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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. technically yeah since they would suspend the L from our record and the W from Cle's until the replay
  2. I agree with the article for the mere fact that the chart said we should have 27 wins, and I can definately think of 2 games we lost that we should have won. Its that simple, I dont take offense to it, I personally think we should won 5 more games than we have, so though not by much, we have underachieved. Ppl keep comparing records to the big 3 saying that were top 4 and all that, but if we finsh just a few games behind the big 3 with the number 4 seed and have only 48-50 wins, we have underachieved. If we stop looking at their records, and win the games we are supposed to, when the dust clears we could the 1 seed in the East, but because we continue to base our worth off them, we are ok with being 4th as long as we're "close" or in the mix.
  3. We need to win all of those home games, that should be the players goal. We need to get on a run again because we've been playing .500 ball as of late, and were better than that. Honestly, if we handle our business, when the dust clears at the end of the season we should be right there with the Magic at the top. I wish the team would focus on doing there best every night instead of looking at the standings to compare themsleves to the "big 3". We are happy because we are only 4.5 back, but in the grand scheme of things, this team should be in 1st place...in the East. We have given away too many victories so far. Cha Det NO Chi NYK Mia Go 500 against these teams and were #1 in our division
  4. This is a great point, and actually just made me change my outlook on the situation. Yes JJ is not Kobe, or as impactful as Lebron and Wade, but it would be easier to win a championship by keeping and surrounding him with players at or close to his level, than jump ship and try to find somenody else to build around. Unless we get incredibly lucky, we will prolly never end up with one of those once in a generation all-world franchise type players. I think what our front office is banking on is that Josh or Al become star level type players alongside JJ tho. Even Crawford kind of counts as a star type , imagine if we had one more player some where around Craw and JJ's skill/imapct, we would definately be an elite contender.
  5. I like the Article, but I dont agree with some of it. For one, I dont think just 50 wins, or the 53 we're on pace for, makes you elite. I think 50 makes you a contender yes. I think 60 definatly constitutes elite, and anything 55 and up puts you in the running. You may ask whats the difference in two wins, well: Both Cle games would be a start. I think that until we can beat the other 2 "elites" we cantconsider ourself in that class. For the rcord, I do believe we can beat Cle, but Orl has our number it seems. However If we could atleast make a competitive showing against them it would suffice.
  6. Josh Smith got his ankles broken by Scalabrine, so much for being DPOY and All-Star. What DOES it take to motivate him, I dunno, but his lack of hustle and effort against a player he should dominate is frustrating.
  7. Mario will be doing the same thing as Othello was, unless the staff decides not to dress either Collins or Morris
  8. I think we would beat Boston in a series, similar to how Orlando did Cleveland last year. Cleveland was the best team in the east, but didnt match up with Orlando. I think we would go 7 games against Cleveland regardless of homecourt advantage as we are an even matcup, and would be lucky to go past 5 against the Magic. Seeding wise, i dont think we need a top 2 seed to be sucessful, as long as we dont face the Magic, we can make it to the finals. 1.Bos 2.Cle 3.Hawks 4.Orl 1.Orl 2.Bos/Cle 3Hawks 4.Cle/Bos 1.Bos 2.Cle 3.Magic 4.Hawks Assuming Orl loses in each bracket, we can handle a 3 or 4 seed
  9. I love that line-up to close out games. Honestly, Bibby is our key on offense, I was geting frustrated at how long he sat when our lead was evaporating, but as soon as he gets in, we stretch it back out. Why? BALL MOVEMENT Marv was solid, was agressive early. Im beginning to believe that he is most effective when there is an obvious attempt to get him the ball, and get him shots. Thats why when we stop moving the ball as much, he always seems to fade away.. It looked like Woody planned on giving him alot of shots early tho and I think it helped his confidence. I have no problem with that strategy either since more often than not he will be on the bench late in the 4th. Smoove and Horf= Rebounds!!! yes!!!
  10. True, but one thing many people including myself said during this offseason was that Boston is going to have to deal with injuries because of age, and its coming true, the same was said about VC and the Magic. The youth advantage is what will help us during the regular season to stock extra wins as the older stars in the league break down often. These teams decided to build around 30+ up's to win, we decided to build around youth, they have to deal with older, slower, injury prone bodies like we have to deal with inconsistent play and decision making.
