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Everything posted by RedDawg#8

  1. Do they not realize that we will lose EVERY player on our roster to protocols if they don't shut us down? Our locker room is compromised at this point and it's just a matter of time before Cam, Bogi, Delon and whoever else has been avoiding it so far tests positive next.
  2. Who is guarding RJ ? Would be nice to contest his shot. Bogi passing up a free throw line jumper is no bueno if we are going to compete today
  3. I truly feel bad for Trae Young. He has missed out on the Olympic team, the NBA bubble, the All Star game in his own team's city, got injured in the ECF with a chance to put his team up at home, and now he has to sit out his first ever Xmas game. And lets be real here, the NBA is not going to just give us another Xmas to make up for it. This may be it for a while knowing them. Just shit luck for the kid and us the fans of the Atlanta Hawks
  4. RJ is starting. Fournier just laced like 3 3pointers in a row on the move during warmups. We might want to put a hand in this guys face to start the game.
  5. Cam has been getting Son'd by RJ ever since they were teammates at Duke. Hopefully today he can get his and show why he is (allegedly) the better NBA prospect between the 2
  6. At the rate we are turning up positive tests no way we have 8 available players tomorrow. We are losing an average of 2 guys a day it seems. I understand we are supposed to make an honest attempt to sign replacements but at this point, I say we ride it out and if we are still above the line tomorrow morning we just have Cam and Delon rule out due to injury complications. Boom, 7 players left, game canceled.
  7. My thoughts exactly. They should have shut us down already, we have new cases literally every day. Obviously it's out and spreading amongst the entire team
  8. Trae will have long returned under the current rules by time the NBA even meets to vote on changing protocols Still doubtful for Xmas .
  9. Cam can't really stay healthy either. That's why it's still a toss up between them. In 3 seasons including playoffs, 114 career games for Cam, 102 for Dre. Not enough difference to create space. Let's hope Cam is able to play in 2 days.
  10. Maxey is the lone exception. He plays hard all the time, looks like he has the greenlight with Embiid off the floor
  11. If you take away him rebounding his own missed layups he probably averages less than 10 rpg.
  12. I don't care who we are missing, look at the no names on the Magic and tell me why we should be losing by 20. This is not a well coached team...... again. Don't know what happened, but they make basketball look hard..... again.
  13. Rife is a true point guard. There is a better flow with him out there. We have to stop playing combo guards at the point and wondering why we can't get clean looks in the half court.
  14. Make our free throws and we would be in front right now. 5 points left at the line already. Those add up.
  15. Every name that gets added to the protocols is just as likely to miss the Xmas game (and beyond) Even Trae is still at risk of not playing, though he has the best chance to test out of it in time. Nate better be thinking long term here and not just stop-gap solutions. We have to field a competitive basketball team for at least another week without 5 main rotation guys
  16. This season has been a small disaster. And its about to blow up on National TV for Xmas
  17. This. We were under no pressure to have to extend him. We already had his replacement in OO waiting and we had Clint for 2 more seasons while OO developed. His extension was the only one I scratched my head at this offseason. I think everyone else who got paid is performing up to par with their new deals.
  18. I just want Trae for Xmas. This is the biggest regular season game we have had in decades. He is the ONLY reason we got the spot. He has to play. Please don't screw this up NBA
  19. Yo, shout out to the young man, soon to be husband. Congratulations Ice!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CXke3zkMmv3/?utm_medium=copy_link
  20. Meanwhile our "too small and light to hold up for 82 games in the NBA" superstar is just cruising along. Luka is having weight and ankle issues now too. Sometimes I wish experts would really stfu when they make their evaluations. Im a bigger guy so Im not going to fat shame anyone. But certain sports are not meant for heavy bodies. Basketball and Soccer are those sports. You can be big and find a home in football. You can be a chubby relief pitcher in baseball. But not basketball. It's never going to go well.
  21. I don't know where this belongs but I just have to say, I'm really lamenting not getting Anthony Edwards. The kid is a bonafide stud on and off the court. He would have been perfect next to Trae, both personality wise and as a secondary star. Heck, they would be 1a and 1b most nights. He is hilarious, and a natural in front of the cameras, which would have allowed Trae to be his more chill quiet self instead of the main face. Its all a fantasy at this point but I would have traded 2 of our young wings and the 6th pick to go up and grab him. Our back court would be set for life. Flame me
  22. I know Kirschner takes a lot of heat for being a prick, but damn if he doesn't give some of the best insight in to this team. Hate him or love him his coverage is as good as it gets.
  23. Hopefully this kills the noise on here that he is down in the G-League pouting and playing poorly on defense on purpose. Maybe, just maybe, he is a young player and genuinely just sucks on defense right now. Let him get his reps in so he can grow his awareness and BBIQ.
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