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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. They only count as 1. No matter how bad it looked. Remember, we have been on the road since last Saturday. Nate made the team pack for Milwaukee before the game 7 trip to Philly. It's going to be huge for our guys to get some literal home cooking and recharge after our longest stretch away from home since the regular season. We have been here before. 1-1, even 1-2 looking down and out. Don't get too high (game 1) don't get too low. We Move ATL
  2. On a serious note, I loathe how many offensive rebounds we are giving them, even with the benches in they are still dominating the offensive glass. That has to be addressed if we are going to pull this off
  3. Notice every play is being ran to get the ball to Cam. Nate is a sly genius
  4. Mind games. We allowed this blowout because we NEEDED to get Cam, Dunn and Snell some meaningful game minutes. We didn't want to risk playing them in a tight game, so we took our 1-1 split and let these guys get some run. Nate always 2 steps ahead
  5. We need that negativity again. We were getting soft.
  6. 0-3 in Game 2's 1-3 on Friday night games in the playoffs. Go figure
  7. Worst half of basketball since Nate took over. Unfortunately its the best way to teach and refocus a young team. Milwaukee was soft game 1. Not tonight. We got caught sleeping. Nate is digging in their ass right now
  8. Bucks are front runners, Portis tryna talk tough cuz they up big. We needed this slap in the face. We got too fat after game one. Pride game for Milwaukee.
  9. No matter the outcome tonight Hawks need to set the tone that they wont back down. 30 is a lot to overcome, but we can still fight back and establish our presence for the next one
  10. Trae's not locked in. Too many ling distance passes that are being read like a DB, needs to lock in and get that moxy back where they are reacting. Right now they are in front of everything.
  11. This is their best shot. We knew they would come out swinging tonight. Weather the storm and try to hang around. We been here before. I want this game 2 though.
  12. This may be a broken record for Hawks fans but it's news for the rest of the world, but Trae Young is literally must see TV now. The Flash, the Audacity, the Mentality. Villian or not, he is becoming one of those guys that you will pay money to see. I'm speaking from the perspective of non-Hawks fans now. We already knew this. But now if you're a Knicks fan and Trae is coming to town, you want to be in the building if not just to boo him. (Philly fans may be a little sick of seeing him right now) But seriously, what he is doing on the court, whether you root for him or against him, makes the game exciting and fun to watch. If Im a Bucks fan I dare him to shimmy again just so I can laugh louder if he misses or loses. Either way Im not looking away for a second because I don't want to miss a moment he is on the court. He is one of those guys that keeps opponents up at night, not just because he may score on me or win the game, but because you wonder if he is going to put you on the receiving side of one of his highlights plays. Trae will turn you in to a viral YouTube sensation but for all the wrong reason lol This kid is a box office draw. That's why he is getting so much more praise. The league, and the networks are finally seeing dollar signs when they look at Trae. They are going to capitalize on this moment as much as they can.
  13. Travis and the front office did the right thing, and they did it the right way. They were organized, intentional, and financially prepared. Would not have it any other way.
  14. This is what every opposing team/fan finds out. If you want your 5th best option to be the focus of your offense instead of your best players, go right ahead. In the end its not worth it to attack him
  15. JC had elevated (back) to 2nd during the playoff run. Your statement says it all. Sap was thee guy on DECENT playoff teams. JC is the heart of the most accomplished team in Atlanta Hawks history.
  16. All of this. That's what we're all seeing with these boys, they have nothing to lose.
  17. Trae can be a nice guy all he wants in his head, but when you tell a crowd to shushhh, shoot and hit a dagger Bomb when the crowd is trying to give their home team an ovation, then bow after it, then wave goodbye to another crowd, and then show up in a 3rd road arena and shimmy 3 and throw backboard alley oops, none of that is "Nice Guy" behavior. Trae is no doubt a great guy off the court. And he never deserved the criticism or the boos he got. But this is about what he has done on the court, and on the court he has BAD intentions. He isn't here to play nice, he is rubbing all kinds of salt in wounds and trolling AND winning while he does it. Im not complaining or knocking it. Im just saying, you can't be all "Awe shucks, Im just a nice guy" after you did what you did in front of the whole world. He is carrying big D energy every time he steps on the floor. He can still be a nice guy, but on the court he is a BAAAAD Man, and there's nothin anyone can do about it.
  18. The two best takes I heard all day today about Trae kind of contradict each other. #1 was Jalen Rose saying that it's lazy to compare Trae with Steph because they have 2 different play styles and get buckets in completely different ways. Thank God someone finally said it out loud. #2, I can't remember if it was Nick Wright, but someone said that Trae was the evil twin version of Curry. Coming in to arenas as a villian with evil intentions. Called him Wario for crying out loud And when you look at him, it's kind of spot on, Trae has this devilish grin and the Wario mustache going on. Not to mention the chins are identical lol Look at the thumbnails, Wario might be Trae's twin
  19. A family member of mine claimed they sat next to John's agent at the last home game and got to talking. She is a spry 39-ish but looks like she is still 30, and likes to rub shoulders with influential types. So, my dad and I were talking during father's day about the team and he asked me if I thought John should get the max, before I could answer she jumps in and says, " I met his agent, he told me they are going to ask for 180." I said, 180 what, million? She was like, yeah! I chuckled There is no way he is getting that from us or anyone else. That would be 5 yrs at 36 per. I didn't dig any deeper to find out the context or validity as I didn't want to get too caught up during family time. I would like John to resign for $25 per, but I think he goes no lower than $30 per after these playoffs. $180 may be a bit too much, even if he finds a team willing to pay that. I really hope this isn't true, and that whoever she met was just trying to impress her with his upcoming %10 commission.
  20. I saw that earlier too. One of 3 players EVER in the history of the NBA he said Shawn Marion Anthony Davis John Collins.....end of list.
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