  11. lol i know right I think this team just had an awakening. Sure it was easy to make excuses for the Cleveland losses, but to come out and lose when everybody was expecting them to avenge the clock mistake is a big reflection on this teams make-up from top to bottom. Truth be told, the Hawks coasted in this game from the begginning. The Knicks werent out of it at any point but we played as if we knew we would win. This loss has to smack everybody back down and show them that to be "elite" you have to compete for 48 mins. No more wasted possesions from anybody, maintain focus and do stick to whatever is working in crunch time. Al Horford was killing Lee but didnt get fed the ball at all late in the game, why? Somebody has to be accountable for that. Joe Johnsons the man, sure, but he shouldnt have to carry us when we have one of the most lop-sided post mismatches we will see during the season.
  12. After further research. Bogut is avg. 15 and 10 this year. thats pretty good. I heard he got benched the other night cuz of a lack of effort on defense so I was basing my opinion on that. Do I think he was worth the #1 pick, nope, but he isnt a bust either. My mistake
  13. That Shelden one hurt the most to me. NObody would have taken him at 5 that year. NOBODY but us. When Marvin came out, EVERYbody said he was the 2nd best player in that draft, so to me anyone would have made the same mistake of picking him there. What surprises me the most is that ppl always bring up Marvin as the bust of 2005, but what about Andrew Bogut???? He's not exactly a franchise center an he was the #1 pick in case ppl forgot. He never gets mentioned. To me, scouts screwed up both of those guys stocks that year.
  14. Ending the year 21-10 would also be the same record we had going into 2009 last season---- Thats not good enough for this team imo. That said, based off our play during back2backs this season, and the quality of opponent, I think we split with them, even if we dont win in the A, i think we will take one no matter what. Something to watch: SHAQ, he makes cameos every now and then and Id hate for him to show up against us. We can take this Cavs team if Lebron is our only problem, but we have nobody to stop Shaq if he starts feeling young again.
  15. Ive noticed that too, he may not be shooting threes but he is starting to shoot from 1 or 2 steps inside the 3pt line at least 2 or 3 times a game as of late. To me this is the same risk but a lower reward if he shoots 20 foot 2 pointers. I think Josh is telling himself thats its ok to take those shots now as long as they arent behind the line, nobody will ride him. He needs to get back into the paint though, fast.
  16. I guess this makes since. Im reminded of our 2007-08 squad that had no bench and struggled through the year, but was able to push Boston to 7. Why? We had a tight 7-man rotation that didnt allow the likes of Acie, Solo, Jeremy Richardson, and whoever else to see the court come playoff time. Our current starting 5, Chillz and Zaza were really pretty much the only players we used unless it was the 4th quarter of those blowouts in Bos. Id say his assumption is accurate
  17. I think I found our Achilles heel Before last year, it was just winning period. Last season it was winning on the road. Well this year im noticing a pattern: Back to backs!!! We have played 8 back to backs so far (16 total games). Whether it was the 1st or 2nd game we are 10-6 during b2b's, we are only 5-5 in our last 5 b2b series!!!. and have only won both games twice. We have not lost both games yet. We only have 8 losses on the year, so that means 75% of our losses come during back to backs. It may seem like nit-picking but I think this is a trend we should watch, Our team is still learning to win at a high level and the main goal this year was to win on the road. Well it seems one weakness is finding a way to get energy on nights when we know we have to catch a flight or are tired from the day before. Its somethin worth discussing. Again: 20-8 overall= .714 10-6 on b2bs= .625 10-2 any other time= .833 5-5 during our last 5b2b's= .500- this worries me because as the season wears on and our legs get heavier and heaviers, this might pick-up, Be on the watch for when we lose our first b2b Series (both games).
  18. You know, I can really agree with that statement, Woody is an awesome defensive coach, I mean he has shown a lot of creativity when it comes to our defense, always trying to maximize our strengths, he didnt start the whole switchin thing until 07-8 i think based off out personnel, He found a akward yet slightly effective way to hide Bibby on defense last year (is it just me or is Bibby actually playing better Defense this year) The thing is, as creative as he is on the defensive end, he is equally mundane on the offensive end. The reason our offense is so good is because the players have improved the little things like offensive rebounding, passing and taking better shots, Bibby having more chemistry on pick and rolls with Smooth and Al. I see improvement from Woodson but I still see that he has a comfort zone that is tough for him to break and I bet other coaches notice it too. Woody is doing a good job overall, but is it enough to take us to the top? thats what Sund is trying to figure out before we lock up long term money in Woodson.
