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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. The only thing better than us showcasing each of our 4 beautiful uniforms to open the playoffs, is the fact that Nike gives playoff teams a 5th "earned edition" jersey the next season. I wanted us to do a strictly black and yellow colorway in the same template as the current jersey's, which would be very unique to the NBA, but the Heat beat us to it with theirs.
  2. I think Cam goes to strictly back up SF immediately upon return and expansion of his role depends solely on his performance. Kev as back up 2. And agreed Cam and Kev can mix and match on wing if the situation calls for it We are definitely in the market for a good back up point guard (where have we heard this before). I certainly don't mind Lou coming back if he wants to. But some halfway point between strictly floor general Rondo and Instant scoring Lou would be ideal.
  3. For sure, the game pace has definitely been a factor. But game 1, they said we wanted to run more and keep them out of half court defense. Either we changed that up or they are stopping it. Refs play a major factor in that too. Every whistle allows both teams to reset. No free flowing tempo when the zebras are ticky tacky.
  4. A little negativity, but I have noticed that our offense has really struggled jn the 2nd half all series. We have been held under 20 points in 4/6 of the 2nd half quarters. We have lost all of the quarters we failed to score 20 or more. A lot is made about the bench rotation and staggering Bogi and Trae, but it still hasn't helped the fact our offense grinds to a hault down the stretch. Trae went in to halftime with 14 and 10, finished the game 21 and 14. So they kept him in check in the 2nd half. It's something to monitor. Our 3 point shooting helped negate the FT disparity. But our offense is still not humming yet. We are a team that should get 120 in its sleep. We are at 101 ppg for the series. Thibs (and the refs) are doing a good job slowing us down. What they didn't account for was the fact that we can actually play some defense too. Points aren't easy for anyone this series not named Trae or Derrick. Hopefully we finish the home stand with another W and put them into desperation mode.
  5. This shit makes my blood boil.....even worse than Trae being spit on. That aint basketball. Bill Deblasio maybe needs to worry about his Knicks playing basketball and keep Trae's name out of his mouth.
  6. Yessir. A lot of hot takes after game 2. JC made a huge winning impact tonight. He deserves props .
  7. FT's saving the Knicks. I dont care that we are up, refs are really bailing them out AGAIN tonight. Gotta close this out this time.
  8. OO may not be the answer but its bot due to his size. Gibson is 6-9 230 and giving us problems because of effort and savvy. OO came on strong at the end of the season, but the playoffs are a different animal especially for a rookie. If we want a vet, great. OO has enough size to get it done though, just needs more seasoning.
  9. Thankfully the Knicks don't have a "superstar " on their team. That usually brings out the casuals that root for the road team. Knicks fans will be there but ours will have the juice to shut them down .
  10. I think so, even if its just to mix them in. Dre JUST got back in to the lineup. Most of these guys have played really well next to or as starters. I dont see the need to ride a 5 man bench unit heavy minutes together. They should get one timeout, two max on the floor without a starter or 2 out there with them.
  11. We lost by 9. Probably less if not for having to play the foul game late. Make 3 of those wide open shots and we win this game. Period
  12. Nate CANNOT play a 5 man bench in crucial moments like that again. I understand guys have to get breaks, but dammit Trae is 22 years old. He can play 40 mins if needed. That shit needs to stop NOw. We will lose this series trying to play regular season rotations in a playoff game. And give my man Solo some love next game, Snell is not getting in a rhythm, let Solo come in and mix it up a little bit.
  13. Clint Capela, Danillo Gallinari, Lou Williams. These guys were brought here in part because of their playoff experience. We need more from them on the court. Bogi and Dre need to attack the rim more and stop settling for jumpshots. Knicks gambled that our shooters would get tight and miss shots and they won that gamble. But we dont HAVE to shoot the shot. Step in, get something going towards the basket.
