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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. I was going to post about the game...but i would just say everything you just said....scary
  2. I was listening to the Stews earlier and Doug said that he has heard from a reliable source that it is a done deal. He didn't mention any numbers, I figured he was just tryin to scoop everybody.
  3. I think Childress will start. I don't think Smith is sound enough defensively yet. Chill has a more mature game and will be better against starters. I would rather see J. Smith play most of his minutes against bench players early on. Also, even if we sign Damp, I would love for us to sign Pryz, and let Collier play PF minutes if Hendu gets hurt again. I think if CC is healthy it will be hard for Woodson not to play him, CC gives everything when he is out there and his shooting is a plus.
  4. Boy, we sure can use at least one vet combo guard, Sura/Barry?
  5. Of course he is not ready. Just like D. Howard is not ready. But if yor are rebuilding you put your top pick out there with the starters and let him develop. We are not competing for a championship, so as long as J is working hard and playing D you let him play all the minutes he can handle and support him.
  6. 790 is saying that we are interested in Tractor Traylor, of course it is a rumor.
  7. Does this definition apply to free throws? Are you allowed to intentionally miss a free throw and get a rebound?
  8. Nobody had a hand near him ...but Ben did bump him in the back....detroit announcers were saying that Ben is defensive player of the year so Jax is not going to get that call....that has to be frustrating...but Jax should have said nothing and continue to play....bad teams almost never get calls to go there way even when they are obvious. We were not ready for that type on intensity and offensive precision tonight...to be honest we shouldn't be able to compete with that team...if we were able to compete I would question Detroit.....but they look good...if they can get out in transition like they did against the bulls and us ...against NJ or Indiana...they will be tough to beat...they are good defensively...so they will get plenty chances to run. CC Jax and Pryz couldn't get any calls to go their way tonight...I'm afraid it is going to be like that for the rest of the year aginst the better teams....we should still be able to see some exciting ball when we play against the lesser teams...maybe we can get out and run a little.
  9. "Just like misguided Swole" How am I misguided? My argument is that Jax is a more complete and better baskeball player than Dog as of this season...for any team. If you take Dog and put him in San Antonio...he still can't guard anybody or create off the dribble....or pass effectively....or matchup and get back in transition well.....or slash and finish....you are avoiding my point entirely...by trying to make this into "who fits best where" So how should Dog be used...and if he is so much better and more complete than Jax....why do you have to fit him in a system for him to look good. Jax proved he could play in half court system ....if he couldn't they would have not have offered him a multi year deal ....we would not be having this discussion now if Jax would not have had the type of year he had in SAN ANTONIO last year. Jax can also play well in an up tempo style as we see here with the Hawks. You know why ....he can play in both...because he can do a lot of things on the court...he is not one dimensional like Dog...therefore more complete and a better basketball player... period.
  10. Big Dog. Scores more points than Jax. Big Dog. Shoots a better percentage from the field and from three than Jax. Big Dog. has less turnovers than Jax. Big Dog. Rebounds better than jax. The point is Diesel....if a player gives u 2 more points a game ...but gives up at least 6 more to the man he is guarding what is the point? Dog avgs ONLY 2 points more a game...but his strength over Jax is his shooting and scoring....LOL Dog avg. .3 more rebounds....not 3 rebounds more but .3...and you make it sound as if Dog is Rodman. How does Dog... a half court player who catches the ball and drains open shots ..as you put it... avg. 2.55 TOS a game...I know how Jax avg. 2.65 becuse he slashes ...brings up the ball and attacks more than Dog. Something is not quite right there. The facts are the shooting and rebounding of Dog is only slightly better....but the defense ...passing....creativeness...and transition game of Jax is WAY better than Dogs.
  11. We are talking about now...2003-2004 season ....who is more complete!!!!! Who is the better basketball player now!!!!....this is all this discussion have ever been about...just admit it ...you are wrong!!...LOL
  12. This is how you determine... How much better is Dog's offensive game than Jax's offensive game? How much better is Jax on D and in transition than Dog? I would say at this point in their careers that Jax's offensive game is much closer to Dog's....than Dog's defensive/transition game is closer to Jax's...making Jax the more complete player. If Jax can give you close to what Dog gives on O and much more in other aspects of the game...who do you think is more complete? Do you u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d?
