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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. He is wide open everything time. Trae leaving the wrong dude open
  2. New Chant: Trae Stay Home, Trae Stay Home!!
  3. Respect that man Haters!!! Collins getting busy right now
  4. If they want to shoot tough long 2's over defenders, let them. We will take that. Trae was in no man's land again leaving Korkmaz to cheat towards Harris. If he made that pass out that was an easy 3 points. We have to stay disciplined
  5. Stop doubling off of 3 point shooters. Especially on the strong side. That's the easiest pass to make. Trae stay home
  6. My condolences to the fans who predicted we would win in 5 games. Maybe people don't know as much about basketball as they think Dont double, simple solution. They are ready for it and Embiid has figured it out as a passer. That's spoon-feeding them open shots. Embiid was singled in the 1st quarter and had to go to the locker room because he had to actually play out every possession. Let the gimpy young dude tire himself out going hero ball.
  7. Deservedly so. Collins hearing it from the Squawk while in reality Capela v Embiid, Bogi v Harris, and anyone Trae is guarding are the matchups that are killing us
  8. Yes, Philly is really good. They have been the 1 seed all season for a reason. Embiid is an MVP candidate for a reason. Im sorry to everyone who got ahead of themselves as if this wasn't our 1st playoff run and we might incur some turbulence along the way. Knicks fans were tremendous, but their team was just as green as ours. Philly has been a perennial playoff team with finals aspirations and finally have a coach who is bringing out the best in them. We do not need to panic and sell the farm just because we are being outplayed by a better team. You don't skip steps in this league. You have to earn your stripes. Everything is a lesson. We showboated when we were up, it's time to be humble and take these pills that Philly is giving us. That being said, we CAN still beat this team. We are truly beating ourselves tonight.
  9. No they didn't, yes we are. Playoffs was the goal. 1 series win was icing on the cake. Anyone thinking we were headed to the finals this season was just delusional. I said it before the playoffs even started. NO MOVING GOALPOSTS. This team is on target and ahead of schedule from where we started the season.
  10. Have to gather ourselves. We started to panic after we missed all those bunnies. But overall we are better off overall just have to finish plays. Go strong or draw contact, none of this finesse stuff. Bench looks a lot better right now
  11. JC haters need to keep ALL that energy towards Capela right now smh
  12. Where have you been all season, Kev is average at worst defensively under Nate.
  13. Facts. We need to get the bench guys going. Snell has gotten gun-shy with his role reduced, but we could use some shooting off the bench. Lou hasn't been the explosive scorer that won games for us when we were injured. For as deep of a team as we are, our bench has been pretty quiet all postseason. It's time to run some plays with intent to get them going. Too much read and react, they need the green light to let it rip and get their confidence going.
  14. I'm right here with you brother. We need a win tonight. I don't care if it's a blowout or at the buzzer, we just need to walk out with a W. Nate has to make adjustments. Shaq and Chuck called him out last night saying what a lot of us said, "why double Embiid and let their role players get going." He basically had 40 in game 1 and they lost. Game 3 was his lowest scoring and took the fewest shots but he got his teammates involved and they never really had to work for points. Let him wear himself out and take 25+ shots. Keep others from getting off.
  15. Replying to the question of should be happening, while simultaneously poking holes in the argument that even allowed that narrative to exist. So no, not directed at you, but using your post as my foot in the door to the convo
  16. Im convinced that they are intentionally holding him out and there are no plans to bring him back this season even if cleared during the playoffs. I think they are (re)focusing on his long term development which is why they implied the next time we see him will be at Summer League. I think the current iteration of the '21 Hawks under Nate McMillan does not include Cam Reddish, for better or worse. Once we make roster decisions in the offseason and part ways with a number of the wings, I think he will become a priority again. i think they fear having him play under the playoff pressure and getting his confidence bruised even more. Thats just my opinion fwiw
  17. It's not happening. It's a ton of hyperbole. Harris is getting buckets on a lot of guys not named John. The only times he beats John is when he helps off a ball screen and Harris throws a floater. If that's bussing ass then I don't know what to say. Harris killed us off the double drag screen a ton in game 3. JC was typically in no mans land trying to stay attached to Embiid or step up on Harris. The time he stayed attached, Harris had easy looks. The time he left Harris lobbed an alley to Embiid. Either way, Harris wasn't his man on the play. Hill, Huerter or Bogi were all getting left in the dust. But please let's continue the Collins hate tour '21. Or see for yourself Combined with JC's videos its really hard to justify this narrative of Harris v Collins.
  18. 2 points. That's the cost of letting Embiid eat. That's better than an open 3, or an And-1. Guard him, one hand up, one hand across from the ball. Don't jump, don't reach. Let him shoot and box his butt out. If he makes it, fine. But cut down on the cheap foul trips and the 2nd chance opportunities. Let him go wild jumpshooting. Just keep your body in between him and the basket. On his post ups, Harris and Simmons are both cutting aggressively through the lane. Run with them, don't help on Embiid. Put a body on them. Guards, stop peeking. Stay home on the shooters and play centerfield on the tip outs. No cheap 2nd chance points. They will still score points but at least they will earn them.
  19. Doc was on top of everything we had going last night. After halftime if we scored twice in a row he called timeouts immediately and shut down whatever we were doing. He did not allow us to build any traction whatsoever. Coaching battle is just as key as any player matchup. Doc had his boys making strong decisive moves off of our defensive rotations. Their passes were on time and on target. Moreover, there was almost always someone open at the rim or a good shooter open from 3. They were on top of our defensive gameplan. We looked meticulous and hesitant in the half court. Nothing flowed easy except when Trae was able to get a little bit of space here and there. Bogi and Kev have to be better when they are the ball handlers of being decisive. They shied away from the pressure that Trae was living in.
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