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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. I guess he felt since Bo Salim and Royal would all get minutes at the point.....and the possibility of bringing in another pg from free agency....it was better for him to try to catch on with another team.
  2. Hey man, can't you see that you are sometimes blinded with the fact that you think you have to be right....you were so sure that you were right ....that ....you posted wrong sht TWICE....didn't even bother to check....I love it....you are definately a character.....don't get me wrong this is not to offend you....I like the passion.....it is actually fascinating......LOLBy the way, I think he went to three championship games and won one.
  3. May reveled in the lesson when Williams started practice one day by asking who was the best player on the 2004 NBA champion Detroit Pistons. Everybody had a different answer: Rip Hamilton! Rasheed Wallace! Chauncey Billups! So Williams popped in a 10-minute clip of the Pistons that proved every answer wrong. "He just said, 'You can't tell who the best player is because they don't care! Everyone just plays together,' " May recalls. "And that's the epitome of a team: They are a team! They don't have one superstar, and no one shines. It's all about, 'Let's get a win!'
  4. "I think Marvin's got superstar potential," one Eastern Conference executive said on condition of anonymity. "If you look at his stats, if he had played as much as the other guys, he probably would've been the leading scorer on the squad, the leading rebounder."
  5. For Starters Boheim has won 3 championships.... What?"Regaurdless of what you saw in a pickup game"Just what I have seen and the fact that Ray and May...said he was the most talented player on that team.......guess what... they balled with him everyday ...you watched the champioship game...and has deemed yourself the know all about Marvin's inner feelings...and whether he thinks about the smurfs before he dives for a loose ball.
  6. "A good coach does not put a star player behind Jawad for LONG".....What makes Boeheim a good coach?...yet you question Roy?That is exactly what a good coach does when he trying to create a team atmosphere...trying to create a team out a bunch of great talent is hard....u don't strat bt benching seniors and captains for freshman.You are all over the place because u really don't have a clue of wwhat u r talking about.true he rode Mello......Roy won a championship with his best player coming off the bench...because he taught then how to be a team....if you give Marvin the number of oppotunities to score that Mello had.....he would have put Mello to shame.
  7. "Not true. "Growing up I loved Kevin Garnett, I loved Gary Payton" says Marvin. He supposedly said he's never seen a playoff game, though I am inclined to believe it may have been taken out of context. Maybe he meant live. "RightI think he meant he had never seen an entire playoff game...like I have never seen a entire baseball game...I stop watch a little then flip around....anyway that was blown way out.
  8. Nazr is not 10 times better than Curry....maybe u were just exaggerating....lol What kind of player is Zsa Zsa?
  9. See you didn't listen ...I never said I played with him I have seen the team play against one another...it was organized and not playground baskeball....my whole point in that thread was that he was giving it to May in the post...and was obviously the hardest worker and most talented player on that team.LISTEN.....Against GA TECH he scored 14 points on 7 shots in 23 minutes 6 rebounds and 2 steals2nd game he missed 3 shots and score 9 points. in 19 mintues 5 rebounds 1 stealAgainst WF...4-6 in 21 minutes 15 points 7 reboundsDuke game 1 he went 5-8 for 12 points in 25 minutes with 5 rebounds.....Duke game 2 3-9 9 points 7 rebounds in 26 minutesKentucky ....18 miuntes 5 points off 5 shots 4 rebounds in 18 minutesHe avg. 11 points for the year in 22 minutes.See basically he played the same way against the good schools and the so so schools....HE GOT ALMOST THE SAME NUMBER OF MINUTES AND SHOTS AGAINST EVERYBODY...LOOK AT HIS SCORING...IT IS NOT LIKE HE LIT THE BAD TEAMS UP FOR 40 THEN SCORED 12 AGAINST THE POOR TEAMS....HE COULDN'T SHINE BECAUSE ROY WOULD NOT GIVE HIM THE MINUTES YOU NEED TO "SHINE" ...REGARDLESS OF HOW HE WAS PLAYING.....HE HAS ALMOST NO PLAYS RAN FOR HIM...AS MCCANTS MAY FELTON AND JAWAD DOMINATED THE OFFENSE.....HE HAD TO GET HIS OWN SHOTS OFf PUT BACKS AND CREATIONWHAT MORE DID YOU WANT FROM HIM...HE WAS CONSISTENT AS HE COULD BE WITH THE AMOUNT OF MINUTES HE HAD.LISTEN!I am not sure of what type of player he will be....but your argument against him is really your imagination.I guess he should have said damn that coach put me back in and give me the rock ...Diesel says I have to shine!....LOL
  10. If we trade Al, I want Magloire back. *COOL Why is Stromile Swift getting NO love in FAcy? The talk is him taking the MLE with Houston! *Maybe he wants to go to a team that has a good chance at winning...those are usuwally teams that can't offer a lot of money. Why is Donyell Marshall getting No Love? *Because Stro has not signed. I want Travis Hansen back! *Why? I want to see a PG rotation of Damon, Salim, Ivey, and Diaw.. *****No Damon...please Who's better, Salim or Dickau? ******Better what? Are we an uptempo team or a 6'8 team? ****Both Would Flip Murray beat out Chillz for the starting SG? ****NO...but Flip can play the point. I would trade Chillz/1st (Bos) for Jason Richardson... I think Monty would do it too! *****Uhhh....NO...really not a big upgrade in the long run. I think Kwame to LAL is just a bluff to make us cough up something for Kwame. Where does Butler play?? How do the salaries begin to match? *****I think LAL really wants Kwame. Is Washington done with Jarvis Hayes? ****Don't know. Does anybody think that we are posturing in order to wait and see which of these Big Contracts will hit the market?? *******I think we want Chandler or Daly but can't get them. Leaves us with Curry. Can you imagine us going after Mike Finley for less than 5 Million per?? ******Yep...I can imagine him saying no also. Who is Mike Jones? *****I don't know but I think he has dem hoes all on him.
