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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Saw an interview somewhere where Jackson said that they really thought they had something special when Sheed came to Atlanta and were going to compete together for a long time. Everyone was just as surprised he was flipped after 1 game. He and Sheed were at the bar and saw it on the TV and just kept drinking afterwards lol
  2. Oh wow, both games now. Not saying they can't still win but we need to handle our business, contain Russ, and try to get back to that 4th seed.
  3. Im seeing NBATV at 7:30. Do you know if it was this one or the next game? Aaahhh got it, yep!
  4. Wait what !?! I tune out for one weekend and come back to extra surprises
  5. Im just happy they have the opportunity to practice finally. Great on Deandre's progress too. But really happy for everyone right now
  6. Nah Wizards are pretty safe if you ask me. If anything they are gunning for the 8 seed at this point Bulls are 3.5 games back with 5 to go and they have a brutal schedule remaining with Nets twice and the Bucks. Anything can happen and obviously they are still alive but I think the Wiz can rest him a few games and still make the tourney. They are closer to getting 8 (1.5 games) than they are of missing the play in (3.5 games) right now, so if anything they may play him to make a push for a higher seed. Getting 8 is a prize because you have 2 chances to win 1 game. 9 or 10 have to win 2 games to advance.
  7. I'm going to keep preaching the gospel. Randle burned us from the outside. Im not saying he isn't physical, Im not saying he isn't big and strong. But he killed us because our bigs respected his driving, sagged off of him and let him get clean looks shooting from the perimeter. Capela and JC both did this against him. Once Randle gets in to the paint he is reading and searching for the open man to pass to or shooting mid post. He doesn't have the footwork to dominate low post, he just makes you respect his jumper to where a pump fake gets you in the air and him to the line. The same way we would guard Lebron is how we should guard Randle because that is his play style. Athletic combo forward with playmaking ability, perimeter shooting and a strong dribble drive and finish. If you keep him from getting hot from the outside, and stay down on the pump fakes, you can live with tough shots over defenders in the paint. Stay in front of him is the name of the game, not banging with him.
  8. Preach! Let hope he feels okay going forward. Even if he can play these last few games, I doubt it's enough time to get him 100% back to form before the playoffs begin. However he needs these games if he is going to rejoin the rotation. I can't see a scenario where he doesn't play another regular season game but Nate still gives him a rotation spot during the playoffs.
  9. You're right, that's a weird quirk but one that benefits us in that scenario as opposed to a 2 way tie with the Knicks http://www.espn.com/nba/playoffs/matchups
  10. That helps ease the Pacers loss, but we're still 2 games back of them in the Loss column since they own tiebreaker. Knicks have @Clippers, @Lakers, Spurs, Hornets, Celtics We have Wiz, Wiz, Magic, Rockets If we lose 1 more game, then they would have to lose 3. We cannot sleep on the Wiz the way we did the Pacers
  11. To get to 4, Knicks have to lose 2 more games than us the rest of the way. That Pacers loss looms big down the stretch.
  12. Well it'd be nice if they could do that now
  13. I feel you, but Im glad they get some extra time to rest and practice finally
  14. I'm super salty that we lost last night. I though Detroit would have been a wake up call. We shot ourselves in the foot big time. Hoping we can handle our business the rest of the way after we have a few days off to chew on this L
  15. They have a great record and earned it. They aren't a fluke. But they are 2-4 against the Sixers and Bucks. They are not a lock versus teams in their same weight class. And there is a reason they havent run way with the best record . They are human, they bleed blood lol
  16. Love that Nate has gotten Kevin to play better on defense. Defense is a mindset. Defense is effort. Kev appears more locked in and engaged defensively than he ever has.
  17. Okay, but WHO was that guy in this years draft? And where was he going to find more playing time on this roster than the 12 mins we were able to give OO? Haliburton would be buried behind Trae, Kev, Bogi, Rondo/Lou, Cam, ETC...Same with Hayes who is a bigger project than OO. Deni, Patrick Williams? Even less minutes at those positions. We all agreed this was a weaker draft before we picked. We all agreed that we did not have the same minutes to give to a rookie as we have in the previous years. We even debated whether it would be more beneficial to trade the pick for a vet like Oladipo who we were in rumors about. It's okay to have general expectations, but you have to be honest about circumstances too, and not just focus on ideals. Travis has literally hit on every lottery pick he has had so far, and even the mid first round picks. There is no reason to believe that he was careless with #6 when you consider his track record to date. There is no clear cut player selected after OO that fit's your definition of a worthy #6 or high lottery pick. It's not clear now if there is a star in that bunch, and it was even less so clear at the time of the draft. Schlenk made a smart pick up. It filled need, it fit our timeline, and he is still young enough that his potential is sky high. I don't see a reason to gripe over it.
  18. Pacer's are an anomaly to me. They have been a playoff (in) team all season. You would think they are hungry and want to make some noise, but they look like they have accepted their fate and are limping to the finish line. I don't know if their in fighting will motivate them and light a fire or if it will cause them to self destruct. Either way, they are the car on fire on the side of the road, you just want to drive around it safely and hope it doesn't explode when you get close.
  19. Brooklyn to me is the least well coached of maybe the top 7 teams. They win mostly on talent and energy from the reserves when they are handed a lead. I feel like when it comes to a 7 game series, they will not be able to execute anything at a high level other than ISO-drive and kick. They are top candidates this year along with Boston to self implode in a hostile environment. Literally, Harden and KD, not even including Kyrie, will have to simultaneously go bersrk to carry them against any of the other top 7. Kyrie can be hot or cold, he doesn't really impact winning. He is good for a clutch bucket late and that's it really. Nets can be had this year. The next 2 years may be a different story
  20. Cheer's to this!!! Frickin schedule makers tried to sabotage us all year, but it's finally working out for us since they are obligated to give us an equal number of home games lol
  21. I think so too, with the Bucks right there as well. We lost the season series but won the point differential against BKN. And we are one of the few teams that got to play them at full strength this season with all three, and we lost by 4 in OT with no Bogi, Lou, or Snell. The only thing that worries me is that Cam has had some of his best games vs the Nets, and is a great matchup against their stars. I would want him around for that series.
  22. Im so over this waiting game. I feel like it'll be anti climatic even after he returns. Just come back in one piece ready to compete, it's go time right now.
  23. Here are Randles clips from the 3 games this year. Notice how he is beating us. Outside of a handful of plays its not scoring in the post. It's from the outside when our bigs step out in space and give him too much room, and its a lot of him making plays for his teammates when we cut him off in the lane. He only ever bullied smaller defenders, besides 3 plays in 3 games against JC who mostly forced Randle to pass out of the post or shoot off balance over top of him. 1. Face up jumpers 2. Playmaking for teammates 3. All around activity and heads up play. Those are the ways he killed us. Randle is smart. If a big is on him, he is pulling it out the paint and forcing you to guard him in space. If a wing is on him he is posting up and playmaking when the double comes. Solo and Deandre are the only guys that will stay with him inside out and even they are light in the pants vs him. Otherwise, he is eating all day no matter who you throw his way.
  24. They always have to find something. Oh well, Trae will continue living his best life.
  25. What a game, what a win. It's a great sign when you can keep saying "this was the best win of the season " after several great games AND it still be true. This team has some great momentum right now. I feel sorry for those in this city that refuse to support the team for whatever BS reason. This season is exciting.
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