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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. They could have made a new version of the MLK's. A home white edition with the same design. They could have rode it out a little longer. They really missed the boat by honoring the least successful Hawks era's on one jersey lol
  2. Cannot believe this organization fumbled that in favor of these 404 mistakes
  3. Cam for Grant would have been amazing. Seems like a pipe dream now. Looks like Schlenk was treating Cam as a big contract with hopes of shedding his future dollar amount by bringing back a guy we have no plans to pay. Grabbing Grant would have been more expensive AND redundant since all of our money would be tied up at the Forward position and Dre's payday is also on the horizon. However, I'd much have preferred trying to figure out Grant's fit on this roster than Simmons. He is just as versatile defensively while being able to space the floor offensively
  4. Cam had no leverage to make trade demands. He has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his short career. He is a rookie on his rookie contract. He isn't Harden, Lebron, Kyrie, etc... This narrative just looks weak to me. No doubt he requested out, sure. There were PLENTY of suitors in the offseason, he should have been gone before the season if we were caving in to demands. Schlenk wanted heads to roll and he found his first scapegoat. The organization is pushing that info to the press so they can cover their butts. "He didn't want to be here and we didn't want anyone that didn't want to be here" Ok.... it took 40 games to realize this? You obviously weren't holding out for the best possible trade. They wanted to shake things up, Cam was an easy target especially because this Simmons deal is going to drag along if it ever does happen. He just wanted to strike fast and he did. That's all it is.
  5. We lost when took OO out. Didn't need JC and Gallo both out there. OO was about as hot defensively as anyone has been lately. Knicks started knocking down shots as soon as he sat.
  6. I don't accept the locker room, trade demand stuff as a valid excuse. There is no situation in the NBA more toxic than Simmons and the Sixers. If they can be patient and wait for the right deal then we could have too with Cam. At this point I am convinced that his value around the league was not as high as we believed it to be. I am convinced the Knicks knew this and that's why they pulled Grimes off the tables at the last minute. They probably had whatever "intel" was floating around and decided to leverage it against us assuming we had no back up plan. In the end, we did not HAVE to move him. If he was toxic then you tell him to stay home and fine him with conduct detrimental to the team. It clearly wasn't that bad, so we should not have felt obligated to move him. Again, players are unhappy all the time, but that does not force your hand IF they are truly a commodity. Cam's value had to have been plummeting for Schlenk to accept this deal after playing hardball with our assets for so long.
  7. Frustrating if that comes back to haunt us. 4 point swing for sure. Got to have the players backs coach .
  8. I would have liked to see a challenge there. If it was just a foul maybe you let it go. But a bogus foul and you give them points, no sir, you have to challenge that.
  9. We considered it, and then realized that it was not true
  10. What this team needs isn't some savior. If you look at talent, experience, fit, and contracts; this roster is loaded and balanced. What we are lacking is between the ears, and in the locker room. We are about to shake things up just for the sake of guys not working hard for one another, while not getting much better talent-wise in the process. Mid season deals between teams that are looking to improve that same season are usually grass is always greener type deals. It's a swap of my bullsht for your bullsht. Whatever we bring in is not going to move the needle too much when you consider what we are going to have to ship out to get it. Hope I'm wrong, but I'm prepared to be disappointed.
  11. I don't see Simmons fitting in this lineup in a way that will make us all happy. I don't know that he is worth what they are asking for, just for us to destroy our roster build. Clint can't be traded and I already have doubts about our potential with him in the lineup. Simmons and Clint on the court together is tough to overcome spacing wise no matter who is around them.
  12. I don't disagree with your facts, but at some point we have to realize that last year was last year. There has been next to no carryover trends from coaching on down. Prime example, losing at home. We lost like what, 4 or 5 straight games at home in the exact same fashion this season. There were no adjustments that actually showed up in the form of results on the court.
  13. Cam and Dre are like best friends and reportedly INSEPARABLE off the court. I wonder if Cam was so unhappy, what does that mean about Dre, with whom Cam would have been confiding in this whole time?
