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Everything posted by benhillboy

  1. Woody seems comfortable with his staff, I doubt he'd be open to bringing in some offensive guru, because evidently, he thinks his isolation offense works. I don't hate Bibby, but I frankly don't think the Hawks could afford his atrocious foot movement, which will only get worse, for another full season, or even half of one. It severely hampers him in man defense and manuevering in tight quarters in the lane with the dribble, killing our team on both ends. I always liked Joe better in Phoenix, although I would never want any Nash or D'Antoni types. I also wouldn't be opposed to giving him until the trade deadline under a much better offensive mind who can keep the defensive principles in place (while upping the discipline) and beside a young point guard, without the experience, but certainly the tools to play the position.
  2. Nah. Great teams that are healthy win road game 6s. We are neither.
  3. This team is starting to round out into what it ultimately will be if the core is kept together through the free agency period of 2010. I am a little dissappointed at the peak potential of this team as presently constructed. Joe, Bibby, Mo, and Flip are vets whose games aren't changing, which isn't a bad thing. All except Bibby should be expected to maintain their physical attributes. Bibby is easily the most expendable, basically commanding a hefty sum simply due to his playoff experience and career-year from 3, while being on par with Steve Nash as the most easily roastable man defenders at point in the Association. As far as our young'uns, Al was a half-level behind what most expected, granted injuries have hampered him. It almost seems as if his potential is very slowly wasting away early. We won't talk about Josh, everyone here knows exactly who he is: one of the most ironic, sugar-to-s**t players to ever play in the NBA. Marvin added a set-shot three this year. Whoo-hoo. Next year, it'll probably be some up-and-under move or a running hook consistently. Nothing major, definately nothing in the form of increased confidence or aggression. And that's basically the key to the Hawks' future. Our young front line can still be great, but I'm finally starting to realize, like the majority it seems, that Woody has ran his course, done a fine job in improving every season, but is ultimately holding this team back offesnsively, especially when all three are missing many/ big games due to injury and can ill-afford lapses in growth. I find it hard to believe any reputable coach in this league would allow a starter he has coached for six years to have that poor a jumpshot, let alone allow him to shoot it constantly, leading to one of the most notorious plays in the NBA: The Josh Smith airball + easy rebound + run-out = easiest points of your life (and probably an and-1, commited by the one and only J-Smoove himself). On a tangent, how in the flying f**k did Josh get the nickname "Smoove" anyway? Acie and Mario have shown flashes at points this year, but it may be futile to expect anything substantial from either under Woody. If you aren't getting better, you're getting worse. I'm sure when game 7 is over, win or lose, Sund should have a blueprint for going forward to progress. Judging by the overall poor play in the first round, regardless of what happens Sunday afternoon, more players (and coaches, plural) are performing themselves out of the Hawks organization. We disagree on a lot here, but I think the consensus is that a nice new Coaching Staff and Point Guard of the future with extensive upside is top priority. I wish we could just snatch a Rick Carlisle/ Ty Lawson, in my dreams. If the Hawks had Ownership and Management like the Falcons, it would be very possible. But again, we have the awful truth that our ownership group (will a singular entity please buy the Hawks?) is pre-occupied with things not basketball related.
  4. We are a better team, but game 7s come down to hustle plays and the best player on each team. I have faith that we can out-rebound and hustle them (If Al can play), but Joe Johnson is easily the last number 1 option (by default, of course) in the NBA you would want facing Wade in a pressurized 48 minute stretch. The best scorers from the six worst teams in the league (K. Martin, B. Davis, K. Durant, C. Bosh, C. Butler, and N. Robinson) would have carried us into the second round by now off of sheer competitiveness. Nothing new, though. Joe is simply cashing in on an awful decision to offer a max contract by Silly Knight. You can't blame him. He is what he's always been since Boston drafted him, a complimentary player, and the rest of the nation other than Phoenix and Atlanta is finally seeing it, as if they cared. Anyway, let's go Hawks, most notably Flipper. The offense has to be ran through him from the second quarter on, and he has to be willing to swing it. We can only pray that Josh ignites instead of sabotage us. If I were a betting man, I'm going with my Hawks all day, but wouldn't be surprised one bit if Dwayne Wade proves that he arguably is as valuable, if not more, than our entire starting lineup. When he's free to roam, I'm sure he'll fetch a salary comparable to a lot of team's starting five, and justifiably so. We can hate the guy, but when he's on from the perimeter (as he is improving every time you see him) and playing defense full court, he's basically M.J., posting free throw attempts and shooting percentages of a dominant big man. A team with suspect floor leadership (see the Mavericks in the Finals) will totally wilt under his will alone.
