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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. another jumper! leads to a fast break. c'mon guys, havent we caught on by now, they want us to shoot, drive the ball ,get to the foul line
  2. We have taken a lot of jumpshots to start this quarter. And even just now when we fed the balll to Josh and Al, Josh put up a hook shot from over 5 ft, and Al tried a jumper. We have to bang and get to the rim somehow, and somebody needs to stay with Lewis at all times. Barnes is the offensive rebounder while Lewis floats out to the 3pt line. Lets go Hawks, this is little stuff.
  3. Thats what the Magic want, us to rely on the perimeter scorers (granted they are are best scorers). The key to this game is whether or not Smoove, Marvin, and Al will challege their interior, get Dwight in foul trouble, and score easy buckets. Thats why we get down so quick, so fast against them. We are afraid to go into the post, esp if Dwight swats a shot or two, and start jacking up jumpers from 20+ out, leading to rebounds and run outs for them and easy open looks for their shooters. if JJ scores 40, i hope its from driving the ball, lay ups, and getting to the FT line. Same for Jamal
  4. Joe really turned it on towards the end of the game. I will definately eat a huge plate of bbq CROW! We won though, 2nd place and climbing. Lets get 1 against the Magic tomorrow!
  5. On the radio feed, they kept saying that this is what David Stern and the NBA gets for assigning 3 "third" referees to this game and not having a lead ref on the crew. Basically inferring all of the are underqualified for this kind of game.
  6. Which player had the highest +/- tonite? Give you a clue, he wasn't Joe, Josh, or Jamal. He also had the FEWEST minutes of all the starters and Craw....Bibby went 0-7 and this guy still sat on the bench. only had 2 fouls btw.
  7. Well I know they changed Joe from 235 when he first became a Hawk to 240 now, but that might have been because they updated the entire website back then or something
  8. I noticed on the Hawks media notes that they have player’s weights that are a little different from the ones listed on NBA.com and Hawks.com. Anyways I thought it was pretty interesting to see what seems like a more accurate listing of our guy’s weights: Josh Smith- 234 lbs not 240 Al Horford- 246 lbs not 245 Joe Smith- 230 lbs not 225 Jeff Teague- 181 lbs not 180 Collins- 265lbs not 255 (no surprise there) Randolph Morris- 260 lbs not 275 Everybody else’s was the same as what is listed on NBA.com Collins and Morris’ are a huge difference from what is listed, but seem a lot more accurate as Morris lost a lot of weight this offseason. Also Joe Smith definitely seemed bigger than 225, I always knew his was off. Smiths surprises me as well, he lost 6 lbs, and it probably explains why his flying around more this season.
  9. I always thougth Josh was listed as 6'9, and something like 6'8 1/2 officially. And he will be the youngest player to do so as well
  10. So basically, Both Lee and whoever he plays against are going to have a great night, while Al only allows his guy to net .5 on the evening (PER's start at 15). Al disrupts his opposition a lot more. The best way to judge is by looking at head to head. And in that sense, Al completely dominates Lee, therefore it should be no question imo.
  11. I feel you, and to add to that, if we play like we should then we put ourselves in a position to lessen the burden of the playoffs. If we strive for the best possible record, we can make a road to a championship as easy as possible. (i know its never easy no matter what though) We arent the most talented, but we are more talented than a lot of other teams, and it just doesnt seem like our team gets that sometimes. Their play suggests that they are comfortable just being in the mix. I mean how many times do you have to get beaten by a lesser team to realize that you have to bring energy each night. We realize it and sports is just a hobby. These guys are getting paid millions to focus on basketball, you would think they would understand not to take any team lightly by now
  12. If that team fed the ball to Horford and Smith in the paint instead of being perimeter oriented like this current one, they could definately be a 50 win team. Post play is more reliable than perimeter play, therefore that team would have more consistency if it was forced not to rely on a wing player handling the ball for most of the shot clock of every play. Plus HOrford and Smith would be at another level, both would All-Stars more than likel.
  13. I so agree with a lot of whats being said. We should be better record wise. The thing is that we get so caught up in measuring ourselves against "the big 3" that we are happy to be in 3rd instead of realize the the "big 3" aint so "BIG" this season. They arent as immortal as they were last year and our goals need to be not just competing against them, but trying to get the best possible record. We could be fighting for the 1 seed right now if we would have been focused against inferior opponents.
  14. I agree that we have done better turnover wise this season, but the past week or so we have finished games above our average in turnovers so we can still do better I think. Its probably the reason games have been too close for comfort lately.
