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  1. +1 This is where our problems start and end IMO. Its not just that we don't have this in a point guard, its that we have no true penetrators on our team. There is no one that's viewed as a true threat to take the ball all the way to the cup at anytime. The closest we have is Jamal, but he uses his drive really to set up his jumper. A penetrator would put pressure on the interior of a defense (ie Howard) in a way that our bigs can't. It would open the perimeter up for Joe, Marvin, and Jamal. I know this BB101 but it really is a critical piece of our offense that is missing. Bibby was never that type of guard and Teague won't get the PT to develop any confidence this year. On the other end of the court, dribble penetration is killing us. How many time have you seen the opposing PG (or 2 for that matter), take the ball into the lane forcing our d to adjust. Quite a few times Josh can clean this up (sometimes Al) but this puts his man in perfect position for an offensive put back or a dump off pass. Or the penetrator dishes out after the def collapses and ... SWISH wide open three. The switching defense is only effective if you can stay in front of your man. Bibby can no longer do this on even medeocere PGs now. Its really jeporadizing our team defense. So to answer your question Diesel, we need a preferably a PG (or a SF) that can attack the hoop with regularity and someone that can defend the PG. Who that is and how we should get him, I leave to you guys. But I do think that he doesn't need to be a starter but he should be able to run a team and handle quality mins.
  2. His second class should be at Rick Mahorn's school of low-post intimidation.
  3. At this point I'm hoping for an Orlando vs Denver series. Even though its not the Glamour match, I'd watch it out of spite.
  4. I've seen every Hawks game for the past 2 seasons, so I am well aware of how valuable these guys were to our season this year. I made my adjustments recommendations only because these guys are injured and limited in their game right NOW. I just think that they need to pair down their games until they are healthy and able expand back to what they did in the regular season. You can't expect a guy with a sprained wrist to be able to shoot 3's and finish around the hoop with contact or a guy with a sprained ankle to have the lateral quickness to make a quick move in the post and elevate. So why not focus on the other aspects of the game that they can still be effective at? I just wonder if you really read my post.
  5. Woody needs not only to lash out at the team, he needs to give them direction. Because of injuries, tired superstars, and playing a better team in the 2nd round of the playoffs, the roles the Hawks are playing are all up in the air. Woody has to change the roles of some of the players. Marvin - he should be the defensive/ garbage man. He is unreliable offensively at this point so, Woody should tell him that we won't run plays for you so I need you to concentrate on def and rebounds. He needs to try to slow down LBJ on def and get in the paint and push people around. He needs to be a Rodman/ BWallace - lite. Horford - He has no mobility to make any effective post moves. Woody needs to tell him that he needs to play a pick and pop type of game and focus on defensive rebounding. No post plays for you. Your game needs to be like A. McDycess or Haslem. Joe - He needs to say to Joe "ok, you are tired, I get that... so when you are coming of that curl just pull up and shoot the ball." There is no need for you to try to force more action - you are open... Shoot it! When you are doubled, give the ball up. Go post and when doubled pass it out and repost - you are being guarded by a guy that is 6'1 at best. Eat his lunch! Josh - He should tell him that "you are the man" - provided that you are in the paint. We will run the offense through you if you play your post game. No 3s (pro or college distance). You have an advantge on anyone that the Cavs can run at you. We gave you big time money so its time to earn it. Oh btw, give me 10 rebounds. Acie - Be prepared to play and just push the ball. Again, don't think - just push the ball!!! Mo - I need more from you. Just play BETTER! Bibby, Flip, Zaza - just play your games. Woody - Make adjustments like a real coach. I know I'm asking a lot from Woody but the playoffs are about def, rebounding, free-throws, and COACHING ADJUSTMENTS. It's time for him to earn that vote of confidence that Sund gave him.
  6. Its tough to win game when your SF position gets you 7 pts and 2 rebounds. Oh BTW, your superstar only scored 11 pts and had 5 TO. We need 5 guys to show up ready to play in game 2.
  7. We should win. 11 playoff losses on the road, in a row is a streak that needs to be broken. With all our faults, we are the better team.
  8. Absolutely. It's amazing what a little rest and playoff intensity can do for a player. Was it me or did Joe look a step and a half quicker than he did most of the season? He also look very decisive. Everyone played great tonight. Let's bottle up this game plan and execution and pour it all over the floor again tues. Go Hawks!
  9. You shouldn't lose your starting spot due to injury. Particularlly if you we effective when healthy and your replacement is NOT clearly better. Marvin does need to demonstrate that he is not rusty and blend back in with the starters. That being said, I think West should be the 1st sub for Marvin not Mo. I think his defense will be crucial in the series. I think the team's defense will be crucial in the series overall. If we can't stop everyone else from scoring (particularly, JO and Beasly), our offense won't win this series for us because Wade can and will take over if his teammates keep it close.
