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Posts posted by swolehawk2

  1. I am talking about Collier....and how he doesn't fit what we want to do on the defensive end....I am one of the most patient fans that post here....but I can see that he is a liability and does not allow us to begin games with the team defensive effectiveness that Woodson wants. Kenny falls in to this category also.

    I know this team won't win now....but I have been saying from the beginning the thing I want to see is defense and effort.

    Collier is not physical and comfortable in the paint...and not a good defensive player...some players aren't...and some players never become good defenders ....I believe Collier won't ever defend the way we need him to to fit in to this teams identity....therefore he should come off the bench.....along with Kenny. If Woodson truly wants this team to hang its hat on its defensive play....these are changes that have to be made.

    I believe all our rookies will become good players....along with Diaw. I think the future looks good for the team...so don't call me negative...because I point out something that I think needs changing.

    I negative post.....usually contains ...we suck ....he sucks....Hawks can't do anything right.....and usually judges rookies after two preseason games....that is not what I was doing.

  2. That was a different team...a different style...all he did was hit open jump shots last year...he doesn't do much else...I would not call that awesome....we need a more defensive minded center to begin games...and to play the way we hwant to defensively from the beginning of the game. Drobs actually plays better D. Actually Kenny and Collier kill our team D.

  3. I'm want to see how we react if we have trouble scoring and after turnovers. Want to see if we bust our tails in transition or do we hang heads, loaf and get ran to death and out of Phoenix.

    Also, I expect that most of our O will run through Toine and Al in the post...wonder if PHX will play us straight up and if not can we make shots and cuts to beat double teams.

    I would love to see some pick and roll with Kenny and Toine.

    Most of all, I need to see effort.

  4. I think 41% is fine for a jump shooting 5 that is 6'11 270 and plays facing the basket and shoots jump shots....hell I think Michael Redd only shot around 44% last year.

    But I agree we do need a banger...but I think BK's theory is if everyone can knock down a jump shot then that spreads the D making it easier to score for Harrington or Toine in the post.

  5. BK is doing something almost unheard of in the NBA...he is loading up on big men who can actually shoot....Drob...Collier....Toine...CC.....all ot these cats can shoot so if if Al is in the post and draws doubles he can kick to lets say.....Drob... Toine.....Delk.....Childress...all of which can not down a jump shot......we will see how it plays out.

  6. How can u be upset with this trade. according to you JT can barely walk much less play ball....and Hendu does not play at all...so we get a player who contract expires next year..in stead of stuck with JT and getting nothing for him in two years when he walks. If JT sucks so much...how do u expect us to trade him for much better than what we got?

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