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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Embiid v Capela Harris v John Simmons v Dre Green v Bogi Curry v Trae I know some people would prefer Trae guard Green because Green can't dribble or run like Curry, but the size mismatch will entice them to post Trae and us to help and leave shooters like Curry open or driving lanes for Simmons. Id rather Trae chase Curry around and play straight up D. On any given possession we can cross match guards v guards and forwards v forwards. But the key is to stay in front of your man and not leave these guys open to pick apart rotating defenders. Off the bench, Sixers are much deeper than the Knicks. Hill and Lou cancel each other out. Thybulle is going to get starters minutes guarding Trae and maybe even Bogi if he gets hot. Dwight is big and smart enough to cause problems for OO. Kev and Gallo have to come up big to win the banch matchup. Biggest worry is they have 2 All-League level defenders to put in front of Trae and frustrate him. Like, generational defenders. You kill the head and the body will follow. If they slow Trae we need an answer from the supporting cast. Best thing we can do is take game 1.
  2. Im honestly not a fan of the trolling but after "F Trae Young" and being spat on, he can do whatever he wants since we won. I would prefer he be humble and realize that there is a lot of playoff basketball left and winning a first round series doesn't make you a legend yet. On to the next round, where the whole world will still be rooting against you Trae. Can you keep this whole villian routine up against a better team, or can we just get back to business again? Great win tonight.
  3. We were trending in the wrong direction regardless of injuries. Nate got Bogi back but he was playing like ass during our 8 game win streak. So Nate was basically able to win more with the same availability of players contributing as Lloyd, and even less players as the season went along. So the injury thing is not an excuse. Nate got Kevin to play much better on defense. Nate began using Bogi the right way. Nate committed to giving OO backup minutes instead off splitting time with Knight. That's not to mention any of the in game differences between the 2 as it relates to game management and late game execution. LP is a bright man. He knows basketball. He is respected. That does not mean that he is cut out to be a great head coach. He may just be an organizational guy. A personnel and development guy. The way he was with the media and the things the players point out that Nate does different, clear communication, is very telling. Guys know their roles, they know what's expected of them. Nate was able to communicate his vision clearly. LP, was very passive aggressive with the media and possibly with the players if you read between the lines. Guys don't buy in to that kind of stuff. It may work when your voice is just a contrast to another leader, but not as the Head guy. Men want to know what needs to be done so that they can do it. You see the difference in results, it's very telling on LP's coaching. Doesnt matter how much you know if you can't bring that knowledge to life.
  4. Dunn would be getting playing time if this was the case.
  5. Our guys have been pushed, punched, elbowed and even spat on, if they are fed up and want to pop off, so be it. Those old farts in Terrance Moore and Schultz haven't had anything to say all season long about the Hawks, I could care less about their opinion. They need to stay in the 2000's where they left. Moore especially. The biggest homer-hater I have ever seen. Kirschner, for all his flaws, has been covering this thing since before it was pretty. He has a much better pulse of this team and he get's it. We have been disrespected for far too long by far too many people to sit back and let a team put hands on us and think they wont get it back in return. I don't love the jawing prior to a close out game, but I understand it. I want our guys to play with edge and not back down from anyone.
  6. If Randle's hair has the same effect that Ben Wallace's did, we might be in trouble tomorrow. Yall know what Im talking bout, when that fro' came out you aint want to see Ben Wallace that night lol
  7. Im not indulging until we put a bow on the series we are currently in, but boy do I have some matchup suggestions to share.
  8. I was thinking about this too honestly. I know they have basically ruled out his return for the playoffs but I think that was more to alleviate any pressure of rushing back and wanting to contribute. I think they just want him to focus on his rehab right now and prepare for summer league. That being said, they will likely put another 2 week stamp on him this weekend. But there could be an outside chance if we take this thing deep they may have to reconsidering keeping him out of the lineup.
  9. I think Philly closes it out on Wednesday with or without Embiid. That team is built around him. Doc put an end to that debate when he got to town. Embiid is the centerpiece. So him going down in the middle of a game throws off their entire gameplan. They will have time to make adjustments and reorganize their offense ahead of the next game and win a close one at home with Simmons making a bigger impact.
  10. From one toxic fan base to another. If we win, that mean's dealing with Philly fans, dang near the same thing lol
  11. Side note. it must really stink to be the Spurs. They have the most boring uniform colors. Them being fancy is going grey. Them really stepping out of the box is a smidge of hot pink and teal streaked across the front. The good thing is that if you're a fan of theirs you only have to buy a jersey once and it'll last a lifetime
  12. Super nit-picky, but I really wish they would relax with the Atlanta wordmark and use HAWKS more often. I get it, we did it for marketing and pride purposes a while back, but it's time to give it a rest. These look awkward with ATLANTA on the chest when they are so iconic from the Nique era as is.