  5. Flipper! He's the human bailout plan when your Joe Johnson accounts are too outstanding for a prolonged period. He's the best combination of skill and will on the squad. Even though he's in streetclothes, Marvin seems to be the odd man out in most cases, recieving the ball as an afterthought most times and rarely taking a leadership role as far as I know.
  6. I used to get mad at the lack of attention for Atlanta, but now, I'm like f it. I rather have them neglecting and bashing us than jumping on the bandwagon.
  7. I usually like Kenny, but as it pertains to the Hawks, f**k him. You can't watch Hawks games on Picture-in-Picture in a studio with Charles the Drunk yapping in your ear the whole season, and all of a sudden, you know how their offense works. Many of these "expert's" analysis of the Hawks are just knee-jerk reactions because they see the Oklahoma City Thunder more often than us, and it's just chic and bandwagon behavior to annoint Joe a superstar and rip Josh. It's the common knowledge, default assesment of the Hawks for those who really don't know what the hell to say because they've only seen us in the over-hyped Celtics games. It did seem like more movement off the ball last night, but it has been the case all season with Flip and Joe on the court together. Flip simply does the things that Joe can't (dribble-driving, forcing hard contact, re-setting plays and attacking quickly with proper floor spacing, etc.), taking much of the thinking load of of Joe (not his strong suit.) Also to Bibby's credit, when he drives to the hoop and actually attempts a good shot, it takes our team to a whole 'nother level. While we could of course use Marvin and Al, the ball doesn't stick as much because these are two players who Joe is reluctant to pass to for whatever reason. Bibby looks for these two when they get post position. Joe thinks about it, and continues to dribble. With Mo and Zaza, there are a few more options, basically because they are two veterans with more streamlined games who Joe probably has more confidence in to make the best play, whether it be 15 pump fakes under the basket to get an and 1 from Zaza or waiting a split second for Mo to finish his off-ball move for his high-percentage shots.
  8. Leave it to Buck to tell the truth, with a little sarcasm and overreaction mixed in. I second the motion. People went crazy at one boneheaded play, as if 100 other plays didn't happen. If these same people were fortunate enough to enjoy Atlanta's culture, they'd be cool enough to simply laugh at Josh and enjoy the win instead of over-analyzing a single play and crying about sportsmanship. In Josh's words "We aren't trying to make friends." This is a division foe, and I'm all for dominating them and looking good doing it. One of the problems with the NBA is a lack of true, intense rivalries. They try to make up weak rivalries with teams that are 1000 miles apart, or worse, in different conferences! Unless you play in the NFC Weak, I mean West, every team in the NFL has multiple, rabid rivals. I hope Miami remembers this game forever, leading to more fierce play in the future. They must realize that this is the capital of the Southeastern U.S. and we run s**t.
  9. Josh is, always has, and always will be Russian Roulette. We just have to live with it and hope there are considerably more 20-10-4-3-3/ win nights than 14-5-2-2-1/ loss ones. It helps me a lot in terms of keeping my sanity by simply turning away from the screen about 5 seconds (or however long it takes for that bomb to drop) when Josh bends his knees and throws up a sinner's prayer. All in all, though, Josh is a hometown boy, and there is nothing like him electrifying Phillips Arena. As a true Atlantan, like many others on here I'm sure, who gives a flying f**k who approves of Josh trying to celebrate a win. Barkley the Drunk, Kenny the Chump, some of the duds at ESPN, or anyone else. Looking at the media coverage (or lack thereof), it's us against the world, and I wouldn't have it any other way. These are the same morons who would vote the worst defensive PG in the game back-to-back MVP.
