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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. You hate to admit you are just plain wrong. Dog can't rule anywhere anymore because he can't play D...thats why he couldn't stay on the floor when Ayers was coaching and why AI called him out about guarding his man. I said it then and you can see it with your own eyes ...SJax is plain better....and what is scary is I don't think Jax realizes how good he can be...if he didn't settle so much for jump shots. But is ok ...you can send me a private message and let me know you think Jax is better...it is fine...just between u and me.
  2. I remember when you were about to gun me down for saying that SJax is a better player than Dog...now you want to sign him up...but you probably don't remember that though...since DIESEL is always right....LMFAO
  3. Dion and Rebraca's injuries are?
  4. Atlanta Hawks General Manager Billy Knight announced on Feb. 18 that the club has requested waivers on center Michael Doleac. The 6-11 center was acquired by the Hawks on Sunday in a three-team deal, along with Joel Przybilla and a 2005 second-round pick. Additionally, the Hawks have signed veteran center Mamadou N'diaye, most recently with the National Basketball Development League's (NBDL) Asheville Altitude, to a 10-day contract. N'diaye, a 7-foot, 255-pound Auburn ('00) product, was a first-round selection (26th overall) by the Denver Nuggets in the 2000 NBA Draft. He played the last three seasons with the Toronto Raptors, participated in training camp with the Portland Trail Blazers in 2003, and played out a pair of 10-day contracts with the Dallas Mavericks last month (3 games played, averaging 0.3 rpg and 0.3 bpg in 2.3 mpg). Since then, N'diaye has played in six games with Asheville, recording 8.8 points, 6.3 rebounds and 1.8 blocks per contest (.471 FG%, .700 FT%). He has NBA career averages of 4.4 points, 2.9 rebounds and 1.1 blocks per game (.450 FG%, .746 FT%).
  5. I thought Knight told Stotts he would have at least 10 healthy bodies for practice today...with Hendu being almost worthless ...I don't think Doleac will be waived.
  6. "Ego. This would be an opportunity for him to not only prove he can win without Shaq, but to switch the balance of power back to the Eastern Conference." The risk is greater than the reward. We would not only have to add starters but we need to add a quality bench for Kobe to have enough to win. This does not happen over night. There is a great chance Kobe would not be able to elevate us to a high level or compete for a championship much like T-Mac. The last thing Kobe and his senstive ego wants to hear is "see I told you he couldn't carry a team, he needs Shaq and Phil" I think it will take some established talent in place on a team for Kobe to come...maybe that means we need to sign some free agents before Kobe....don't think Kobe will be here though.
  7. Yeah but Kobe hass too much of an ego to get his lunch ate every night in and night out...it is hard to claim you are this or that when you can't carry your teams to wins...even Kobe know he has to have some talent around him....we would probably have to sign at least a Kenyon Martin type before Kobe would consider Atl. I think Kobe signs out west for the better opp. to win and get a chance to stick it to Shaq and the Lakers at least 4 times a year.
  8. Does that make Billy Knight a racist for trading our black players. That statement is just plain ignorant.
  9. Rasheed can not be packaged in a trade before the deadline right? Meaning we can not trade Sheed/JT to Houston.
  10. Trading Dog was a great move...if we had not have done it then ...we would be just like Philly...trying to trade him and finding no takers. Dog was a mistake that Babcock made and thank goodness Knight had to brains to get rid of Dog as soon as he did or we might have been stuck with Dog. for the duration of his contract.
  11. The reason we beat Dallas is because we out played them...same reason we beat Boston and Minn. These are pro players...it is not always talent that seperates the good from the bad sometimes it is just incosistency. that don't take us seriously crap is bull...Dallas might have not took us seriously in the first half but they had more than enough time to get serious in the second...sure dallas would probably beat us 4 out 5 times but they were out played the other night....but if you noticed their offense became less effective when we put Boris on Nash in the 4th. I am not saying Boris is a potential star but a player that young and cheap that can contribute in all the ways he can... you need to keep him around to at least 25 or 26 before you decide if he should go.
  12. He is basically admitting ..hey I can't and won't play D... I can't penetrate...but I can shoot a mid range jump shot...so shut up and be satisfied AI....hard to stay away from your weakness if you can't guard anybody on the floor..... LOL
  13. for thinking the same thing....i don't know how this thing will affect us defensively for the next 30 games...but I could see a 4th qtr set up with Sheed in the post ...(he is tall enough to find open shooters) and the perimeter laced with Jax JT and Person with Nazr cleaning up the O glass because of the double teaming of Sheed.....I can dream can't I. We are thin behind Sheed and Nazr...I guess they will activate Hendu now. I teel you one thing...it is going to be interesting to see how this plays out for all involved.
  14. the Hawks made with the current team is not getting any starting quality vet guards to play with Reef and Theo...and a quality experienced winning coach..let's see how Reef and Theo do with Damon and Derek Anderson...we will be able to see if it makes a difference.