  13. Hell no I didn't forget...he couldn't dribble...create...play D ...or pass worth a damn at Purdue or Milwaukee either. We are talking about the more complete player at this point in their careers Diesel stop trying to twist and squirm.
  14. "Jax is a player that can defend and score" You forgot to say anything about defense again Diesel...or do you need stats to determine if a guy can play d. Once again ...we are talking more complete game...this includes many skills not just offensive. Answer some questions for me...humor me a little? Which has the more complete basketball game or is the more complete basketball player? Shaq or KG T-Mac or Kobe J Kidd or AI SAR or Kurt Thomas
  15. So besides mid range shooting...what does Dog do well on the court? We are talking about WHO IS THE MORE COMPLETE PLAYER....damn are you comprehending? We are not talking about hiding players flaws on the court...on putting them in postitions to be better....I said Jax is a more complete player than Dog...I didn't say thet Jax did everything better than Dog ...I said Jax's game is more complete....Defensively/Offensively/In transition he exhibits more skill on the floor than Dog does....what have you said to dispute that?
  16. That was an excuse that JT used....he is full of them...the truth is JT can't create scoring opportunities for his team mates ....the point I was making is that if JT had PG skills losing big dog would not affect his assists at all hell he was just set somebody else up for easy baskets and assists.... That statement makes you hypocritical because it is really not the fact that Dog left that JT's assists went down despite the excuse he uses ...it is the fact he doesn't have vision.... how many times has he blown 2 on 1s and 3 on 2s this year Diesel...those are assists...blown assists...watch a game. Don't bash JT as a PG then take the excuse that his assists are down because of one player leaving. Hell he can't even make great post passes....yet his assists are down because Dog left ....look below the surface Diesel...his assists are down because he is not a good enough PG to keep them up. I see that you like stats Diesel...so here is something to think about. Mike Bibby, who I would say is MAYBE a little be better than an average PG. Last year Webber played 67 games and he avg. 23 pts...following me here big guy....Bibby played 55 and avg. 5.2 assists. This year Webber has not played at all and Bibby is avg. 5.6 assists See his assists didn't go down with Webber off the court. So don't be out smarted by JT....if JT would make good passes in transition and learn how to feed the post or hit a cutter...the assists wouldn't be a problem...but you knew JT had all these PG flaws didn't you...you, just in this one instance, decided to over look them and to buy into what JT is selling you in the papers right? Hell he can't even make good post passes....yet his assists are down because Dog left ....look below the surface Diesel...his assists are down because he is not a good enough PG to keep them up. And for the statement guestioning my vocabulary....do we need to compare SAT or GRE scores...or have a spelling bee..or do you want to compare degrees? Funny
  17. So this article is what made you call Jamal Mashburn a scrub.....so what you saw of Mash at Kentucky and Dallas ...you still think he was a scrub at any moment in his career...because he had trouble in Miami...he lost all his skills ....is this what you are saying? See you are missing the point.... judge the player from what skills he displays as a basketball player on the court. If it took an article to let you know that Jamal is or isn't a very versatile SF with many skills....if it takes what the media says "experts said that Charlotte got Mashburn as a consolation. He was a throw in." See this is where you lack bball IQ...Diesel you throw out all the things you saw Mash do in college and at Dallas because some kind of expert ..many who never even touched a basketball in an organized setting" said he was a throw in. We are talking about basketball skills here....I don't need any experts to see that KG can do it all on the court and Darvin Ham...can do nearly nothing....get my point genius?
  18. "I don't see Diaw as somebody we must keep at all cost. I like his defense but he remains an offensive liability." Could you have said something like that about Dog. "I don't see Dog as somebody we must keep at all cost. I like his offense but he remains an defensive liability." And you talk about my bias...LOL Yet you judge the possible improvement in offensive production of a foreign 21 year old rookie in not even a complete season... By the way.... he has great form on his jumpshot and has the chance to develop into a good shooter....he just needs to get comfortable taking more shots and he will.