  10. I used to hate Wade's game, but he has expanded it dramatically this year with a M.J.-type season and I have warmed up to the guy. Still, that stunt last night was soft. If it was an intentional delay/ rest period for him, he underestimates the effect on his young team, who may have the impression that he is fragile and brittle and will always fear the worst when he hits the floor.
  11. That whole situation was atrocious and pathetic. NOTHING HAPPENED! Of course, David Stern's cotton candy a** was corresponding with about 10 people during that awful game delay over something that wouldn't be as big a deal in the WNBA. Regardless of the rule book, how can a ref make a big deal out of two teams meeting after a wrap-up foul? I hate the way the game is changing just because this punk commisioner still has nightmares about the Piston- Pacers fight eons ago. If it were the Bulls/ Knicks/ Heat/ Pistons of the early 90's, the referee would've broken the crowd up quickly and told Wades and Jones to "get their punk a***s around the paint so we can shoot these free throws. Game on." Technical fouls wouldn't even be considered, let alone an extended delay. Makes me think the Tim Donaghys of the world are still out there, except now Stern is the bookie.
  12. benhillboy


    Just wanted to pay due props to Flipperachi. So cool, yet so aggressive. His hanging jumper alone is worth his salary. Consistent the entire year, minus maybe a week-long slump. The more I watch the guy, I can see a slight resemblance in style and approach to another certain Philadelphia-area SG, the only guy who got Flip's competitve juices boiling judging by the jawing and trash-talking that went on in our victory over the Lakers. He feels for the pace and rhythm of the game, then totally controls it. We very well could've missed the playoffs had Sund chosen from many other free agent/ trade options, who also would've been more expensive! Ron is the absolute truth and has everything that completes our incomplete starting shooter. Pay that Man! Oh yeah. LET'S GO HAWKS. I wanna see the ball swinging and a***s moving.
  13. I'm on it. Probably wouldn't have won without him tonight.
  14. If Bibby is a quarter-step slower than he is now when next year starts, he has to go. Even a coach as green as Spoelstra is confident that you can exploit Bibby's inability to stay in front of dribblers and close out shooters. And he's gonna demand more money? The Knicks already have two point guards.
  15. 1. JJ is a #3-4 (See Phoenix's deep playoff runs with a young, newly constructed team) 2. Sounds exaggerated, but I can't argue one bit. I thought Oak Hill was a reputable basketball institution. Whoever gave Josh the advice to forego college must have had a huge financial incentive to do so, and is now laughing to the bank, knowing that Josh would embarrass himself as much as highlight, even as a veteran! 3. True. His position should fluctuate depending on the most favorable 4 and 5 matchups. 4. His future as a head in this league should be determined by this series: Win, he likely stays with Hawks, and only the Hawks, given their lousy ownership. Lose, prepare for lifetime assistant. 5. Felton is not it. I know nothing of college hoops, so who will be available in the late first round for the forseeable future? Chris Paul was available... the suffering for that pick will last longer than any of us know Nino.