  15. Shouldnt we be getting on JJ to get to the line more since he is the one with the ball most of the time???? Based on everbody's logic I say we trade Bibby. Im just saying, his numbers are down from last year, he spends so much time on the bench this year stealing game checks, he cant defend, he isnt agressive enough calling pick and rolls, he is old. We might as well get something for him while we still can. (sarcasm) Seriously tho, Marvin is a Jack of all trades, Master of none type player. The only guy who can shoot and penetrate like Joe some nights, run/dunk like Smoove another night, or Block/Rebound like Horford the next. His only problem is his OFFENSIVE CONSISTENCY, thats it. Consistency comes with confidence, which comes with touches, which COULD come with a real system. Seriously, You guys want to know why he still starts???? Just ask the coach what he cares most about from his team..... the ish works right? you bet it does
  16. RedDawg#8


    I wouldnt be surprised if neither makes it. A lot of players get snubbed their first year of really being considered. Similar to Joe the year before his first All-Star selection. I think they will be locks each year starting with next season. This year if one or both make it, I will be happily surprised.
  17. Marv gets benched half the time anyways, Craw gets his minutes. after a game like today where Craw went 4-14, who wants another guy iin the starting lineup jacking up shots when they arent falling. I rather keep Marv's 3-7 in the starting lineup, at least he knows how to restrain himself .......lol :tongue:
  18. After that Slam article people are going to be killing Woody on here anytime our offense struggles lol Its deservedly so however, to actually tell players that, see what kind of offensive performances we have, and not adjust his philosophy is pretty messed up. I hope he saves his best "offensive strategies" for the playoffs
  19. I agree 100%, we just need more STRUCTURE and STRATEGY on offense. Woody just tells Bibby, Joe, and Craw to go out there a make things happen it seems. Bibby is the only one who understands what to with the rock though, Craw could be a playmaker if he wasnt told to be a scorer.
  20. I didnt get a chance to watch the game, but looking at the highlights I saw Smoove get taken to the rim by Green, and Durant burned him as well. I love Smoove, but please nobody continue that B.S that he plays great D, or better D then everybody else. Dude is an AMAZING help defender, but is average at best mono e mono. On the Green play, he was so locked in on giving up the lane to go for the block. If he would just focus on stopping his man instead of gambling on blocks and steals half the time, he would be alright.
  21. Craw + Joe = lethal tandem Craw or Joe alone, not so much I wish Bibby was a little closer to his prime. A prime Bibby plus those two would be a championship trio if you ask me. If Joe and Craw re-sign in the future, they could do big things, esp. with Al and Smith reaching All-Star status by next season at the latest. I think those 4 are our championship nucleus, the rest of the team can be phased in or out around them.
  22. Why would we want to "give up" a draft pick, or anything for that matter to trade Marvin who we all know is having his worst statistical season of his career, avg. 10 pts, 5 rebs, for an injured player who cant even start on his team BEHIND a guy that avg's the same numbers as Marvin? I will admit that I like Marvin and his game. Talk bad about me if you want to. I will admit that his impact has diminished this year, more so on offense, but it is not because Marvin has gotten any worse skill wise. A team will only score so many points in a game, Marv, Smoove, Bibby, Joe, Zaza and Mo's numbers have all decreased a bit this season, but we are winning games. Any excuse that you use for their number droppage can be used for Marvins as well: decreased minutes, Crawford, playing their role, etc The point is, he can still play the game, there are many times he does much needed things for us on the court, and based on his career and skill set there is more reason to believe his numbers will get better over time, which they have been lately. I just dont see the pressing need to replace him, not when there's no better alternatives we realistically could get in return.
  23. Not to step on any toes, but this topic title reminds me of a facebook status I recently read that stated: "Instead of donating to your local stripclub this week, please donate that same money to Haiti" Just though I 'd pass it along
  24. As a 20-something born and raised in Atlanta (Stone Mountain) the biggest thing I notice with ppl my age is awareness. I tell them that Hawks are doing well this year and they go "Really". I say, "yeah they just beat the Celtics the other day" and they go "For real, wow, didnt know that, thats wassup" and proceed to talk about Lebron vs. Kobe. Bron and Kobe to my age group are like Politics to older ppl, every party I go to the first sports question is Kobe or Lebron. I say, "how bout those Hawks?" and then there is an akward silence.... and everybody Im talking to lives in Atlanta. So yeah I would have to agree that marketing is the biggest issue. So many ppl who have lived here the past 10 years only know the Hawks as losers. They have to re-reach the fans through-out the state.
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