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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Got to start getting guys back, but I think 40 wins is the floor.
  2. We will never win anything in this city as long as we are chasing what other franchises did. We've tried being like Detroit, San Antonio, GS, etc...Those franchises became great by maximizing on their own talent and style of play. The imitation is never as good as the original. On all levels, we must find our own identity that brings out the best of the guys we have. When we do that, we will become the thing everyone else wants to be.
  3. Duhhh, no need to copy anyone else, Atlanta has enough iconic references to go around. Hello!!! Call us Magic City Because we be making it rain !!! Lol Not to mention we have Lemon Pepper Lou and Snell-ville on the team too haha
  4. Which is why Im perfectly fine with the way the season has gone outside of length of all these injuries. Nate and Lou would have never come about "if" we were winning all along.
  5. If Kev could have contributed more in the 2nd half this would have been a much easier win.
  6. HUGE WIN!!!!! Cannot say enough about the effort today!
  7. This is the Bogi Lou and Clint show today. Kev, please don't have one of those off games, we need you too. Im confident in Mays, Knight and OO to give us some good minutes too. Hill, I fear will do too much thinking we need him to make it rain. BG can go either way, hopefully he plays well too.
  8. Who do we even have available? lol We're missing like 4 of our top 6 scorers including 1-3. Bogi, Lou, Clint, Kev? Is that enough to deal with Charlotte
  9. I knew it. This is ridiculous all the injuries we have to deal with. I wish they talked about that the same way they make excuses for Boston and Miami being "decimated" by Covid this year.
  10. Yeah, these early tip Sunday games against division rivals have always been some of the ugliest games played dating back years and multiple regimes. Win or lose, we probably aren't going to like the product on the court.
  11. Would be nice if he could pass Shaq on that list before the season ends, but realistically he may only get 1 more 40 piece this year.
  12. I hear you brother, but the way things have gone this year, I dont expect much different than what we have seen. Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
  13. As of today, for the first time since the early weeks of the season, we are closer to 3rd place than we are to missing the playoffs altogether Hawks are 4.5 games behind 3rd place Milwaukee, 5 games in front of 10th place Chicago, and 7.5 games ahead of 11th place Toronto https://www.nba.com/standings Granted, 4 through 9 are still only separated by 3 games. That gap is starting to spread out though, slowly. Just have to keep swinging one game at a time.
  14. No doubt, I dont expect him to "get it" until at least year 3. Good news is he is very self aware of how vets are taking advantage of his inexperience. He hasn't figured it out, but he knows its a problem that can only solve itself through film and minutes.
  15. Trae looked tender in the first half but came on strong in the 2nd half. Considering this is a 1pm tip tomorrow, I'd imagine the questionables end up sitting.
  16. Imagine a defensive lineup featuring Dunn, Cam, Dre and Clint, with whatever 4 you want to go with; JC, Solo, OO, whoever. That would be so nasty
  17. The kid will be nice, he is improving. I love that he doesnt have a lack of confidence. He is not scared out there, just trying to adjust to the speed. He is a natural big man though. And while he lacks height to matchup with the tallest of the tallest centers, he has a great athletic body that holds up against size down low and speed outside.
  18. Facts, and they are managing to keep winning games despite no Hayward or Ball. They are looking at themselves the way we are, believing they are going to get even better down the stretch as they get guys back from injury.
  19. There is this magical fantasy day I dream of, when we are healthy as a team, and we can see how good this roster really is at their best. We are operating at about 75% strength right now and still getting the job done. I really, truly cannot wait
  20. Mays. Maybe Hill goes at SF and they let Knight get minutes at the 4. Trae, Lou, BG Bogi, Mays Huerter, Hill Gallo, Knight Clint, OO, Bruno
  21. Aren't we still undefeated in the MLK's?
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