  14. A lot of hot takes about Collins. A lot of over-reaction to a guy that spent most of the night on the bench in foul trouble because he tried to play the game the way the refs were letting his opponent play (his own fault for not being disciplined). Hunter needs to start at PF? No. Try again. We need a playmaker at PF? Name one that exists thats available, I'll wait. "We lost because of JC, he needs to be a 6th man?" Ummm, he basically was minutes wise tonight how did that work out for us. You know who DID play starters minutes at PF? You know who IS actually getting paid the 20 million that y'all claim JC isnt worth more than? Do y'all know who WILL be our starting PF next year if we let JC walk as a FA? He is the same guy that is allegedly more offensively skilled than JC. The same guy that allegedly can create offense unlike JC. The same guy that is supposed to make JC expendable. Yes, that guy, who saw the court for 30 minutes tonight gave us 6 points on 2-10 shooting. He has given 55 minutes, 5-21 shooting, in two playoff games. JC, has given us 50 minutes and 5-11 shooting this series. But y'all want to blame Collins for tonight. Because the refs took him out the game. (It really was his own fault, but the refs sucked regardless) Gallo was brought here for a reason. We are paying him great money to be the 6th man yall want JC to be. Good luck finding a better option at PF than either of these 2 guys by the way. They are ideal for what we need, we just need them to be better. Especially the one we ARE paying. JC doesnt have a deal yet. He gave us a 2 million per year performance tonight. I expect better but I understand the context of game circumstances. He took 2 shots tonight. Is that on him? Should he have shot a three every time he touched the rock like Gallo? Did we run a post up all game for any of our guys? I mean keep it a buck if you're going to drag a guy. Let JC walk, cool. Gallo is your new starting PF. Tell me how good that looks right now. Carry on
  15. Capela was blowing gimmes. JC couldn't stay on the court due to fouls. That being said, our frontcourt is getting outworked by theirs. And its not a size thing, it's all activity.
  16. Capela needs help on the glass. The bench needs to show up. JC needs to keep his damn feet on the ground. Coach needs to mix the bench in and stop riding them together like this. Thats twice they let the Knicks back in it. Do that and we good. Time to come back home and get some of mamas cooking *in my Kwame voice*
  17. All this attention on Trae and they don't even know Bogi is a freaking killer in his own right. Do not let this man get hot, he can go for 30 in a blink. I kind of hope it's one of those games where our shooters go crazy. We've seen it happen before, it will happen again.
  18. Honestly, the best move is to get the ball out of Trae's hands. Even if we are much better at playing against the trap, it's still the most effective defense against us because it keeps him from playing in a rhythm. That being said, I expect them to blitz him hard. Tonight's game will come down to "other's". Bogi, Dre, Kev, Lou and Gallo need to go off. JC and Clint need to make good decisions with the ball because they will be the one's left most free. We have had a lot of fun these last 2 days with the Villian Trae stuff, but the Knicks themselves are not their fans. They don't care about any of that crowd nonsense. They are coming to play tonight. Julius is going to get it going. Rose, Burks and Quickley are not afraid of the moment. Bullock can get hot and Barret has something to say as well. Game 2 is going to be a dogfight. It can single handed tilt the series
  19. Yo.... they really hate this kid lol
  20. They never listen until its too late. To be fair, that game was lost because they kept switching on ball screens and leaving small guards on Luka. PG13 was noticeably annoyed and towards the end of the game just started leaving his man open to double which allowed the Mavs to burn them on the scramble drill. Beverly was the main culprit of this. He needed to put his ego down and fight through the screen to get back to his man (THJ) and let PG13 stay on Luka. It was painful to watch. Clippers gonna lose this series. Basketball Gods do not like the fact they tried to lose on purpose to avoid Lebron.
  21. Greg Anthony pointed it out. We were so concerned that the refs would not blow the whistle for us that we avoided contact and played a little too finesse. We had the right mindset, but it may have taken some aggression away from us. Next game, we have to continue to play without the help of the whistle, but still stay in attack mode and not let the Knicks off the hook.
  22. Goddamn I love me some Keisha! She is the perfect Mayor to clap back for the team and city lol
  23. Also, Frank smacks the back of Trae's hand on the floater, that could have been called too. But John said it perfectly. Gibson grabbed him, took him down and he lost his shoe as a result. That was a huge "play on" moment that went uncalled. The Barrett foul was the one iffy call Trae got all day, but guess what, they reviewed it and upheld it. So you have to accept it and move on Knocks fans.
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