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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Damn, if I wasn't on baby duty I would leap at this offer, dang
  2. Korver couldn't get off his shot unless he was open or coming off screens. Bogi does that well too, but he can create his own shot off the bounce unlike Korver. And to top it off, Bogi will notoriously bust a three right in a defenders grill with no hesitation. These factors contribute to his higher volume of 3's. Korver may still have the edge in percentage tho simply due to shooting a better quality of shot (uncontested) than Bogi.
  3. They filpped Hunter and Dunn. I thought I'd see one of them and not the other. Didn't know it was Hunter who would mysteriously disappear
  4. It's not worth it to save him now, when he needs to get in game shape and build chemistry. He must actually be hurt.
  5. Keep an eye on Miami too. Lost in all this is them suddenly tied with us record wise.
  6. Facts, but I doubt its enough to knock them out of the 4/5 matchup. We are playing to win homecourt, but that series is pretty much set unless we fall back to 6th. I cant see Boston or Miami catching NY unless they fall off big time.
  7. That too. The Wiz are the hottest/2nd hottest team in the East. They will give problems to whoever they face. Too bad the only team hotter than them are the Knicks, who we will likely face lol
  8. Good news is, if we can avoid the play in tournament, that gives us almost a full week bye to get rest (and Covid restrictions relaxed). Our last game is the 16th The play in games are the 18th-21st. Our last game is against the Rockets. Before that its the 13th against the Magic. That means we have only 1 game the entire week before the playoffs start, and depending on if we take care of business, we very well may rest guys that last game against the Rockets. Compare that with say, the Knicks who finish the season with 3 games in 4 days all against playoff teams jockeying for position. They will spend much more energy to close the year. Another scheduling perk I noticed. After our game on Thursday the 6th against the Pacers , we will spend the rest of the season in Atlanta. That's a full 2 weeks at home with no travel and potentially time off if we avoid the play in. We may get more rest and practice time over the last two weeks of the season than we had all year long.
  9. That's completely contradictory to what they put out before. https://www.sportstalkatl.com/hawks-trae-young-deandre-hunter-and-others-returned-to-the-practice-floor-today/ So returning to practice and getting up shots means nothing.... but Trae and Snell were able to return after the same update. So what gives? What do they need to see to feel comfortable with him returning?
  10. Except his aggression on defense and willingness to mix it up on the court, that is as good as advertised.
  11. Seriously on Hunter. The writing has been on the wall for Cam, but even Schlenk said Hunter would likely be back this weekend. Something just ain't right
  12. I like the aesthetics of us winning 40 games, which would be nice and means we finished with a full head of steam heading in to the postseason. But in reality, getting back healthy bodies and forging some kind of consistency and chemistry is the most important thing. Bogi and Huerter have been huge to our second half surge and their secondary playmaking is valuable as you can see right now. Dre may actually be the best all around player on the team and his return will unlock our roster a lot. Dunn and Lou have been big let downs these last few games, their performance will be key for us come playoff time. We need them to do what they do best when called upon. They may not be able to function next to each other when it all said and done though. If we can get our other wings back it may not matter in the end as they can platoon at backup PG. The fact that we don't even truly know who our starters will be when we are full strength is a little scary. We need these games to figure out roles
  13. Beat me to it. I started to get excited for a second. We will miss Bogi. It's good to get Trae and Snell back, but if they are rusty or on a minutes restriction it may not be enough to make a difference. Hoping for more good news tomorrow maybe.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nba/news/trae-young-discusses-preparing-for-first-playoffs-where-his-signature-shoe-stands-kobe-bryants-influence/amp/
  15. In my opinion, per Schlenk's "end of the week" prediction, they were always shooting for a Saturday return for Trae and Dre. I think obviously Kev and Bogi's injury were not expected and they were hoping we could make it through the 2 Philly games before bringing everyone else back. We are a little more desperate right now though I would say. I say all that to say, Bogi comes back tomorrow likely, but that's probably it until Saturday if I had to bet.
  16. Wine sounds nice, I think I may have to crack open a bottle too lol
  17. Yikes. Throwing in the towel on tonight. I usually rush home for tip off but I think I will just play this in the background and stay finishing up this pile of work on my desk
  18. I love coach, I love our team. But if this happens, we are going to get drubbed big time tonight. I really need big games from Lou, JC, Clint and Gallo tonight....wait, that's actually a good bit of fire power. Against the top 1 or 2 teams in the East though, it's not nearly enough.
  19. Correct, because we own the tie breaker over both squads, we are sitting on a 3 game lead essentially with 10 to go. Celtics and Heat play each other TWICE as well. Nothing is guaranteed as anyone could end up running the table, but it is unlikely that both of the Heat and Celtics can pass us. We may go on a small skid due to injury, but if everyone comes back like they claim they will in the next week, we have an opportunity to finish really strong to end the year.
  20. I've accepted that unless something catastrophic happens, we are playing the Knicks in round 1. Whether we have homecourt or not is up for debate. But the 4-5 matchup is our likely destiny. And it's going to be a tough matchup. Both teams playing hotter than the top 3 seeds. Hungry, young, energized. Yeah, it going to be a good show.
  21. The entire 2011-12 team was a who's who of one year cameos. TMac, Stackhouse, Pargo, Radmonovic, Dampier, and Willie Green. That was such a fun team to watch play.
  22. Doesn't it seem like as soon as one guy comes back from injury, we lose like two more every time? We went from missing Bogi, Hunter, Dunn Get back Bogi, Cam goes out Get back Dre, he goes back out Then Snell, JC, Gallo, Trae goes down, here comes Gallo Dunn comes back, down goes Kev, and BG in the same game. There has been zero overlap of a healthy roster this season, just a rotation of bodies every night
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