final Revue game for both teams. Charlotte finishes at 4-2, and could win the league if San Antonio loses to Utah tonight. Atlanta comes in at 3-3.
  9. "I think we can have him for $60 for 5. But is he worth that much?" I think this may be our offer.
  10. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/spor...863_soni20.html
  11. about the team. "The Hawks, however, have been accused of being a misguided team filled with players unwilling to accept supporting roles. Atlanta has built around three players — Al Harrington, Josh Smith and Josh Childress — who all believe they should lead the Hawks" Taken from an article about Marvin's slow start in SL from a Seattle writer.
  12. I think the specualation comes from BKs obsession with length and versatile players....the difference between JT and JJ is JJ is long....how could you not think that it is possible JJ with play point.... We don't have a PG BK loves versatile big guards Bo Diaw experiment BK's "let's not get caught up in positions" talk JJ's talk about loving to play PG I don't think it is crazy to think he will play point... Hey....I am just saying it is possible...based on what I have seen...not saying I am for it or against it...but it may happen.
  13. I don't think Woodson and BK see it that way.
  14. I think all signs point to JJ being our PG....the fact that BK loves length combined with Woodson's Boris Diaw experiment...add the lets not get caught up in defining positions philosophy of BK...u get JJ and Chillz starting..or maybe...coach seems to love Salim....a JJ/Salim backcourt. I think this JJ thing is far from a done deal.
  15. I don't know about the unis but I will be glad when our free agency situation is over....gettin a little impatient.
  16. Jason Collier is horrible....if we open with him starting we may not win 13 games.
  17. Please ....name all the starting shooting guards who are good to great jump shooters...most SG in todays NBA are average jump shooters...Chilldress surely can be an average to good jump shooter. "He gets most of his points within a couple feet of the basket, usually on rebounds." Not true..... Chillz got to the basket constantly toward the end of last year....did you watch? "He is not a penetrator" Not true "He rebounds well for a shooting guard" Well since that is what he plays...that should be a good thing right?
  18. he rebounds exceptionally well..... He gets to the rack exceptionally well.... and guess what he has played only 1 year.... Chillz haz the skillz to be as good as he wants to be.
  19. Trading Childress is a mistake....he can do more things on the court than anybody we have now....just like Boston traded Joe Johnson too early.....trading Chillz would not be good.
  20. I remember coach saying that he focused on defense scheme during summer league practices and does not really practice many offensive plays....said the same last year....I don't know if I agree with this totally.
  21. How do you figure that...this is the same coaching staff that played Bo Diaw at PG and said this iffseason thats where Diaw will play....why wouldn't JJ play there...he is a much better pg than Bo at this point.
  22. Man, I could get 750 up here in Raleigh....I get league pass but I like to listen to Holman sometimes....and now I prolly can't hear the pre season games.
  23. If Chillz is trying to look hard....he needs to work on that.
  24. "Who knows maybe Collier has been working on his game and may come back a beast. " I think I may have had a mild heart attack reading this....not going to happen. We will not make the playoffs.....I think we will get Curry or Chandler.....while trading Al to Chicago.... Now if we can get Curry or Chandler and JJ maybe S. Hunter S Swift or Mark Madsen/Reggie Evans...then it would be possible depending on the development of our yongins....but obviously these are very BIG IFs.
  25. How about this we get one of the centers ..Curry Chandler or Dalembert then we sign JJ .....then sign Stephen Hunter....and Mark Madsen....has Reggie Evans signed with Seattle?.....
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