  19. I got your Son right here.... Do you see where you lack basketball knowledge...we keep going back to 20 and 6....but you fail to mention all the things that Dog is down right horrible at...like every other aspect of basketball. Who was it that said "my assists are down because I don't have Big Dog to do the pick and roll with". JT. You are such a [censored] hypocrite one minute you are accusing JT of not being a PG and having no court vision...then you blame the loss of Dog for his decrease in assists...this is same dude who says we are ready to start winning games one day and someone needs to be traded the next and you are quoting Jason Terry...u r a joke. "Mash looked like a scrub" Mash has never looked like a scrub...anybody who knows anything about the game...(which would not include you) can tell what Mash can do on the floor no matter the team. Jax didn't approach 20 ppg...well Dog has not played D on anybody in 8 years...guess what ...Jax avg. 15 and he plays D...Imagine that.... a player that can defend and score....and oh yeah he can dribble with out falling down....and since we are quoting people like JT...what is it that AI says about the great Big Dog....why was he begging Ayers for minutes and about to damn near cry on the bench.....and look at the stats this year... don't think Dog is averaging 20 and 6 .....but guess what he is still not guarding anybody. Dog is done....Jax is the better player...so why don't you spend some time dreaming up a 8 team 17 player trade ...you seem to be good at that.
  20. "Big Dog was a 20.8 ppg, 6.6 rpg, 43% shooting Sf. Jax is a 15.3, 4.4 rpg, 41.3% shooting Sf." So this is why Dog is a more complete basketball player than Jax? I question your knowledge about the game...you talk about my bias...it is obvious that your bias allows you to make yourself look very ignaorant about the game. we are not talking about JT or halfcourt teams or blah blah blah ...we are talking about the skills that these 2 players exhibit on the court....it is clear that Jax is the more complete player....because Dog just can't do all the things that Jax can do...if you believe that Dog can do more things on the court than Jax can do (defensively/ offensively/in transition...then you must have never played the game and really don't have a good understanding. You stick to making up trades.
  21. "Big Dog will get Rebounds. Sjax will not" You act as if Big Dog is pulling down 10 boards a game...I think he avg. around 5 while Jax is at 4. "Neither are good ball handlers and should be kept away from handling the ball at all cost." Typical spin BS....what you should say but didn't want to say is that Jax is a way better ball handler than Dog..and that is sad because Jax could certainly improve. If Jax wouldn't flourish in a halfcourt system...why would he have his best year in San Antonio...and why would they want to sign him to a multi year deal? I think you under estimate how bad Dog's defense is...or you just don't want to admit it.
  22. It really boils down to this Diesel....is the game that Dog brings to the floor greater than the game Jax brings?. In other words which would you rather have Dog and his shortcomings or Jax and his? If you can say with a straight face that if you had to choose one player to be on your club at this point in their careers you would obviously take the better player....which one would that be.... You can throw rebounds out ...because they are almost equal. Now what other thing does Dog brings....jumpshooting...thats it. What does Jax bring...Jax is better in every other aspect of the game ...whether it be dribbling...passing...defense...athleticism...hustle....he is better in transition...do you contest any of these things Diesel? You have to look at everything a player brings...when deciding who is the more complete player.
  23. "Maybe because Jax is a career 9.7 ppg, 3.0 rpg player who is not in Big Dog's league... Yet you believe he's more complete..." What you didn't realize is that all he needed was more minutes. We were talking about who was more of a complete player and you said Dog...we were not talking about if he "fit" we were talking about straight up who is the most complete player. It is obvious that Dog can not help a team in all ways Jax can because Jax is the more complete player. Diesel...complete players play on both ends of the court.
  24. Man u r so full of BS it is beyond comprehension...why do you always have to try to spin...if I go to the park and watch pick up games all day I can tell which player is the best basketball player...meaning which players game is more complete....not which one shoots better or which one does this better....it is just obvious to everybody but you that Jax is better all around bball player tha Dog.... period. If Jax is missing shots then he is getting rebounds...or hustling for loose balls ...or taking charges in transition...if Dog is not hitting shots he goes to the bench...because you really can't afford to have him on the floor if he not shooting well... Guess what.... the SA teams that won championships played D...Dog doesn't fit there either. Philly went to the finals with tough team D...Dog doesn't fit there either. Dog is done.. I have a feeling that SJax is just getting started. Has Dog's game improved any in the last 8 years?....same old Dog get up in his face make him take tough jumpers...because he can't dribble... and he goes 1-5 and leaves the game with a sore elbow....please
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