  11. I know plenty about him...you just don't listen.
  12. If you are the coach that may be true....but Roy had a plan and he stuck to it..Marvin played basically the same time against all opponents good or bad.....he played basically the same minutes when he got off to a good start or didn't. ....he avg. 22 minutes a game....his high for the season was only 29 minutes....this was so obvious that later in the season some of the team...commented that they thought Roy was trying to hide Marvin...they may have been joking.... but I believe there was some truth to it.
  13. Why are you so in love with Deron....has he shown you anything resembling Kidd....when Kidd was coming out of college...no besides being a big point guard....their games really are nothing alike. U see a superstar mentality in Deron?Or do you live in your imagination?
  14. I guess you expected him to say to hell with coach Roy gimme the ball....I am taking over...it does not work like that at Carolina when u r a freshman with 5 upper classmen in front of you who have paid their dues.....the fact is with May Felton Mcants and Jawad dominating the bulk of the play calls...Marvin being an 18 year old freshman coming off the bench ....he could only do so much.....but damn that.... gimme the rock and move out the way....because this is a big game....lol
  15. Marvin played basically the same number of minutes in so called BIG GAMES as he did against everybody else...so I would call that a coach being consistent...and yes he did finish a lot of games....that should tell u something. When he takes more than 8 shots in a game...talk to me about shooting percentage....when plays are ran for him ....talk to me about shooting percentage....Marvin scraped and fought for damn near everthing he scored.....watch some games. a lot of games he took 4 shots...6 shots ......3 shots..........the point is judging him entirely on his college career is useless and so was that article.
  16. It is the old kock against Tim Duncan argument...u have to be an ass to be a superstar...had he whined about not starting at Carolina...people would be dogging him...however he sucked it up ....gave way to HIS COACH and came off the bench behind established upper classmen.....that is more of an example of a competitor and a guy who cares more about winning than the guy who comes in a tears away at the chemistry of the team because he wants to carry it...as a freshman. When you equate his situation to not being a competitor it is totally idiotic...because he was touted by his own teammnates as being the hardest worker and the most competitive. He was not content on the bench...he would have rather started but it was deemed by Roy to not be the best for the team if he started...nothing to do with talent....he accepted that like a man...not many 18 year olds with his talent and accolades would have done that...that is what makes him special. Just tired of the nice guy ...not a competitor BS...especially when he has yet to play 30 minutes in a game. We will see.
  17. How do you figure Marvin has to come in and be the man?....I thought we drafted him for his talent and potential....I think it is fans who think he has to be the man...not coach or management? Yes eventually we expect him to develop into a leader of this team...but to expect that right away is just not realistic.
  18. Exactly...this dude was basically getting about 20 minutes a game...taking about 4-8 shots a game...without forcing his offense...and averaging double digits and rebounding very well...I think I recall him taking 3 shots one game and scoring 14 points. The talk around the barber shop from the team was they felt Roy was really trying to limit Marvin or kinda hide him.... we will see.
  19. Unless you saw those games you really don't have any facts....the writer actually writes as if Marvin started those games and played the majority of the minutes and was shut down...actually he avg. almost 9 points and 6 rebounds off of the bench....how many minutes did he play in those games.....let's get down to the facts...until we see Marvin play 30 plus mintes consistently you can't call him overrated or underrated just yet.
  20. C'mon man... I have been around the cat away from basketball he ain't no punk. I hate when people mistake laid back quiet types as punks when these are usually the dudes that beat the sht out of guys that run their mouths at the park.
  21. Yeah I have been screamin' for Gadz for a while....I think he may be Hawk...for the simple reason of he fits and we have not heard much about him coming to ATL...fits BK hush hush approach.
  22. If Phoenix intended to match a max deal with JJ...I don't think they would be talking trade....I don't think they can match especially with Marion/Nash and Amare has to get a new deal soon......so they know they will lose him and are trying to get something in return. "Phoenix wouldn't want to match but would if we didn't agree to a SNT" Or would they bluff...to try and get something in return.
  23. I read someone that somebody in the Hawks org recently said that they had talked to several young big man free agents whether restricted or otherwise and they knew what it would take to get them in ATL...and they intend to do just that....I expect Gads has let Milwaukee know he is not coming back...I also think he will be in ATL because for one he fits..and the other reason is that he really has not been mentioned much as a possiblity for us in the media....just how BK likes it.
  24. If JJ has agreed to take the max from us then Phoenix has decided not to match therefore wanting to trade to get something in return....so we don't have to agree to a trade....if we agree to a trade we really don't have to let them STEAL Chillz away...we can offer Al &/or Diaw....it is basically the ball is in our court if JJ wants to leave and Phoenix does not want to pay. The notion that Chillz is involved is really silly...since I am pretty sure JJ would play the point here.
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