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  1. Why would they not play in playoffs ? Maybe you are confusing two facts : you have to be cut before or on Mar. 1st to be able to sign with any team and play in playoffs if the team goes there, but you don't have to sign before or on Mar. 1st, you can wait for it. Sure you will loose some money, but if you need some days to decide and don't need money like lots of veteran... For example : - a player A cut on Mar. 1st or before (eg Feb. 25th), once he clears waivers (48h), can sign with a team when he wants to (eg. on Mar. 25th), and play in playoffs with the team - a player B cut on Mar. 2nd or later, once he clears waivers, can sign when he wants to (eg. Mar. 6th), but won't play in playoffs. Player B can't play in playoffs, not because he signs to late (he signs before player A), but because on Mar. 1, he wasn't cut.
  2. So, sorry to end all the hope now, but it all come to an end, not from the 226,484 Vs 180,929 fight, but from a new info : 100,000 of Hinrich Unlikely Bonus have been turned into Likely Bonus once he was traded to ATL. It would likely mean almost 20 days more to wait, and maybe more than 30 if Sham is correct on the Wilkins part.
  3. Some news : two people (Sham included) come to 226,484 as 36 days of $1,069,509 / 170 = $226,484 (based on his salary without reimbursement of the league for the difference between a 2-year veteran minimum contract and his) The other two, Dunkenstein and me, still don't get it, and Storrytellers still has the same numbers I got.
  4. Hi again, so there was some mistake on my side, by not adding the two days of waivers at the end of the first period and error on the number of days (both Dec 3rd and Jan 5th are included). It makes 36 days instead of 33. On the other hand, I got 98 days from Jan 8th to April 13th, while it's 96 days, so less. In the end, without my errors, I get a one more day. 36 days for 180,929 (Sham has 226,484) 96 days for 482,478 (same than Sham this time). Sham made me realize the error on the first part, but we still don't have the same numbers, and I am waiting for a new answer from him. At this moment, my numbers gives us the opportunity to sign someone not on Mar. 2nd (tomorrow), but on Mar. 3rd (Thursday).
  5. OK, I will ask them directly. I will come back as soon as I get the answer.
  6. Hi, I could be wrong (Storrytellers would be also), but I think we can sign a player starting tomorrow. This is how it works, and it the difference comes from a supposed error from Sham : We are talking about cap hit regarding luxury tax, and not salaries, so it's based on 854,389 for Wilkins (even if is paid more). Shamsports has Wilkins at 226,484 for Dec. 3rd to Jan. 5th, then 482,478 for the two 10-days and the remaining part of the season. I don't get the same numbers : I have 33 days from Dec. 3rd to Jan. 5th, then 98 for both 10-days and the remaining part It makes 165,882 and 492,530, so a total of 658,382, exactly the same amount "Storytellerscontracts" says. Unless Storytellerscontracts and I made a mistake, and Shamsport is right, we can sign someone starting tomorrow, because of : 70,307,000 Tax threshold - 70,089,489 tax cap hit = 217,511 854,389 x 43 days left / 170 days for the regular season = 216,110
  7. We don't know if it's $3.6M TPE, because since ATL have Bird riights, they can sign him up to 10.5% decrease, which means that with a 34M/5yrs, he can start at 8.6M (with less than 5M in year 5) and give a 4.3M TPE
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