  16. Let's chill out. Two awful losses, true. Grossly outcoached by a video coordinator, check. Michael Beasley looks soft, but he surely is not. He's a gamer. Our best player being embarrasingly out-classed by his counterpart...no doubt. To be expected. It's funny how the national media tries to annoint Joe as a "superstar" and as the piston that grinds the Hawks' engine, when it is clear that he is not, especially when Woody's offensive scheming inadequacies seem to be at an all-time worst the past 5 days (I don't care for Kenny, but "atrocious" seems accurate to describe the offensive sets/ philosophy, or lack thereof). Sure, a healthy Marvin could probably be another fast-breaker, post defender, and rebounder, but again, the pathetic isolation possessions would only get him 18 footers with 4 seconds left on the clock. We all know it's either feast or famine with Josh. The fact that he is still shooting long jumpers in the playoffs is an indictment of his and Woody's I.Q. Some are calling for Mario, but he would foul out in five minutes against Wade. Al is not a baby anymore and should be criticized as rabidly as Josh for not performing. He has played down low against O'Neal much better in the past. The referees clearly don't like Flip, as he hangs in the air, prolonging contact, and still doesn't get calls, leading to decreased confidence (wtf?) and air balls. Of course, the league office doesn't care, as Wade is more popular than our entire team. All things considered, I'm still confident we can pull this out, granted Wade, Cook, and Chalmers stop feeling it from three (and we chase them off the three!) Anyone's guess is as good as mine as to how you cover up Bibby's defensive faults. His feet are killing us. I admit though, I am starting to become as adamant about a coaching change as many others, having liked Mike Woodson not because of his coaching per se, but as Sund says, the continuity, stability, and shared growth he has with the nucleus. Fratello has guided much lesser teams to overachieving success. He seems to be a no brainer if Woody crashes and burns. We have to get back to the team concept, meaning moving the ball for open shots and playing together (communicating and helping perimeter defenders!). Seems simple enough. Some nights we do it to perfection, other nights we look like our team was assembled at Run-N-Shoot. Newsflash: Surrendering Offensive Rebounds and loose balls will murder even the best offensive gameplan. I don't think the Hawks realize that right now. Everyone is trying on their own, mainly because the closest thing we have to a floor leader is Zaza right now (Bibby lacks it physically, Joe mentally.) I better hear how Bibby and Johnson went to sleep in the gym practicing their shots. These next two games are some of the most crucial in our team's history. We need to play like it. Now is not the time to fold. LET'S GO HAWKS!
  17. True, I look at Cleveland's squad and the only good, vesatile players are West and Williams. I despise Ilgauskus and point to him as one of the frauds, like two others on his squad (B. Wallace, W. Scerbiak) who should've relinquished their All-Star spots to the Bibbys and Terrys of the world, regardless of position. Verajo is wild and Joe Smith made a career out of being a millimeter below average. There is no team contending who would allow "Boobie" Gibson to beat them. Mike Brown, the Coach of the Year, is very good, but has as much experience, B-ball I.Q., and coaching skills as Phil's balls. But to think that the Hawks are consistent and thorough enough (meaning lock-down doubles on LeBron for every second of his playing minutes along with 48-minutes of ball movement and Bibby forcing himself to push in transition at EVERY oppurtunity) to defeat the Cavs with their historic dominance at home is quite nieve. Have you all seen LeBron this year? He has all the skills and intangibles of our starting lineup, minus a shaky long jumper. Cavs in a considerably close 5, blowout in 6.
  18. It's so funny. I bet many of these people rarely even watch the Hawks. All these "experts" know is what comes on TNT and ESPN Primetime, then their "expert" opinion has them on the Rockets bandwagon. The same people who advocated Nash for back-to-back MVP. Pure morons on the game of Hooping.
  19. Nice to see you following my posts, drizzy. Incinuating that I'm a fairweather fan is beyond ridiculous, though.
  20. One of the youngest teams in the league with the fourth spot right behind 3 great teams. Not the biggest Joe fan, but I applaud his respectable efficiency (19+) while being the league's "Iron Man" at 40 minutes per while being a low-maintenance star. If Raja Bell can make an All Defensive Team at guard, I know Joe can, as he has probably checked every scoring 1-3 in the NBA and had success denying them. At times, like last night, Al and Josh look like no frontcourt you've ever seen. Bib's picked a great time to have a career year from 3, and Marv will be fine (hopefully off the bench), a bench that has filled roles and come together nicely down the stretch if we can stay healthy. Zaza and Mo's hustle won a couple for us. What can you say about Flip? He's basically the difference between scoring under or over 100. Mario is Corey Brewer on stimulants. I would love 8-5-2-1-1 from Solo and Acie if possible in the playoffs (and hard, meaningful fouls, Solo!) Say what you will about coach, but improving win totals considerably yearly is quite impressive. Stale offense without creative cutting, passing, movement? True. But I'd rather them focus on locking down and take my chances with iso-Joe/ Flip, because Woody has a ring from his association with a lock-down squad. He knows that is what it takes in the final 5 minutes of a playoff game. I'm sure we can get stops, but the free-throw shooting back-and-forth, I am not confident in. The Hawks are a winning team. Feels good to say, but long overdue. The boys are growing into men. Let's go Atlanta.