  15. I have heard many of you say say Reef is not this or that..he justs gets meaningless numbers...not a go to guy...Ratliff only blocks shots and does not do much else to help the team...and Dickau sucks....then you turn around and say we should have got young potential superstars..and #1 draft picks for these flawed players. What is it? Did we give up to very good players for nothing? Or Did we unload two mediocre players that made a lot of money for the future of the franchise? By the way the two top free agents are considered to be Kobe and Kenyon...well Kenyon is no better than Reef and his attitude sucks ....and Kobe is not coming here....he is going to try and play in the west so he can stick it to the Lakers. Plus this years draft is weak as hell.
  16. People get all caught up in Dog's shooting but he is one of the worst defenders in the league, he can't dribble, and he is lazy..and doesn't run the floor...it is amazing that anybody would want him on their team. Philly made their playoff runs with team defense....Dog just does not fit... Dog is just about done.
  17. You just said: "Gill, Heinrich, Robinson even Bronsus had their way with JT. " I watched the game but I don't remember JT guarding Gill or Robinson for any length of time..but how do u expect JT to guard SFs anyway. Henrich had a horrible game and Brunson actually didn't play badly ...he hit a couple jumpers. I know JT is no defensive guru but his defense has been better lately...besides the backdoor to Henrich last night he played ok D. "Reef doesn't show up until the end of the half and the end of the game. " I remember when people were complaining about Reef not showing up at the end of games...now you are complaining that he does.....lol Jackson has decent handles. Boris just needs to shoot...he hesitates and thinks too much ...but his jump shot looks mechanically strong. Dion thinks he is the microwave CC should play more...we need someone to come in an knock the helll out of people and play with energy and just be a nuisance on the floor. We do need to rebound better...but I think Terry needs to play Nazr and Theo more together.. he has been doing that of late. We are not a good team by any means...but at least they have been playing like they care about something....lately.
  18. Sorry, but I don't see a Lebron or a Carmelo in this draft...there is really nobody in college/HS basketball who deserves to be #1.....any foreign players out there?
  19. swolehawk2


    I guess I should have made it clear that post was meant to be more of a joke....didn't mean for you to take it that seriously.... but anyway....you probably can't remember any of my posts because your posts are the only ones that contain facts=(your opinion) and are really worth reading....Sorry I have a life and can't pound away on a message board all day. Anyway I think that hiring Gabriel would not be the best move for the Hawks....but since nobody will read this because it is not Diesel's Grand Post of the Minute...I will go on my merry way. Merry Christmas
  20. swolehawk2


    You are like all of those sports experts.....you throw out any old idea that comes to mind and if it happens to turn out somewhat right...you act as if you are the best thing since sliced bread....but when you are wrong....you act as if you never said it or never mention it again. Am I close? Helll, you could probably do a better job than Gabriel.
  21. If we go big ...and if Sean May comes out early...we should take him...he is going to be a handful.
  22. I just wish we could get Fratello or a coach like him, to come in and work with our talent, so he could evaluate them to see who we move and who we keep. When I see JV and JT on the floor at the same time and our SF initiating the play up top...I can't help but wonder if we had a quality vet coach could he get more out of this group and put them in positions where they are more able to succeed. Thats why we need to fire Stotts now...and see if we have a "Hubie Brown type" team attitude change, before we change too many things with the team....however we do need some starting vet guards.....but this goes back to getting rid of your vet guards in the same season and not having talented youth developing behind them.
  23. We won 35 games last year with the great Big Dog ....will probably win around 30 this year... ...he came out of the gate shooting every [censored] thing he could ...to prove to us he could carry us and ...make us better....but when his limited game...and no defense and TO machine....and bad ankles started to show....he withered like the role player he is....why in the world should we have kept Dog around....give me one reason.... "Big Dog is gone and we are not better. In fact, we're worse." What the [censored] is the big difference between 25, 28 or 35 wins...... none. Since you are looking up shiit.....how many games did we win the year before Dog? I think it may have been 33 .....so an old asss jumpshooter who can't dribble or play defense...has only a midrange jumpshot and bad ankles....and gets paid a ton of money...is worth keeping around for 2 wins? Nope ...you trade him for anything you can get....just like we did. The simple fact is trading Dog was a good move.
  24. Yeah u r right..... we would probably be 10-20. That team would probably set the record for jump shots....and wouldn't be better defensively. Ball movement would be non existent and we wouldn't play good team defense....if Reef is going to be our best player...our second best needs to be a vet guard....thats how we get better quickly.... get Theo and Reef some vet starting guards.
  25. Suck what up!....Dog is horrible....he didn't help us win...it doesn't matter that he is gone...he is no teams savior...get over it. You act like the reason we are not winning is because he is gone.......we were a horrible team with him....he is not a difference maker. We were not good enough defensively to hide Dog...maybe Philly is...but I doubt it. I would trade Dog every day and twice on Sundays.
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