  14. Cam is a volume kind of guy. Imagine if we already had a star player when we drafted Trae and told him that he had to not only play without the ball, but he could only get 10 shots a night. Remember Trae's shooting % before this season and apply that to coming off the bench and playing off of another player who gets to hunt 20+ shots a night and finds another 20 or so looks for his big men each game. Then there is a log jam at the same position. Im not saying that Cam is Trae, but what I am saying is that he needs a TON of shots for his efficiency to climb to even respectable. He is not a pure shooter, but he can get hot and put up buckets when allowed to miss a couple and still get the ball back. I think with an expanded role and focus on him, he is easily a Brandon Ingram type player. But as long as he shares the court with multiple guys that are ahead of him in the pecking order, he won't get the kind of volume attempts that will make him worth your while. I don't see that happening in NY. He needs to be on a rebuilding team that will let him play through his mistakes and get him the ball.
  15. Literally, WTF did I walk in to today. I was so pissed after the game last night that I shut down all my basketball news until just now out of sheer boredom. I tried to keep up with this thread and everyone's takes. Here is mine: Cam was expendable to me. But not for nothing. I felt like he was the best bargaining chip that we had available based on upside and ability. I thought he was worth way more in a package deal for a big time player than what we got for him straight up (and Solo) I am not particularly worried about him going to NY and killing it, mainly because he has always shrunk in the presence of RJ. RJ makes Cam turn in to a Beta dating back to their Duke days. I do not expect this to change now. My money is on Cam going off against us every time we play him for the rest of his career, but that's about it. Until he gets a shot to be the main guy, he won't ever reach his full potential. Doesn't look like that will be he case in NY either. Thibs will totally unleash him defensively though. That much is for certain. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. And good for him if so. Either way, I'm not happy about this at all. All this chatter about teams calling for Cam over the last year or so, and this is what materialized.... yikes.
  16. That's how they are being coached. Jent needs to change his philosophy. These guys are programmed to sink down and show a crowd. Teams know this and are not only finding open shooters, but the shooters are ready with confidence as soon as they see their defender leave. Shift over to the passing window, catch it clean and let it fly. Every team has unlocked this strategy against our defense. We keep preaching effort but guys need to know from the coaches that they can stay home on shooters.
  17. Miami will never forget that 50 piece he hung on them. Spoelstra will not let him get comfortable like that again.
  18. At least we didn't give up 70 in the 1st half. Heck, we managed to keep them under 60. I don't like that OO sat so long. Him and JC were putting in great minutes together in the 1st quarter and I don't think they shared the floor after the first substitution. Dre is ready to get his spot back from TLC. He looks good on both ends.
  19. Refs are really bailing out the Heat tonight. They are not calling that same contact equally. Heat allowed to play physical, but not us.
  20. Bench blows the lead AGAIN. This is beyond a broken record at this point. It's not just the offense. Their defense is just as poor. Heat shooting with confidence
  21. Exactly. Of our last 2 drafts, 3 players (JJ, Coop, Mays) are stuck in the G-League, and the #6 overall pick can only get real minutes when Clint goes down, otherwise he barely plays 15 mins a night. I cannot see more rookies coming in and getting a real shot to play and prove themselves. We full right now lol
  22. It is, but we have less and less space for rookies to actually come in and contribute. And we are already super young. I think they would be open to adding in young vets more so than hording picks that wont see the floor for us as currently constructed.
  23. Maybe the on court play calling will improve with Nate back. I know he likes to empower the guards but, especially with the bench unit, we are a team that settles a lot. Trae is great in that environment because he can make something out of nothing. But the other guys are not. So having more organization and definition would be great for the whole. I know ppl think our offense isn't the problem, but the truth is that we suck in transition defense which stems from turnovers, long rebounds, or just missed shots in general. Teams also get a lot of points in short spurts against us do to momentum shifts. We have to stay out of transition. Any improvement to the QUALITY of offensive possessions we get will have a major effect on our defense.
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