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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. It is tough... I love Paul's talent too...BK has tough choice to make. Paul or Williams....A Paul/Chill backcourt would be very good for a long time. Williams...star potential.... Is it 7:30 yet?
  2. Man...you can try and measure passion & fire all you want but nobody can really tell unless they know a guy personally. I know plenty of guys who act as if they are all heart and would do whatever to win...but that can be all talk ...smoke & mirrors...when they get an elbow shot to their rib cage.... I believe Bogut is all talk when it comes to toughness and passion...if I had played in that conference with his skill . I'd prolly be struttin' around talkin' smack too.
  3. I remember when the talk was Paul was soft...then he hits ol boy in the nads...and it turns him into a thug with an attitude...you really cannot trust the media to paint an accurate picture most times.
  4. You deemed him casual....because you only see what you want to see.
  5. It is not so much that he let those guys start ahead of him...This is Carolina basketball...that is how it is done...Roy could have easily put Jackie on the bench, moved McCants to the two and started Marvin...what Marvin did do is not whine like a little B****, he accepted it.
  6. You are silly...I have seen the cat play personally...he is not soft ...if you watch his game it is not soft...I have seen him punish May in the post regularly...man this is pathetic...do you not like this guy so much that u make up stuff....probably other aspects of his game that you can pick apart. His toughness or heart...U have no clue about.
  7. Yeah...he is prolly pretty sure he is not the most talented guy in this draft so he says all this pretty stuff for the media to make himself look better...he is sly for his age that is for sure.
  8. If they are trying to make Marvin look bad off the court.....good luck! This cat is as solid as they come at 19.
  9. If I could get Paul/May for Marvin...I would do that in a heart beat....that just makes a lot of sense for us.
  10. Don't know how many wins that team would get...but I would sure love to see them play!
  11. Man...it is not Marvin....Marvin and May just admitted that Marvin went in to Roy's office not to long ago...to watch the national championship game tape....and he cried in the office....May kinda clowned him a little. Marvin loves to win..play and work hard....I have been around him a few times ...and he is cool and kinda laid back... I am on the fence too...I really want Paul...but I think Marvins's game + mentality = something special...we shall see.
  12. I'm glad he is different ....I hate the way Bogut tries to Jason Terry his way through interviews... tries to say what he thinks the media wants to hear. He probably knows the lineups because he plays a lot of playstation .. Marvin didn't say he didn't watch the NBA, by the way....said he never have watched a playoff game...which I thought he was trying to say he hadn't watched an entire game from tip to finish. Bogut interview where he named the starting Bucks...and included himself...reminds me of JT reeling off the lineup when we got big dog and then saying something like we are going to be unstoppable.
  13. What will Diesel do if we do pick Marvin? My guess he will try to package Marvin with Al, Diaw and a future #1 for Big Dog.
  14. " Marvin is a finisher. That puts him in the same category as Smoove. Marvin has a nice Stroke.. That puts him on the same street with Tim Thomas." Put that together and you have a darn good player...a Forward that can finish ....shoot...has pretty good ball handling 6-8 - 6-9 and will grow into that body & wing spand and is mature and guess what...he doesn't solely rely on his talent...he works hard as hell...and hates to lose. Soemthing to think about....I like Paul...I am not sold on Deron...because I definately have not seen him penetrate or get by people..... I guess if I decide I need a point I would go Paul...if I wanted the best basketball player....I would probably fo Marvin....but it is close.
  15. I tell you what...I am not sure who would should take at #2 either...but one thing is for certain ....this draft is going to be very interesting.
  16. Have u seen May in person...if that is a SF's body then that is a big SF.
  17. If you have not seen Marvin blow by people ...you truly need to watch some game tape Diesel, honestly. You may have mean't to say you have never seen Deron blow by anybody because that would be probably true. Hell I was looking at just some clips yesterday on the local news and Marvin blew by two kids just in that 30 sec clip. I am not sitting here pretending I know who will be a better player for the Hawks...but I don't make up non sense just to prove a point.
  18. That's another thing...I think Marvin will be a 4...in the sense that is so strong around the basket at this early age...he will probably put on 5-10 more pounds rather quickly and his mid range game will help him at the 4 like it helps KG....Karl Malone...CWebb ....Timmmy D.
  19. If you look at 18/19 year olds that enter the draft with the following said about them "NBA ready bodies" "Basketball IQ" and "a well rounded game" they usually become stars.
  20. Man...I like Deron's game...and would not cry if he were a Hawk...but Deron is no where near Kidd ...I have seen nothing to convince me he can push the basketball and blow by people.....nothing.....have u? He seems more closer to a young Mark Jackson than Kidd.
  21. You obviously did not watch enough Heel basketball...often times Marvin was sent into games to calm erratic play by Jawad and Mccants....he has the composure and maturity of a 30 year old...he was probably the best man defender on the team besides Manual.....and at 18 he is strong enough to rebound and finish inside against bigger people...he can handle the basketball... has a back to the basket game....and has three point range...there are no holes in his game...I don't know if he would be a superstar but he definately has more potential to be a superstar than Deron. I must admit... I have seen him play pick up games...so I am probably a little biased.
  22. You know what... we have had a lot of change the last 6 years or so....but through all the shuffling of players...we have not hired a coach that has proven he can coach in the NBA....we didn't know if Lon could or Stotts...and we don't know if Woodson can be successful as a head coach. Which comes first? Do we stick with former assistants and college coaches until we luck up on a franchise player...(who may be already on the roster)or do we go get a successful vet coach with a plan and the power to challenge what type of player is brought here? Also, does having a proven winner as a coach help in free agency no matter the record the previous year? It will be interesting to see where this team will be in 3 or 4 years.
  23. I hope he never plays another minute in ATL, I can't tell you how many times I have tuned in to watch the starting luneups hoping and wishing that Collier be absent...I would much rather see Ekezie and Peja for the rest of the season, with a little Willis here and there. Man I can't stand Collier.
  24. Why did Beno Udrih make this team over Childress?
  25. swolehawk2

    I Repeat!

    We will not able to play any kind of team D with Collier at center. He should be playing 15-20 minutes a game as a backup 4. Drops should start who is more physical in the paint at least. I will take McCoy at back up center. Collier is horrible!
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