  21. I thought it was just me, but the chants of "Luuuuke" sounded like Staples. Just face it. I was born and raised in Atlanta, so it pains me to say that we have awful sports fans. We'd rather beat traffic than cheer our team at the gun. We sell-out for Kobe and LeBron in hopes of what they may do. Totally illogically, an awful team comes into town, we have no care of what one of our players could accomplish, and Phillips has thousands of empties. I think the popularity of the NFL, Vick, and Arthur Blank's visibility swung us to a football town professionally after years of the Braves' dominance wanned, yet we still can't make it on time to the Dome when our defense needs our noise or when our phenomenal young QB wants to feel support after a big conversion on opening drives. Having a lot of transplants factors in, of course, along with a relatively young professional sports history compared to most major cities. But no other major city would dream of having Cubs fans basically punking us at the Ted or having such skewed attendance numbers depending on the visitor at Phillips. I get mad at times when we don't get national exposure when Metro Atlanta is more populated, interesting, and commercial than many cities that are better covered on the sports scene, but how can you blame the outlets when they see we don't care. You can't get headlining highlights when your venues are half empty or your fans are lifeless and unknowledgable. You can have a quality franchise, but your highlights come between the Marlins and Ottawa Senators. In the last block of Sportscenter, Stuart tells the nation "The Hawks own the longest win streak in the NBA right now." Really? The Suns' losing streak was covered in the intro. Atlantans who don't care about Georgia football could sure learn a lot from its fans, who help keep them relevant, respected, and thriving in the public's eye.
  22. Not pretty, but an excellent win nonetheless. This is, by conference standards, the best team in the league, and we dominated them while making a few boneheaded plays in between in the second half, and that is extremely impressive. Mario is a timebomb that should be detonated more often. He is extremely hard to box out, and many teams lazily don't even try, making their effort look embarrassing. As far as defense, he's that specialist reliever who is wild, but throws 101mph and strikes out the side. Our defense and physical play seemed to deplete the Lakers' energy. Joe is clearly aided by live bodies keeping the team fresh, so Woody would be wise to maintain healthy run for Rio and Solomon. Al seems to be tentative when he has good looks inside. He's gonna have to learn to trade those touch, baby jumpers for an extra dribble and stronger, higher percentage attempts. Gameball to Zaza. Flipperachi represented as usual, and seemed to draw a little more attention than expected from Kobe on both ends. It seemed like a Philly thing, and Flip got bragging rights, although Kobe had looks yet shot as poorly as I've seen. Mo has killed his former teams twice this year. Josh preyed upon Odom. For every ten minutes he plays, we need a three from Bibby. Many times, we go as his three goes. Most importantly, they looked like they had a ball holding the Lakers to a season low. The Lakers have to answer questions about their toughness after this one thanks to our exposure. Let's go Hawks.
  23. Nique as an assistant doesn't sound bad at all. Woody is O.K., but the best teams in the league have assistants as good as the head to bounce ideas and diversify things, mainly offensive options.
  24. Quote from Diesel: Now let's talk Sf shop... Paul Pierce. Lebron James Shawn Marion Danny Granger Caron Butler Rashard Lewis Rudy Gay Carmello Anthony Vince Artest GForce Gerald Wallace Durant Josh Howard Maggette Deng Jefferson Moon Dunleavy Jr. Charlie V. Thad Young Al Thornton Tayshun Prince Grant Hill Jeff Green Damn. I usually compare Joe to many of these similarly sized players to illustrate his dreadful lack of power, explosiveness, and aggressiveness at the rack. When comparing Marvin, though, you clearly see that Marvin may have a better career than Moon or Dunleavy. The rest of these guys are pretty much leaps and bounds over Marvin now. If not, their past or future prime is far superior to his projected. Charlie, Thad, and Al give us fits at times to prove that point.
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