  10. I would normally say rest the starters completely, but having seen the sluggish starts this team gets off to, particullarly with days off between games, i don't think we can take the chance of resting them too much. I also don't think playing anything close to a full game is wise either - they do need some rest. The Hawks should treat all but the Miami game as a preseason game, meaning have the 1st team start the game and the half but play no more the 6ish mins. I think starting the half keeps them in the routine of thinking about the game. For the Miami game, I think that they should play normal mins for the 1st half and then sit the 2nd. Competing with the team you are likely to play will give them something to think about. Also, if the Hawks go out and play hard to win the half, it can give them a little swagger going into the playoff series. So my answer is a little bit of both.
  11. The questions are, can we play him in the playoffs if he doesn't play in the regular season and what is the insurance implications of that?
  12. The lack of rebounding is a result of the iso offense. The team clears out the lane for joe or flip to operate and therefore no one is in position to rebound. Just look at the lane when Joe or Flip has the ball there is no hawk presense in the lane. This is where Jchill had the biggest impact for our team. He roved the baseline and bailed out this offense many times. I think Mo is starting to play this game but he isn't as good at it as chill was. I also really believe that when the hawk become ineffective on offense it saps their will to play defense. So, this no plan B offense effects the way the team plays and their energy level on both ends. How many time have you seen when the hawks miss 2-3 shots in a row or joe pounds the ball and doesn't score, the other team has an easy shot or a layup on the other end. Then boom, they are down by 10. I've got to believe that Woody sees this, but I just don't believe has any answers.
  13. Bibby may also be running on empty. Bibby's not like Joe in that he can't run effectively for a whole season at 35+ mins a night. not any more anyways. Now, this doesn't explain his horrid def in the 1st qtrs, but it may explain his lack of intensity some nights. I do think he is killing us in this switching def but so is Horford. To be effective this switching def 2 things that we dont have, (1) a def PG that can stay with his man when not picked and (2) a shot blocking big that can clean up penatrations in the lane. At the very least, we need one of the two. I actually think Philly would run our def better than we can. Also, I agree that we need an offensive coordinator type coach. It's not about in-game play calling but overall offensive strategy, plays, practice, and game planning that is really needed. LA has a off coach for the triangle, NJ did, Bos, Clev have def coaches. We need a off coach here. Changing head coach is also an option too.
  14. This is ridculous. How does Woody run his practice?... Ok guys lets practice an hour and 45 minutes on our switching defense, 10 mins of free throw shooting, and 5 mins on our iso offense. This can't be the way a professional nba coach runs a practice, can it? He has to be teaching offensive sets, right? The way the Hawks run offense, we will never beat any team that makes a commitment to play team defense. Never! You know those teams I'm talking about... the ones that make the playoffs. I have to believe that Woodrow is teaching offensive sets to his team. If so, that means either: (1) The plays aren't very good (2) The players don't commit to running the offense. (3) The coach scraps the plays when things get tight The answer may be all of the above but I really believe that its (2). You can just see off ball screens not being set, no movement without the ball, pounding the ball, not passing out of double teams, not passing to cutting teamates, and not swing the ball to move the def. These are all player controlled. Although, I don't blame the players as much as I do the coach for not forcing the players to run the offense. Sit their a**es down if they can't run the play. And, yeah Joe can break the offense at times but when he start to pound the ball into submission, he should take a seat on the bench too. I just don't see any commitment or passion from this team. None! They had better find some soon because the only way their "iso only" offense has a chance is if the players are focused, passionate, and in the zone. Otherwise, we'll see tonight's game over and over again in the playoffs.
  15. Here's the problem with this strategy, starting Mario would cause us to be a more perimeter oriented team. The player guarding Mario would just sag into the lane disrupting our low post game, any penatration and would double the ball everytime. He would essentially be a rover. This would put more pressure on our outside game which we all know doesn't always makes the trip to the arena. Teams would attack this early and force Joe in the game sooner than you would like. So why not start him and bring Mario off the bench more frequently for instant energy. Also, I think the offense should be run through Al. Al is definitely not the best offensive player on the team, but he generally makes good decisions with the ball and is a low post scorer. If Al has his low post game going, the other team would have to commit to a double team. If not, at the very least, they would have to sag into the lane for help defense. In either case, there is less presure on the outside, helping Joe, Bibby, Marvin to get easier shots. This could be run through Josh, but he hasn't fully commited to a low post game and we know his decision making isn't the best. Also, you would never get Joe to agree to this. He would be out of here like Jay Cutler. You can't bring the best player on your team off the bench.
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