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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. So Wright can return before JC, OO and JJ because he got sick at the right time after the new rules. That's just so stupid on the NBA's part not to make it retroactive. Cats on the same team been out 10 days watching their teammates return after less than a week.
  2. Great comeback win tonight. We needed that to stop the bleeding and potentially springboard us as we start to see more guys return next game
  3. Possibly. Cam still may go in protocols before then. The spread has slowed but it hasn't stopped. Trae, Huerter, Lou, Gallo, Clint, Cam, TLC, Cooper, and an outside chance for OO as the 3rd would be day 10 for him. Bogi and JC along with Wright, Dieng and JJ still another week away. That's 2 starters and 2 more of our top 10 rotation.
  4. Non of these rule changes matter if they aren't retroactive, which by all previous evidence suggests they are not. Our guys went in to protocols under the old system. They aren't getting out unless it's under the old system. The league does not give a flying f about the Hawks, their record, or their fanbase. These rules are not meant to help us, only to prevent other teams from going through what we have been through.
  5. Lost amid all of this pure and utter hypocritical BS, is the fact that we have a roster full of 10-Day players who for the most part, have come in playing hard and carrying themselves with the utmost professionalism. These guys will all likely be gone in another week. But they have all earned my respect. It's not their fault that they were caught up in this cluster-jerk of mismanagement by the league office. They deserve credit for being ready, competing hard and generally making the most of this opportunity. I wont make anymore jokes about these dudes. I appreciate them wearing the Hawks uniform with pride. I wish them well once their contracts expire.
  6. How bad does this free fall go? 15-20 before we play the Blazers next Monday with hopefully more guys back? Do we turn it around at Sacramento on Wednesday? We could be 6 games under .500, just like we were last season, before we get most of our team back. But here is the messed up part. We WERENT playing good basketball even before Covid attrition. When will this team ever hit it's stride again?
  7. God we are regretting that Clint extension. Dude played above his head for 1 season. He wasn't even a difference maker for us in the playoffs. He is useless and a liability in the 4th quarter. Im voting him off the island.
  8. Capela is garbage. He fell off a cliff this year. He is un-playable on both ends right now.
  9. That's my issue with Cam. Unforced errors. You cannot let him create offensive with that loose dribble.
  10. Capela has fallen off defensively. He was already an offensive liability. He is become a net negative player at this point. He can't space the floor, he can't pass, and he can't knock down free throws. He was only useful as a dominant defensive player, and he is NOT that anymore. OO is going to take his spot, or at least he should. OO can at least knock down free throws and move around on defense.
  11. They are living in our paint. Can't wait to get OO back again. Cant win games if we can't play defense.
  12. I just know that somebody at the league office needs their ass kicked.
  13. This is all BS at this point. I need TS to grow a pair and stand up to the NBA. He is trying to play by these biased rules and sacrificing actual games in the process. We should have shut ourselves down a long time ago. Screw everyone else.
  14. Truth. The best thing for the Hawks organization is to skip the games and allow for players to get healthy and rest. All we are doing is getting more people sick by continuing on. Just stay home until guys can play again. League can eat shit at this point. They obviously don't care about quality of product.
  15. How is there not more players coming out of protocols? Most have been out the 5 days. If the new protocols are not retro-active then we are getting screwed AGAIN by the lack of urgency and leadership.
  16. We put up 63 points. Im not tripping over the offense or Cam's touches. I'd rather he pick a star player wearing a Bulls uniform and apply some clamps. That's what would impress me right now. These dudes playing like we not even out there.
  17. We about to give up AT LEAST 120 even if we come out with a good defensive 2nd half. Offense aint the issue. We can't stop a runny nose (pun intended).
  18. I remember people telling me Zach Lavine didn't play winning basketball. I remember folks saying Derozen was done after he left Toronto and couldn't help a real contender. Ah well, at least we have Cam and his euro step we can brag about.
  19. We can't defend anyone it seems. These guys seeing nothing but the bottom of the net on every shot
  20. Just expect the worst please. I cannot deal with this perpetual onslaught of BS. Trae wont play until he plays. Even if he comes back, EVERYONE else is still out. Who will he pass to when teams trap? Just let it go and accept our cruel fate.
  21. Fock the NBA right now. Focking ridiculous they have the nerve to play on as if our ENTIRE roster isn't out. They have screwed us over one too many times for my liking.
  22. There are plenty of talented guys with NBA experience still out there Jeff Teague, Mike Scott, Jhalil Okafor Brandon Goodwin, Kris Dunn Those are 5 guys of top of my head that are familiar with the organization and have logged meaningful NBA minutes. There is still Harry Giles, Rondae Hollis-Jefferson, Aron Baynes, Bismack Biyombo, Quinn Cook, Jared Dudley (retired?), Matthew Dellavadova, Myers Leonard, Dante Exum, etc.... Cleary all of these names are trash and not long term guys, but the point is they have more to offer than some of these cats we have never heard of before that have never sniffed an NBA arena.
  23. Can we literally not find anyone better than these create a player dudes off the streets?
  24. Correct, the Atlanta Hawks having 90% of their opening day roster out is not a concern for the league. We have to suck it up. Anybody else and the season would be paused
  25. We wasted our own season even before Covid decimated us this past week. We had no business being where we were record wise, losing games the way we were. This Covid thing sucks, but we shot ourselves in the foot this year.
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