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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Also, Frank smacks the back of Trae's hand on the floater, that could have been called too. But John said it perfectly. Gibson grabbed him, took him down and he lost his shoe as a result. That was a huge "play on" moment that went uncalled. The Barrett foul was the one iffy call Trae got all day, but guess what, they reviewed it and upheld it. So you have to accept it and move on Knocks fans.
  2. Just heard a great quote on Inside the NBA referring to road teams going up 1-0. Chuck said that a mediocre team settles for the split, but a good team is greedy. Moral of the story, if our mindset was to come to NY and get one, flip homecourt, then great, mission accomplished. No need to show up Wednesday. Let's get back to Atlanta and play for a 6-7 game series. But if we are really in the business of winning and making some noise, we need to be greedy and walk away with 2 games on the road. Don't leave any food on the table for them to gain confidence. Get 2, get home and end this thing early. It's all about mindset. We are young, so nobody will blame us for a tough, drawn out series. But if we really are better than them, why wait to do what you can right now? Send a message. Prove that game 1 wasn't a fluke. Box them in to a corner and don't let them off the hook.
  3. Facts. He turned Kevin Heurter from a liability to guarding Randle head up. I cannot give him enough credit for that alone
  4. https://clutchpoints.com/hawks-news-trae-young-is-deathly-afraid-of-birds/
  5. No but, he legit is scared of birds. He even admitted the irony of him being drafted by the Hawks Go to the 1:52 mark followed by the follow up question after at 2:10 mark. He is serious about this
  6. My goodness, I cannot wait for games 3 and 4, Friday and Sunday in Atlanta, so you know the whole weekend is going to be LIT. Migos, 2 Chainz, Killa Mike, Luda. I want everybody sitting courtside to grab some camera time on National TV. It's time to show up and show out Atlanta.
  7. Anti-hero is a great one. Because he isn't a bad guy at all. Most anti-hero's are just misunderstood and have their own positive motives that may come about through questionable means or at the expense of others. Batman for instance was an anti hero at one point, or basically all of the X-Men. Humans hated the X-Men, as well as all mutants, despite them saving the world over and over. In Trae's case he is not so much misunderstood, but mis-represented in the public's eye. They don't like him, because they dont know him. They were sold a narrative and bought in to it. Trae is a great kid, loves his family, and especially his little brother. He is using everything God gave him to overcome the things God didn't give him so that he can be successful. He is a great example to all young people. He just isnt who the league wants to prop up. They have their list of guys and he isn't on it. Not his fault. Atlanta loves him, and that's what matters. They hate us, they hate him. We were made for each other.
  8. I agree. JC has the game, but falling down and losing your shoe in big moments. Man get it together kid lol
  9. We won game 1, but in all real-ness, the series starts for real now. They poked the bear, and the bear poked back. But now, everyone is awake. The energy for game 2 is going to be even crazier. Randle is going to bounce back. Thibs is going to trap the ball even harder. Besides the close out game, game 2 is about to be the hardest fought of this entire series. There will be blood, there will be injury. Im not using hyperbole either. It's about to be like that for real. Our guys did their job to snatch game 1. It was not easy. It's going to be twice as hard to win the next one. They have to understand that.
  10. The writer is right. And it's not just because of the Knicks or last night. It's because since day zero, not even day 1. Before Trae even put a Hawks hat on his head, they decided that he had to fail. The moment we traded for Trae (and ironically stole him from the Knicks who wanted him to fall to them) every single talking head rushed to tell us what he can't do and why he can't succeed in this league. He has proven them wrong over and over and over. And they cannot admit that they were wrong so they move the goalposts further. They intentionally elevate Luka prematurely so as to keep him in a separate tier from Trae to "prove" their point. They have gone out of their way since Trae got in the league to tear this young man down. So no, hearing F You chants wasnt a big deal. That's basically what the league and media has been saying to him anyways by snubbing him and overlooking his historic career to date. If he is to be a villian, it's not because of Knicks fans, its because the league and their media failed to prop the kid up the way he deserved to be. So now, he has to kill all of you one by one. The league did this. The Knicks are just the first on the hit list. But the writer is right, and it's time for Trae to embrace the fact that he will never be the hero of this NBA story. So, he needs lean in to that. The best way to do so is win. Beat them on the court over and over until they say your MF name with some damn respect Every great hero needs a great villian. If Trae can grab a couple of rings as the most hated player in the game then so be it. Their fault, not his.
  11. Trae in his presser looked like we just lost. Dang near chewed his lip off. He is definitely still locked in too. John may be the only one keeping it light. Those 2 guards though, them boys ready for a dog fight.
  12. Facts. He said enough is enough after that. Not going to lie, I felt like that was the best thing to happen for us. They were emotionally drunk off their crowd at that point. I knew that adrenaline would wear off eventually.
  13. Trae is becoming the Zeke of this generation. Little man with a big game, nerves of steel, and haters everywhere. Lead your team Trae. The outside may never love you the way you deserve, but you can break all of their hearts on the court and there's nothing they can do about it.
  14. Good win. No GREAT WIN. Tough game and we weathered the storm. That crowd was nutz. I was getting a migraine trying to watch. So glad Trae was able to make that shot. It was too perfect. Love you guys
  15. Me thinks they still somehow find a way to pack the joint. Who needs rules if you are the team playing AGAINST the Hawks.
  16. We should totally arrange a pre game get together if possible. That would be epic
  17. Centennial for sure would be great. They need to utelize that a lot more before games.
  18. Im glad we have the benefit of watching all of the other games before we play, just to get our minds wrapped around what is about to happen and learn from other peoples mistakes. I hope we are paying attention
  19. Yep. He will get to show off his media skills now as he watches everyone else compete in the playoffs while he continues to give himself praise and pre mature accolades
  20. Ive been there before. Didn't have an issue. The friend I met was a gorgeous dark skinned girl sitting at the bar alone giving off hella escort vibes by flirting with the nearby (older white) guys. Then I show up and she pretends we were together to end the exchanges after they just bought all her drinks. It looked like we were running some sort of scheme. I was annoyed with her and almost left. I say that to say, they probably could've understandably asked us to leave and be justified but didn't. I wonder what the deal was with Nique, I hope it was just a misunderstanding.
  21. Oh, it's on. It's about to go down!
  22. Bout Time!!!! Lets get it ATL
  23. Draymond is so trash man. Can't hit a wide open shot to save his life.
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