  19. i think that the team and Woody both have grown during these years. ppl continuosly say that our record has gotten better each year but I dont give woody all the credit for that. when you consistently add talent to the roster, you better be improving no matter who the coach is. I think Woody is average and there arent many coaches AVAILABLE who could do much better than him. I like that Sund did not extend him yet because Woody needs to prove that he can coach at an elite level. This is the most talented roster we have had in a generation and if we underachieved it would be on the coach. Nobody here would be happy if we gave Woodson a new contract but the team played the same as last season. Its obvious both woody and the team are motivated and that is perfect. If we can keep up this high level of play through the all-star break then I think he should/will get an extension so that we can prepare to head into the playoffs without distraction. in the end, i have more faith in Sunds GM skills rite now than Woodsons coaching, because in their time with the Hawks, Sund has overachieved while Woodson has just been average.
  20. Well, in that case, Hawks in 2009,10,11 etc., Falcons in 2010
  21. Hawks, for some reason I have found the Hawks more enjoyable to watch this year than the Falcons. I have always been a much bigger Falcons fan though. I want the Falcons to win out and finally get back to back winning seasons but I doubt they can make it to the playoffs let alone make a run once they get there. The Hawks however are at the start of what seems to be becoming a beautiful ride. I feel this team can hang with anybody and I am ready for them to prove all the doubters wrong and knock off the Big 3 in the East come playoff time
  22. lol yal are a trip. as for the question, I realistically see Horf having a 25% chance of making it. his competition after Dwight is selected is: Chris Bosh-same reasons as stated before (he may be used as a PF/C) Brook Lopez- yes his team sucks but like Josh, he has league wide recognition as an up and coming star, thus his USA hoops invite this summer, plus he has the numbers to validate a selection. Shaq- Good thing the fans dont pick the bench or he would be a shoe in right now, but even still, with the number of votes he does have, the coaches might feel the need to pick him. He definately does not deserve it this year but he has been a lock for the game every year since forever and the coaches may be tempted to stay with the norm. If the coaches pick on the basis of who is the the best remaining center on the best remaining team in the East after Dwight Howard, then Horfords the pick. If they decide on who is the 2nd best overall center in the East then Lopez is the pick. If they choose by who is the best player who can play mins center then its Bosh, if its who do the fans want to watch the most its Shaq.
  23. Based off of record alone the Grizzlies would be 9th in the East, not taking into account that they would play less competitive teams more often so yeah, they could realistically be a playoff team in the East. That said, I hope the Hawks handle their business, I cant stand watching us lose to inferior teams, and at home there is no excuse at all
  24. I have no problem with that if thats the case. What I take issue with is the way he states it, he suggests that EVERY player will be held to that standard when in fact they arent. Id prefer him to just come out and say "Joe, Bibby and Craw are vets and I will allow them more lee-way. Guys like Teague and Morris will have to prove themsleves to me each night". I dont like when a coach says one thing and does another, id rather him be real and admit to what we already notice night in and night out.
  25. Is it just me or does Woodson's theory sound like ish bull??? I read it again today in an ajc article about Morris and I just keep thinking, "why doesnt this apply to everybody?" then I answered my question with,"because it cant, sometimes players are off and you have to let them play throught it." prime example: JJ and Craw can do no wrong to Woody What if rookie Lebron or more realistically Branden Jennings was on this team now coming off the bench behind somebody, and for every mistake he made he was pulled out the game??? the answer, you will never know what a player can do unless you let him play. Now, we have seen the bench a lot more as of late, and I think its great but I think its more to do with the score and quality of opponent than pure trust. Its not easy to give every player minutes, but thats why you make all that money as an NBA coach, to manage minutes, DEVELOP TALENT, and ensure that every player is giving their all every minute they are playing and not just the younger ones on the bench. Boy, I really cant wait to see the day when Woody yell's at JJ for poor play, but it will probably never come. Again, I do see that the bench has played more as of late, but can he keep it up for the rest of the year?
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