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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. If we brought back Lou, would he bump Wright down the rotation? My view is that Wright has Lou's spot in the rotation as of now. But if Lou comes back, he get's his spot back and Wright then gets either Dunn or Snell's spot in the rotation as the 5th guard, at either spot.
  2. You go way too hard sometimes man. It's so not even that serious. Let him live. If he truly isn't worth the money, and its so obvious and plain for all to see, then why get so worked up about it to begin with? The fact is, it's NOT that cut and dry, and his worth is subjective, and the potential for a cash grab is totally possible. That's the only reason it rubs you so wrong. Because it's very possible that someone gives him the money you say he can't get, and that causes consternation. Closed mouths never get fed. You can't expect him to just accept the money that will always be there and never try to attain more. He and the team may disagree on a number, but they appear to be in a very healthy place as far as respect goes. And that's why I take issue with your constant rants against him. He is not in front of the camera screaming "Show me the money!!" He is handling his business behind the scenes, like a professional, and lobbying for what he wants, like a professional. He has that right. And the team has the right to say no, and other teams have the right to say yes or no, and we have the right to counter offer. It's just business. No need to drag a guy who's actions disagree with your assessment of him. He is 23 years old, let him live and learn. Business will take care of itself. And if you are right about him, you have nothing to worry about.
  3. So basically he's single, but not like "single, single." He is free to talk to whoever he wants, go on dates, but he can't like hookup with them? We are totally still together, but just taking a break right now. He still hasn't moved his stuff out of our place yet. Sounds toxic AF
  4. Same team for the Knicks except swap Fournier for Bullock. And add in their rookies Grimes, McBide, Sims. They also get Robinson back which is the second coming if you ask Knicks fans. I do like Fournier for them though. He can at least put the ball on the floor and get to the hoop. You can't just hide Trae on him like we did with Bullock. Makes their offense more dynamic.
  5. If teams expect the Hawks to match any offer JC get's then why would they prioritize him? Better they focus on more realistic acquisitions. I think the interest is there but teams are not buying that we actually let him walk. Right now, he is holding out to see if somebody will step up and blow him away with a number, but it does not look likely. The writing is on the wall, if I were JC I would accept that unless there is a potential sign and trade out there, Im either playing for the Spurs or Hawks next season. Easy choice for me. Let hammer out the numbers and get back to work.
  6. That's better than Dwight for sure.
  7. How are the Lakers signing guys, they are way over the cap after the Westbrook trade? Lebron ($41mil) Westbrook ($44 mil) and AD ($35mil) alone push them over the cap. They have $12 million before going into the luxury tax and only 5 guys under contract. How?
  8. They making some strong moves. I love the competition that is shaping up within the division. Tucker is a big time chess piece. Lowry gonna be tough obviously. Reports are they really want DeRozen too, if that happens, they might be scary
  9. Congrats to the guys who have pushing his name for over a year now. You finally get your guy. I'm loving how the roster is completing itself.
  10. Bucks won't re-peat without Tucker. He is the kind of player that took their defensive intensity to another level. He was crucial in the Nets series for them. He was part of the reason we got killed on the glass against them. It was always an extra Buck body in the scrum and it was usually him or Connaughton mixing it up along with their bigs vs just JC and Clint.
  11. I meant all the personal stuff that got him kicked out of Miami.
  12. Yeah, my wish list now is JC, Lou, some veteran center and then DONT trade Cam under any circumstance.
  13. I actually like Zach Collins to SAS, seems like a great fit for him and that part of Texas.
  14. Im beyond happy to hear this. Underrated move that will pay huge dividends for is off the court. Love it.
  15. Felt like 72 with Bogi last year, I think cause we had to wait over the weekend until the next business day lol
  16. Maybe other teams heard the same thing we fans did, and expect the Hawks to match any JC offer, and therefore re-prioritized signing players that wouldn't tie up their spending money for the 72 hour waiting period associated with him signing an offer sheet. Everybody knows day 1 of free agency is an arms race. Folks are going to scoop up the best attainable assets first.
  17. I mean, he basically did it again with the Lowery stuff last night. He cannot help himself.
  18. If Im Zion, I cant be too excited to lose Lonzo. New Orleans just wasting all of the lottery luck they were given by the NBA. Meanwhile Hawks havent had a #1 overall pick in generations.
  19. Time out, time out. Jay-Z has a nephew named Nas, or Naz? The irony lol Also, I liked Schofield back when he came out. Haven't heard much from him since.
  20. For sure. Either way, this is what we knew was going to happen all along.
  21. We've known all season long that he was going to test the market as an RFA. Schlenk confirmed they would let him go through the process to see what's out there. 5 minutes before free agency officially begins and guys are ready to throw in the towel on negotiations lol Patience guys, things are just getting started.
  22. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ajc.com/sports/atlanta-hawks/hawks-summer-league-roster-includes-johnson-cooper-no-cam-reddish/XC7PFB5NAZHLLBNM5YDA3TWCCE/%3foutputType=amp I know that it's not mandatory for 3rd year players so it's up to him if he wants to participate or not, but this is a bit of surprise after it was reported for months now that he would be going. Could this be smoke of something else bigger like a potential trade? Or is he just satisfied with his playoff performance and content to rest on that ahead of next season?
  23. 4th string behind JC, Gallo, and JJ I see no lies told lol
  24. Stats are a major driver in contract negotiations when you are a young "pre-prime" player who hasn't proven much. There is only one basketball, there are only so many shots available game to game. Even without vets like Bogi, Gallo, and potentially Wright or Lue, to steal minutes and shots away, there still aren't a ton amongst just the core guys by themselves for them to truly showcase their peak value. For every guy who may rise closer to or surpass 20+ppg, that means another guy will statistically fall closer to or below 10ppg as a result. There just aren't enough baskets in a 48 minute game for a 10 man group to all eat every night. I say that to say, these things will figure themselves out. Cam or Dre may individually end up being max-type talents, but they both wont be able to put up the gaudy stats without it significantly driving down the cost of the other or even a Kevin Huerter in the process. That is the twisted beauty of having a large collection of talent. Nobody will ever be called upon to be "the guy" as long as they are surrounded by multiple weapons. That makes it more realistic that you can afford to keep them because you are likely paying for a bunch of 14 to 18ppg scorers as opposed to the 23ppg+ types that they could be on their own. The one caveat being the "OKC Harden" scenario, where a Dre or Cam, maybe Jalen one day, believe they are much better than their role or stats show, and find a team willing to make them the focal point. So long as everyone is willing to let Trae sing lead, we should be good for a decent stretch. If we are winning, contending, I can't see that not being the case. It will still be expensive, but not nearly as expensive as we fear. As long as we don't let anyone walk away for nothing, we should all be happy with whats to come of this core group.
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