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Everything posted by A_voice_of_Reasoning

  1. Hawks get a big win, but I have some concerns about the mental lapses and turnovers in crucial situations. The Hawks came out hard and fast, hitting the boards, moving without the ball and playing pretty good defense. What is hard for me to understand is why at times, the hawks seem to play to the level of their competitors. The Hawks have to learn how to close a team out. It's no way that Cleveland should have made the game last night as close as it was with key players out and the poor shooting they displayed. I'm could be mistaken, but I seem to remember the Hawks having 5 turnovers in straight possessions. These are the times when a good floor leader in needed. J-Smoove reminds me Rasheed Wallace at times, with all the complaining to the Ref's and 3 pt shooting. When J-Smoove goes to the hole strong, there's not too many in the league that will be willing to step in front of him. J-Smoove seems to get caught in a one one one battles. Lebron took the ball to the hole strong and dunked on him. J-Smoove now fells that he must try to take the whole team to the hole and creates a turnover. The Hawks have shown that they can play ball, but for some reason the plan gets lost...... If they can give the effort like the first 2 qtrs of the Cleveland game, They have a great chance of beating the BIG 3 of Celtics..
  2. I agree, they are taking the ball to the hole... Nothing but good things can happen when you take the ball to the hole..... STRONG!!!! I did see some more of those wasted fast break opportunities....... But they are playing ball tonight...
  3. This is suppose to be a place where one can voice his opinion, but when one does everyone wants to take it personal.... I will continue to voice my opinion....
  4. Lol... Are you serious... Josh Smith... lol.. josh smith..... Your comments have already given me an idea of how long you've been a Hawks fan...... you could at least said Dominique, or Steve Smith, I would have been impressed if you would have said Doc Rivers or Tree Rollins.... Josh Smith..... Let's try.. Dan Roundfield, Eddie Johnson, John Drew..... Get back at me when you look these names up...
  5. Are you serious.... Can you honestly tell me that some of the games lost this season was due to an off night..... You need a thicker set of lenses or a prescription screen on your plasma or HD tv. Countless times I've seen wasted possessions .... No Defense, uncontested shots, no weakside help. No one hold this team responsible...... Just accept being less than the best you say..... To much is given... much is expected.... J-Smoove has been given a big contract...... And his performance is that of a ROOKIE in his first year.. Joe Johnson.... never shows up in big games against a Big opponent.... Everyone wants to be the man... No one wants to get gritty and grimmy in the post for rebounds or loose balls... SO, YEAH>>> I EXPECT MORE FROM THIS TEAM..... ALWAYS STRIVING TO BE SECOND BEST......... AND YOU ACCEPT THIS AND ARE CONTENT... NOT ME.....
  6. Wow, you want me to be satisfied with 4th place, when this team could do much better. I think this is the problem with some fans and this team, always settling to be the second, third, or in this case fourth place. When are we going to hold this team accountable for the way they perform each night on the hardwood. This is their job, their craft, if they don't have the heart or professionalism to give it their all everynight, why should we be there 6th man in the stands. Aren't you tired of saying We had a good season.. Wait til' next year.......... Many of us have this tune in our ipods .... and I for one, am tired of hearing it..... YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME!
  7. What difference do you see in this team from last season. Yeah, there are a few new faces, but this is the same stale-no producing offense that hawks put on the floor last season. This was suppose to be the season that the Hawks stepped up there game and started the season where they lefted off last season. But everyone went home over the offseason and found themselves a jump-shot. Everyone wants to shoot from 18ft and beyond. I think I even saw Mike Woodson spot up in the corner behind the 3-pt line. Anyone who has played organized basketball, knows that basketball is not a complex game. It can be easily taught and understood. But the Hawks haven't grasp the fundamental concepts of this game called "Basketball". The object of the game is to get your team or teammates in the best position for a easy score or shot. 1. Take Care of the Ball (No Turn-overs) ( Give the damn ball up J-Smoove after you rebound). 2. Set Solid legal Screens ( ZaaZaa stay stationary) 3. Rebounding (Crash the Boards) ( All Big Men get in positon for a rebound, box-out, then get the ball) 4.Defense Stop the Man with the Ball when on Defense ( no one should ever take the ball the length of the floor 5. STOP TAKING JUMP SHOTS WITH NO ONE UNDERNEATH TO GET A DAMN REBOUND!!!!!!!!!! 6. Share the Ball... ( Joe, Josh give the ball up before 6 sec. left on the damn shot clock) 7. Play Smart, Play with Confidense 8. Know when you are not on your game ( When you are not scoring do other things like rebound, loose balls, set solid screens, be a positive force on the floor) 9. Situational Basket Ball 10. Always finish Strong!!!!!!!!! But, this is all in vain, if you don't have a Strong Minded Coach on your bench... Need I say more...
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