  13. Then yes, I'm all for it lol I mean either way, if we are going to take care of anybody, its going to be Trae. So we would bite the bullet regardless. The 2022-23 season is the one that looms over us from a cap perspective. 2023 and beyond depending on what we decide to do with Clint, Dre and Cam. Clint will only be 29 when he becomes a free agent, and depending on some of his chronic injuries, he could be a highly sought after big man and get his biggest contract to date. That's why OO's development is so crucial. His club option is due the exact same year Clint becomes a free agent. Schlenk may know a thing or two about building a team long term.
  14. We knew what we signed up for after free agency. And honestly, if things look bad for this rendition of the Hawks, we have the ability to hit reset in a couple of years once all the veteran contracts come off the books. And we dont HAVE to resign our core pieces. But in all likelihood, all the draft picks and fee agents are panning out exactly how we hoped. We can add via sign and trade if there is a big name we like, or stick with this unit. The most important question is, are we willing to go in to the luxury, and by all accounts, we are, and that's all that matters really. We have a window to become contenders and hopefully attract someone big time to run with Trae before we have to trim the excess fat.
  15. How does an early extension work. Is it like the NFL with Mahommes where he signed the extension but is still playing out the final years of his original contract before it kicks in? Or does it kick in right away? The only reason I think we would sign him early is if if allows us lock him in without hurting us in the short term. Again, NBA contracts confuse the heck out of me, I'm referencing NFL tactics and how they prorate everything to soften the blow. I guess since everything in the NBA is fully guaranteed, money is what it is, exactly when it says it is.
  16. I don't think we have quite seen anyone's full potential yet. Nate has these guys playing 2 way basketball, playing the right way, sacrificing and trusting each other. JC may never put up 20 and 10 numbers again on this roster, but nor will anyone else that is due for a pay day. Hunter, Kev, and Cam's production will all take a hit as you can see. So I do not foresee a scenario in which any of them will ask for a boatload of money unless they plan to leave town for a featured role. That being said, from a roster construction stand point alone. Trae, Bogi and Clint are locks. Gallo has his deal. Then you have 3 wings looking for a payday for 1 available starting spot and 2 bench spots. Odds are, we lose one of them before we let our starting PF who plays backup center walk out the door. The domino's have been set in place. Kev, Dre, and Cam won't all make it here long term unless 2 of them decide to be backups and get paid like it. We don't have to make a decision on Dre and Cam until 2023, the same year that Gallo and Clint fall off the books. 2022 is the real doozey. Trae and Kev are both due, obviously Trae's will be significant. And we are still carrying the last year of Gallo's deal. We are not in a bad spot, especially if Schlenk can manipulate some cap to defer until 2023. Idk if they can do this in the NBA like they do the NFL. But there is enough to lock in John and potential be taxpayers for only one season in 2022, which is right around the time you would expect us to be competing for rings. I forget my point.... 25 mil for John, done.
  17. Perk has been the only National guy to be on our side since day 1. He is the voice that said we were a problem back in January. He laid low when we struggled. He has been rooting for us against the Knicks this whole time. KP is a real one
  18. Facts. Before we can crown anyone or anything as different, they have to prove that they are above the Atlanta curse and take care of business. It sucks because, Atlanta history suggests you are better off with a close game/series than you are with a big lead. I want us all to speak on it so as to anti-jinx it from happening. The moment we start gloating and looking ahead is the moment the sports Gods show up again. In that respect. The Knicks are a truly formidable opponent whose toughness, resiliency and fans can singlehandedly get them back in this series. We would be truly fortunate to walk out of this series with a close win. Let's hope our guys understand that they are up against much more than the men wearing the opposite jersey.
  19. John has responded tremendously the past 2 games. #mamascooking I think this season was a win for both he and the franchise. He turned himself in to a 2 way player. Proved he can be more than a rim runner. And he was able to assimilate to a roster that no longer featured him and found a way to contribute to winning basketball. He earned some money. At the same time, you see that the one key element of Star-level players who get top dollar, which is shot creation, is not in his bag and likely will never be. So with that he won't get the full max from any team. He turned down 22.5 mil a year. I bet he can still get 25-26 per. I hope he stays with us going forward.
  20. Red Velvet is when the 3 point shots are falling. Joseph is the guy playing defense and getting physical with dudes twice his size. Kev has completely transformed himself in to a 2-way impact player. He gets a nickname for both sides of the floor now lol
  21. The Pope blessed them himself. Only 1 L in those all season long
  22. Finish the job at hand. 2-1 means nothing. Wins 3 & 4 are probably the hardest to get.
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